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How To Write Your Next Personal Dating Ad

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How To Write Your Next Personal Dating Ad

Writing your dating ad is an important first step in the dating game

For each regular or online dating service you join, you will have to write a paragraph or two about yourself. This is the information that your potential dates will read, and the way your write it can make the difference between lots of responses and none at all. If youÂ’ve never tried writing a personal ad before, or your previous ads havenÂ’t generated much of a response, try using these five useful hints next time round:

1) Make a list

Before you begin writing, make a list of the things that are most important to you. Split it into two sections; words that describe you and what you are interested in, and words that describe what youÂ’re looking for in a date. Use these lists as the basis for your personal ad and remember to focus on the things you do like rather than the things you donÂ’t.

2) About you

What are you interested in? Theatre, music, football, cars, running – whatever it is that makes you who you are. Focus on things that you can do with your date – going to gigs, Saturday night clubbing, sailing or walking. These all give an indication of the type of person you are and the fact that you want to attract someone who shares your passions.

3) About them

This is your chance to say what youÂ’re looking for. Whether you specify height, age, smoker or non-smoker or the interests youÂ’d like to share, you need to be sure that the descriptions you use will attract the sort of interest youÂ’re after.

4) Sell yourself

Your personal ad is your own personal sales brochure. Use it to tell people what you have to offer and why they should get in touch with you. Whilst you donÂ’t want to tell all at such an early stage in the dating process, you need to give enough information to spark some interest, and hold back enough to make them want to know more. Use positive language and maybe even some humour to encourage a response.

5) Draft and check

Never just write a personal ad off the top of your head and stick it online. Always write a draft and then ask someone you trust to read it and make comments. YouÂ’re not an objective observer here, so choose someone who knows you, knows what you want and will tell you honestly if your personal ad reads well.
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BONUS : How Can I Stop My Divorce

How Can I Stop My Divorce

A lot of people going through rough times will ask the question, "How Can I Stop My Divorce?" There is no real catch all answer or solution to the question; each marriage and each person is different. There are some mistakes that are very commonly made, however, and from these we can learn what needs to be done to win back a partner and avoid mistakes.

The first common mistake is that a person will give lines that are meant as reassurances. Saying that you will be better or that things have changed. This sort of line is rarely believed. It sounds desperate and truly insincere, and makes you appear weak in the eyes of your partner. It does not matter how sincere you are or how much you think they want to hear it. "I have changed' will not stop my divorce!"

What will work is to not say anything. There will not be much that will convince them or reassure them. Actions are what are needed. Do not say that you have changed, actually change. You should be strong in working with you partner, and do the things that are needed to fix your relationship.

Another mistake made is to engage in emotional blackmail. Saying "I love you," is an obvious line, that makes it seem that you are attacking their weak point. That phase is one of the most powerful of phrases. It carries with it so much weight and power, that it is something that should not be used lightly. It should definitely not be used to try and fix a failing marriage.

How can you convey your love then? You might ask how you can "stop my divorce" if you never say "I love you?" You should not say "I love you" when you and your partner are in a weak emotional state. Save the line for when the marriage is mended. Otherwise, you will tax your spouse emotionally.

The next big mistake to make is to argue. "If they see their hypocrisy, that will stop my divorce." Techniques of reason to change your spouses mind, or attempting to guilt them to your side, is destined for failure. One wants to be right, and convince your partner that you are right, or you want to point out the failings of your partner. This sort of thing will only push you farther away.

The fix is to not argue. Do not enter into an argument, and do not start an argument. All that will do is add to the problem. "How can not fixing the problem stop my divorce?" The root of the problem can only come to light if you remove the competition and need to win.

"So, how can I stop my divorce," you may ask. The short answer is to not attack and to use actions over words. It will be through being strong and making changes that things will change. "Words will not stop my divorce, logic and reason will only hurt, I must act and solve the problems without lip service."

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