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Kissing Tips Advice

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Kissing Tips, Advice

We've all had those moments where we were with someone we liked and somewhere on the back of our mind we kept wondering how do we kiss that person? Do we ask them? Do we just go for the kiss? Do we wait? If so, how long?

These questions can be quite discouraging due to not knowing exactly what to do next to bring yourself closer to that special someone.

There are, however, a few key steps and signs that we can watch out for and do to increase the probability of bringing ourselves closer to that special someone.

For guys:

When you're out with a girl on a date and you and her walking around or just talking, you have to understand that you're the one who has to make a move! Girls are told by society that they have to be passive and receptive (not as much after shows such as Sex and the City). Thus, she is expecting you to take charge in escalating the touching that will eventually lead to a kiss.

When you're out with her, be the first one to take her hand! Taking her hand is the first step towards bringing yourself closer to her. If she's comfortable, you can escalate non-intrusive touching a little later, such as touching her shoulders or hugging her. As you progress doing this and watch her grow more and more comfortable with your touch, you have much better chance of kissing her successfully, rather than just going for the kiss out of the blue. When you built this kind of touching comfort, get her and yourself into some sort location where two of you could either sit or stand and talk comfortably. As two of you talk, start stroking her hair softly and look into her eyes. If you feel that she's comfortable with that, move in closer and closer. If she doesn't withdraw, go for the kiss, since if she's comfortable with you touching her hair and standing so closely, most likely at that point she already wants to kiss you anyway. If she withdraws or acts weirded out, relax for a bit and continue building comfort with her. Resume normal conversation and try again later.

For girls:

Usually girls are viewed as the ones who are kissed, rather than the ones that kiss. It's really a matter of personal preference and personal set of beliefs as to how you want to go about this.

Most guys are very shy about kissing a girl for the first time, so you might try to make him feel comfortable by accepting his touch or even initiating non-intrusive touching yourself, such as holding his hand or hugging him and being close to him. If he feels like you're accepting him and enjoy his company and being close to him, he'll most likely go for the kiss.

If you want to kiss him, it's going to be rather tricky, since some guys might feel you're too aggressive to hang out with. If he's super shy, you can simply tell him you want to kiss him, and let him kiss you. This way you preserve his male ego and still get kissed :)

For both:

Kissing should be light and bring pleasure to both partners. Don't rush too fast and start shoving your tongue down his or her throat. Just relax your tongue and softly touch your partner’s lips and tongue. Just barely touching, almost sliding. The kiss should feel light, yet passionate. As two of you get comfortable kissing, you can progress to more aggressive and deep kind of kissing, such as French kissing. French kissing is essentially the kind of kiss where there is lots of tongue and sucking action.

Conclusion: Just let if flow and let it come to you naturally. Build touch comfort over time and when the time is right, try to move closer to your partner so that the kiss can naturally happen. Visit Kissing tips, advice for more information.
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BONUS : Kissing Tips – For Guys

There comes a moment in our life when all of us
have to deal with the first date, first kiss,
first girlfriend. This is something unavoidable
and someday will happen. But for guys, and not
only, this can be very stressful and annoying
because they don't know how to handle the
situation. If you have your first date with a
girl that you really like, and you make a bad
impression for the beginning, your date will
definitely be screwed up.

So you have to make a good impression from the
beginning if you want to have a second date with
her. But, what happens if you don't know how to
kiss her and when is the right time to do it?
There's no problem. Using some kissing tips you
will see that you will get her in your arms
faster than you think, even if now you are a bad

Make this moment special; take her to the
paradise with your kiss. Learn how to do this, if
you want to have success. Here are some kissing
tips that might help you.

The first kiss should always be done while the
two are alone; privacy is very important, because
it will help you to avoid embarrassing situation.
The first kiss has a big intensity if you two are
alone and nobody is staring at you or disturbs
you. Be sure that you are ready to kiss the girl
before you make the move, it is not only a mental
thing, but also a physical thing as well; if you
are nervous try thinking at other things to calm
down. Relax and be confident, how to have success
with your kiss if you are tensed.

Choose the best moment to kiss her and for that
pay attention to her eyes. A woman's eyes will
always betray her emotions. When your eyes meet
and neither of you seem to be able to look away,
is the perfect moment to kiss her. Beware of
moving too quickly, start with small, regular
kiss and just after a while you can go further.
Which is very important, don't ask the permission
to kiss her. You may cup her cheek with your
hands gently, use either one hand or two hands
depending on how confident you are; now her mind
know what you plan to do.

For success in your kissing, make sure from the
beginning that you have a good breath; it is very
important to wash your teeth before going an o
date, also you may use a gum or mint if you just
ate something out there. Make sure that your lips
are soft and your mouth is moist; so run your
tongue over your lips once before you kiss, it
will be a more pleasant experience. Close your
eyes just before your lips meet and tilt your
head slightly in the opposite direction of your
partner. Also, don't drool all over her mouth
while kissing; women don't like wet or sloppy

The secret of being a great kisser is to keep it
simple and sexy. Use your hands to hold her face,
show her that you are in control, and make this
moment unforgettable, it can be a real pleasure.
Avoid excess of saliva, it is true that some
saliva sharing is unavoidable, but too much is a
definite turn off. Also, be a tease; women love
to be teased, so let her know who is in control
by driving her crazy with your kiss. You must
know when to slow down, so let her dying for more.

A kiss is much more than a simply touching lips,
it is a expression of love, desire and passion.
Move your whole body towards your partner and if
she is responding press your chest towards her,
then your waist and finally move your lips ; feel
your partner's rhythm and match it. Learn to use
your tongue skillfully while kissing circling the
tip of your partner's tongue with your tongue
gives both partners a real pleasure. Gently move
the tongue in, exploring the inside of the lips.

Everyone likes to be kissed in a different way:
some like soft slow kissing, others like more
wild action, so you need to find out which is her
favorite. You can start with regular, simple kiss
and then go further to French kiss and so on. If
this is the first time you kiss her and you are a
little nervous, you should try the simple kiss
with closed lips, which is also a hello or good-
bye kiss, but for moment is ok. But the
preferable is to try the regular kiss with the
open lips – open your mouth slightly and place
your lips over her lips; breath throw your nose;
as your lips met, press them gently over your

If you think that you can go further, try the
French kiss, which involves touching your tongue
with your partners. You can play with your tongue
by circling her with your own, be inventive and
have fun. Also suck kissing can be very seductive,
but not all the women like it. Nip kissing has
to be done carefully and only after you kiss the
girl a few times before; while suck kissing bite
her lip gently but watch out to not hurt her. No
matter which kind of kiss you choose, show some
passion; this indicates desire and comes from
within; if you are relaxed and follow your heart,
you will be lost in the kiss and you will make
this moment special.

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