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Let S Meet For Coffee

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LetÂ’s Meet For Coffee

LetÂ’s face it, potential dates will not jump on the hood of your car as you speed down the highway from home to work and back. You have to slow down, step out of your comfort zone and really put some effort toward meeting people in order to make the dating scene seem less like a torture chamber and more like the fun it is meant to be.

But once you have an exciting prospect there is a whole new set of dilemmas. And delights. If you are like most people when you find an interesting person to date, a billion questions tramp across your mind. Should I act as interested as I truly am? Should I try to remain aloof? Will it scare him or her away if I bare my soul in the first ten minutes? Should I pace myself and introduce my passions slowly?

Since there are plenty of dating books but no real manual out there, these will continue to be legitimate and timeless questions. Unfortunately the answer to all of them is simply this: you have to trust your instincts with most things when it comes to dating.

However there are a few questionable aspects of the dating scene that you can eliminate simply by setting a few subtle boundaries. To insure a comfortable beginning and attempt a peaceful middle while leaning toward a happily ever after to any date (especially the first date) you must have a strategy. Most people will agree the first date is the most awkward simply due to the fact you donÂ’t really know what to anticipate. That is also the great fun of first dates.

Taking the guesswork out of one part of the first date trauma (or drama depending) it is a great idea to simplify that first “date” by meeting for coffee during the early evening or mid day. Not only does that give you an opportunity to escape in as little as fifteen minutes if the experience is perfectly dreadful, it allows the date to last as long as it needs to if things are rolling along nicely. And caffeine can be as effective as alcohol when it comes to loosening tongues and inhibitions!

One certain way of enjoying your first date is by being honest and attentive. If rejection is the one thing all humans fear the most, acceptance has to be the one thing everyone longs to experience. Be kind, courteous and respectful even if you donÂ’t feel the date is going the way you wanted it to go. Sometimes the person who does not fit our instant criteria is actually a genuine compatible match for us.
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BONUS : Loneliness As A Key Factor In Dating Scams

In the course of my interactions while researching the romance scams, a 45 year old grandmother, told me of her dating troubles and how she was scammed of well over $3000. Her husband passed on a few years ago, and she had been living in a big house all alone.

According to her, she was very lonely and needed someone to talk to heart to heart. She said that even in the midst of friends, family and other relatives, she felt a deep void in her life, and she needed her own man to share her life with.

Given her status as a widow, she felt that the online dating scene would give her some measure of anonymity, while at the same time serving the purpose of bringing her in touch with the right man that she wanted.

That was why she signed up with an online dating service. Three months later, she had lost some thousands of dollars to a scammer.

But even with the fact that she was scammed, she has still been actively looking for a mate. According to her, she is lonely, and she would do anything to solve that problem.
As such, she has continued with her search for a partner online.

Now, hers was not the only case I came across .I know of quite some women, who got into the online dating scene because of loneliness. For most of them, they preferred to date any available person, provided he could giver them the attention they so craved, than live alone by themselves.

For example, a lady, who is 44 years old, and with 3 kids, is insisting on dating a guy who is half her age, all in the name of curing her loneliness. She has persistently refused to yield to appeals to reconsider her stance. To her, she is no longer lonely, and that is all that matters.

Many women are in similar shoes, although the situations and persons involved may vary. All the same, it appears that loneliness is a key factor that is driving many thousands of people into the online dating scene.

And this loneliness factor is one of the emotional needs of people looking for dates online, that scammers prey upon to operate successfully. They do all that they can to give maximum attention to their targets, and go the extra mile to attend to them. They send flowers, clothes, chocolates and other gift items on ordinary days, and on special days too.

As a lady put it to me, given that most of her family and friends hardly remembered her even on her birthday to send gifts or call her, getting such overwhelming attention from a man she met online in this manner, even if he was largely unknown to her, meant a lot to her. It made her feel much needed and wanted again, after her recent divorce.

The problem of loneliness has caused many men and women in the United States and other Western Countries to lose millions of dollars monthly to dating scams. And the scams are still going on up till this moment.

The best way to deal with the scams is to educate yourself about it so that you can prevent it from happening to you or your loved ones.

If you are still faced with the problem of loneliness and you wish to get a partner through Internet dating, then you need to know how to solve that problem, and how to meet the right persons online.

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