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How To Tell If He Or She Is A Keeper In 15 Minutes Or Less Dating

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How To Tell If He (or She) Is A Keeper In 15 Minutes Or Less (dating And Relationship Advice)

Has this ever happened to you?

You meet someone, the chemistry is right and the future is looking good. Soon you find yourself really caring for this person. But after a while you start to realize that there are some things about them that just seem to bug you. All the attention was flattering at first but now seems domineering and controlling. Or, what at first appeared to be modesty is starting to look like they really have no self-esteem at all. Maybe what you took to be a little quirkiness at first is starting to look like a full blown dual personality!

Wouldn't it be nice if you could find out right away, with a quick, easy and reliable test, if your friend or lover has personality traits that will doom your relationship?

Well, you can find out right away – in as little as 15 minutes – by getting a short sample of their handwriting and analyzing it or having it analyzed. There are 50 or more personality traits that show up in handwriting, some of which are extremely useful in determining their emotional and sexual compatibility with you.

Determining a list of personality “Hell Traits” is bound to be somewhat subjective. After all, what may seem like a terrible trait to me might be just your cup of cappuccino. But after asking a number of people, this is the list of personality traits that we suggest you screen for in the handwriting sample:
o Jealousy
o Dual personality
o Emotionally withdrawn
o Low self-esteem
o Excessively sensitive to criticism
o Lying
o Anti-social
o Hot temper
o Domineering
o Selective listener (closed minded)

Investing a little time right up front could save you months of heartaches. Why would you trust your heart to someone without first knowing if their personality is one that you can live with?

Did You Know:

o Handwriting analysis has long been used extensively in Europe, where… it is routinely used as a hiring tool by an estimated 85% of all companies (Dun's Review).
o The FBI, CIA, and major metropolitan police departments use handwriting analysis to solve crimes, identify stalkers, suspects, select juries and convict criminals. Prosecutors who won a death sentence for Scott Peterson hired graphologists to analyze prospective jurors' handwriting during the jury selection process. The prosecution's ... effort ended in victory when jurors sent Peterson, 32, to death row in December. (Modesto Bee)
o You may have also seen it used on Discovery Channel specials, CSI, Court TV and other popular television shows. Tarot and astrology testimony is not allowed in court, but handwriting analysts testify frequently in all types of cases.
o Handwriting changes over time - depending on what is happening in one’s life - but a person’s handwriting will always reflect their core personality traits and tendencies as well as the current situation.

Sex Drive and Handwriting:

You may be surprised to know that the nature of a person's sex drive also is revealed in their handwriting. And, it can be amazingly accurate. Handwriting Analysis can tell you if a person:
o Has a normal, healthy sex drive
o Has a strong sex drive and sexual imagination
o Is sexually frustrated
o Is independent, a loner
o Has trust issues around sex and intimacy

More Info on Handwriting and Love:

How do you get someone’s handwriting analyzed? Most cities have people who specialize in this line of work, and they often do forensic analysis and document examination as well. The yellow pages is a good source for finding these professionals. Most libraries have books about graphology and handwriting analysis, so you can always go there for reading material. The web has many sites that offer information or services in this specialty. Our site has some particularly effective and easy to use reference materials as well as a “Hell Trait Report” that allows anyone to identify potential problems before they become too involved.

copyright 2006
Phil Billitz
4 Quarters Technology LLC
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BONUS : How To Use Feng Shui To Improve Your Romance Luck?

There are specific Feng Shui techniques that you can use to improve your relationship with others (romance included).

But what is Feng Shui? It is an ancient Chinese metaphysical discipline that studies how the environment affects a person’s luck in life particularly in the areas of wealth, health and relationship.

There are many schools of Feng Shui and they each have their special techniques to improve relationship luck. I will share with you a very simple but potent formula that can help you to improve the quality of your relationships with others.

This formula is taken from a system known as the Eight Mansions or Eight House which is more than 1200 years old. This system works on the belief that all of us have favorable and unfavorable directions that are influence by the prevailing directional energies that were present when we were born. These favorable and unfavorable directions affect us throughout our life and our fate can be improved if we sit or sleep in harmony with these directions.

Are you ready to take the plunge? The first thing that you need to do is to determine your ‘Kua’ or ‘Gua’ number. This number can be computed using your date of birth and sex. To make the process of determining your ‘Kua’ number easier, you can simply refer to the ‘Kua Chart’ at Read your ‘Kua’ number of the chart. Take note that it depends on your sex.

There are altogether 8 numbers that range from 1 to 4 and 6 to 9. Find out of ‘relationship’ direction by referring to the list below.

If your Kua is 1, your ‘relationship’ direction is south.
If your Kua is 2, your ‘relationship’ direction is north-west.
If your Kua is 3, your ‘relationship’ direction is south-east.
If your Kua is 4, your ‘relationship’ direction is east.
If your Kua is 6, your ‘relationship’ direction is south-west.
If your Kua is 7, your ‘relationship’ direction is north-east.
If your Kua is 8, your ‘relationship’ direction is west.
If your Kua is 9, your ‘relationship’ direction is north.

Let me illustrate with a couple of examples. If you are a male born on 1st July 1957, your ‘Kua’ number is 7 and your ‘relationship’ direction is north east. If you are a female born on the 15th March 1977, your ‘Kua Number’ is 1 and your ‘relationship’ direction is south.

How to apply the formula? To improve your relationship luck, you should re-arrange your table, chair and bed to face your ‘relationship’ direction.

Let’s say that your ‘relationship’ direction is north. Re-arrange your table and chair, if necessary, so that you are facing north when seated. Your back would then face south. This is quite straight forward.

The sleeping direction is a bit different. It is not the direction that you face while lying in bed. Instead the direction is taken from the crown of your head. If your ‘relationship’ direction is north, then you should sleep in a north-south axis with the crown of your head pointed at north and the base of your feet pointed south.

Did I tell you it is simple? If you have tried everything and are not getting the desired results, why not give it a try? Then wait a few months and see if it works for you!

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