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Looking For Love
What does it mean to be looking for love? What kind of love are you looking for and from whom. What I mean is that there are all kinds of love. The love you feel for your significant other, the unconditional love you get from your kids, the love you feel for a certain kind of food (chocolate?), or even the love that comes from having a pet.
Let's face it, looking for love can mean all sorts of things to different people. But if your looking for the love of another person to share your life with, then what do you do?
You can go out with friends and hit the bars, but bars are notoriously bad places to meet the love of your life. Sure, you may meet someone and hit it off, but as most of us know picking up someone in a bar and living in a state of happy bliss the rest of your life with them is very realistic. Now if your looking for someone to just have some fun with maybe the bar route is a good idea.
One of my favorites is the blind date. These are usually set up for you by friends, co-workers, family members, etc. The problem here is what they may think is a good match is probably not what you are looking for. Nobody really knows what you are looking for other than you. Sure, they say you will like this person, or you two will get along just fine, but until you meet them you just don't know, and that can be kind of scary.
Of course there is the old tried and true just meet someone doing something you like because at least then you share that in common. This isn't necissarily true if you meet them at the grocery store because we all need to eat. If you're both reaching for the same frozen pizza you could say you have that in common, but is that something to base a relationship off of.
If your looking for love and I mean really looking then you need to find someone that you can share your every want and need and thought and desire with. Someone compatable with who you are as a person. In the past this was largely a hit and miss proposition, but with the advent of online dating services it has become much easier to find that special someone.
If you think about it an online date starts out as a blind date but you actually get to know the person before you ever meet them. You are also matched up with people who fit the description of the type of person you would be most compatable with, which takes the stress out of meeting someone who shares more than one thing in common with you. You know, just because you meet someone at the gym doesn't mean that they share your same interests other than being in shape.
The online dating world provides a simple way for those who are looking for love to find it. No more trying to meet someone on your own or through friends and co-workers. No more blind dates with someone your best friend thinks you'll hit it off with. A dating service is about the closest you can get to finding the real love of your life without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. Or does being set up with Gus from your mom's office sound like a better proposition.
BONUS : Looking For Mrs. Right
We all know that every man would like to say that
he met his Mrs. Right. That special, perfect
woman that every man dreams to have. But does
this really exist? Or it's just in the
imagination of many men on how she should be.
This is the key subject for many men, hoping that
in one day they will find her.
But isn't Mrs. Right looking for Mr. Right also?
A young man, well educated, smart, good looking
and in good shape is what shes dreaming of. So,
you should become Mr. Right to attract her. You
should start by making a list with all your flaws
because we all know that nobody is perfect. Take
a long hard look to your list and ask yourself
how flexible you are.
If youre currently not attracting the kind of
person you want in your life, perhaps its
because youre not the kind of person theyre
attracted to? So if you want to attract your
perfect match, become someone who is desirable.
Many of us are waiting that some day this special
woman will come to us. But this is really wrong
because someday you can find out that the woman
you really like gets married. So you end up alone
just because youre looking for perfection.
If you meeting someone who is almost like the Mrs.
Right you dream of, start building an ideal
relationship with her. You must consider that she'
s the one because maybe such a perfect woman as
you wish doesn't really exist.
To not fail into your relationships you must pay
attention to two aspects: get clear on who she is
and get clear on who you need to be. Don't start
pushing her to be exactly how you like your Mrs.
Right to be. This will make her feel hurt. You
know well that she's not exactly the girl in your
dreams, probably has some flaws, but keep in mind
that nobody is perfect.
Most men have a long list of the things they are
expecting from a woman. But, in this world it is
getting harder and harder to meet Mrs. Right. So,
if you meet somebody you feel attracted to, you
can try and see that you can find happiness with
It is true that all men would like to have the
perfect woman that will trigger the envy of his
friends but you can be proud with your woman even
if she's not Mrs. Right. She can be very
interesting, a wonderful woman which if you don't
know to appreciate you might lose her. She will
be Mrs. Right for another guy.
To have an ideal relationship it is not enough
your partner knows you very well and she makes
only what she knows you'd like. It is very
important to learn to love yourself. Giving and
receiving love is the key of all the
relationships. If youre happy, and you love life
then you will have so much more to give to others.
Youll become an exceptional person. Your life
will be great.