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I Don T Even Know Your Last Name But Let S Hook Up Teen Relation

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I Don't Even Know Your Last Name, But Let's Hook Up! : Teen Relationships

The times are changing. I have come to the conclusion that old fashioned dating is a thing of the past; today’s youth have turned to casual and random “hook ups.”

Teens are in such a hurry to grow up. As the mother of a teen daughter, I have seen this first hand and it is frightening. Parents want the best for their children, but how do we protect them from the unhealthy consequences associated with random hook ups.

Excuse me, but ladies you need to have a little self-respect here.

In high school, dating has been replaced with random hookups that in turn result in meaningless relationships. What happened to taking things slow and getting to know one another? Young girls feel a need to have a boyfriend. They are unable to be independent. It is low self-esteem along with a need to feel loved by a male figure that leads girls into these unhealthy relationships.

Unlike when I was a teen dating, young men now no longer need to earn a girls respect. There is no longer any courtship. A young lady meets a young man and the next day there already boyfriend and girlfriend. What happened to the date? What happened to dinner and a movie and the hope for that kiss good night.

I guess I've been "out of the dating scene" for a long time. Courtship appears to be dead. What ever happened to the dating that we knew in high school? Girls need to look at Grandma and Grandpa. They are the reality of true love. Honestly though, the person they’ll be spending the rest of their lives with is most likely not going to be found in grade nine.

They may feel that they’re in love, but it is too early to be thinking of making that boy a life partner. There are many more fish in the sea. Teen girls shouldn’t be in such a rush to grow up. These are the years that they should be enjoying life, because one day they are going to wake up and look back on their teen years with regret. They’ll be thirty-seven years old with sagging breasts and a big behind. They will look in the mirror and say, “goodness what happened?” At that very moment they’ll long for the teen years that are now gone.

It’s okay to have crushes, but girls need to forget the steady relationships and if they do find a boy they like, they need to slow down. Take time to get to know him. Teens need to recognize the consequences of random hook ups and not getting to know a person. According to a poll conducted by NBC News and People Magazine nearly 3 in 10 (27%) thirteen to sixteen year-olds are sexually active. While some teens may realize the consequences of being promiscuous, many teens are not taking the measures to protect themselves. Sadly, random hookups represent today's culture, a culture where courtship is dead.

It's a scary thought, but if courtship is dead, what does this say for the future of marriage? Today’s teens will be tomorrow’s adults. Marriage, here today, gone tomorrow.
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BONUS : I Have Kids, Should I Tell My Date?

Yes, yes, and yes! Let your date know you have kids on your first date. If your date can’t accept the fact that you have kids then this is a red flag that you should not go on a date with this person. Your kids are part of who you are, if your date has a problem with this then they have a problem with you.

Kenneth says to himself, I really like Sharon, and I know she is single and has no kids cause I overheard her tell her trainer Irene at the gym that she doesn’t. I really want to ask her out on a date, but I have four kids that I’m raising on my own and I don’t think she’ll like me when she finds out. I’m not sure what I should do.

Sharon says to herself, there’s this guy I met at the gym his name is Kenneth. I really like him, he always seems to know the right things to say and is so polite! I’d really like to go out with him. I just don’t think he’ll go out with me. I’m feeling guilty because I lied to my trainer Irene the other day and told her that I don’t have any kids. I actually have three children. I told Irene this out loud so Kenneth could hear what I said and maybe he might want to date me. I’m not sure what I should do now. I’d really like to go out with Kenneth. I just don’t know how I should tell him about my kids.

How do I go about telling my date about my kids? You can tell your date about your kids by using some of these tips:

1) Invite your date to pick you up for your date at your home and introduce them to your kids.

2) Consider making a meal for your date at your home and have your kids take part in the meal. This is the perfect opportunity for you to introduce you date to your kids.

3) During your date while making conversation, let your date know you have children. Also take the opportunity to find out if your date has children as well.

4) If you correspond with your date via telephone or email prior to seeing each other in person, let your date know you have kids.

You say, I told my date that I have kids and they don’t want to go on another date with me, what should I do? Do nothing, consider yourself lucky that you found out that your date does not like kids. You didn’t need to be with that person anyway. Good ritenance to them. Just move on! Date someone who will accept you and your kids, that’s more important.

The sooner you let your date know you have kids the sooner you can get past this issue if it becomes a problem. The whole idea of dating is to date someone you are compatible with and who will want you for who you are no matter if you have children!

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