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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dating Married Women

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating Married Women

Fifteen percent of married ladies play the field. That means 45 million American females are available for an “on the side” relationship. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of dating married women?

One of the first things that you will find when dating married women is that you’ll get some of the best sex in the world. Women willing to have an affair aren’t looking for love or romance. They want a physical outlet. Because they are committed to the sexual, not emotional, aspects of the relationship, you will probably find this is the best sex you’ll ever have.

There is also an element of secrecy when you are dating married women that adds a certain touch of spice to the relationship. Perhaps you will meet at a motel at lunchtime or go away for the weekend. However you meet, there will be an element of “getting away with it” that adds a certain luster to the event.

Further, because this relationship is about sex and the married woman you are dating is not free to really get involved with you, the relationship will not have the emotional entanglements that other types of dating relationships have. The woman will not expect you to get involved in the details or dramas of her life. In fact, the opposite is true. The more you know, the more she risks being found out. So, she is likely to keep your affair compartmentalized.

When you are dating married women, you will not have to invest a lot of money in the relationship. Aside from the costs of a cheap motel, you will not have the normal dating expenses. You can’t take her to a restaurant as she may be seen by someone she knows. And, you can’t buy her gifts and jewelry because her husband would be suspicious.

One final advantage to dating married women is that single women may find you more attractive. After all, if a married woman is willing to risk her marriage for you, you must be something special. You’ve got the whole “alpha male” thing working for you.

Of course, there are a few disadvantages in dating married women as well.

One is that your partner’s husband may find out about the affair. If this happens, there are a whole range of possibilities. He could insist that she end the affair abruptly. She could find herself facing divorce. And, in rare cases, husbands have been known to commit violence against their straying wives and their partners.

Another problem is that you fall in love with the woman with whom you are having the affair. If she is not in a position to leave her husband, you may end up heartbroken.

Finally, there is the moral dimension to consider. It is rare to see a woman for any length of time and not develop some emotional attachment to her. If you are dating married women, you run the risk of breaking up a family. What started as a casual affair might end up having lifelong consequences for your friend’s children.

When you meet a woman who wants to have an illicit affair, you have to consider the advantages and disadvantages to dating married women.
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BONUS : Advice For The Big First Date

Everyone feels a mixture of excitement and nervousness when they consider going on a first date. There are perhaps few times that people desire to make an impression as much as they do on a first date. While there is no way to remove all of the fears that go with first dates, there are some simple ways to make the experience less stressful and more enjoyable.

First of all, it is wiser and important to be careful about who you choose to go on a first date with. Everyone agrees that the purpose of dating is to get to know someone, so while you do not have to not a lot about a person before taking them on a first date, it is helpful to at least know something of the person you will be sharing the date with. If you do not know them personally, be sure that one of your friends or family members knows that person at least a little. You will save yourself time, energy and perhaps disappointment by choosing wisely who you will share a first date with.

Another bit of advice about a first date is to agree to do something that you both enjoy. There is perhaps nothing worse than going on a first date only to hate the activity you are doing. If, for example, you hate bowling with a passion, then perhaps agreeing to bowl on a first date is not the best choice for you. Doing something you do not enjoy may hinder your ability to enjoy the person you are with, which is, after all, the whole point of the first date.

Remember that the first date is not all about you. Start right from the beginning by showing genuine interest in whoever you are with. Everyone loves it when someone asks great questions and seems to genuinely care about their life. If you have trouble thinking of questions off the top of your head, perhaps it would be wise for you to think of a few good questions before you head off on your date. Do whatever it takes to show the person you are with that you care enough to ask them questions.

You can never know if you will really enjoy the person you are with or if you will feel comfortable with them until you get into the first date, so make sure that you have given yourself good boundaries for your date. Put a time limit on the date right from the beginning so that you know when the end is near. This is especially helpful if the first date turns out to be less than ideal (which, unfortunately, happens more than you might think).

First dates, when done well, can be a great first step in getting to know someone great. So take your time and do first dates with care.

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