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How To Sizzle Dazzle Women With Powerful Posture Presentation

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How To Sizzle & Dazzle Women With Powerful Posture & Presentation

James Bond is not just another guy who gets his way across with the most beautiful women in the world, with just “Dry Martini, shaken and not stirred”. There are a few important lessons which Sean Connery and later Pierce Brosnan have taught us. Exuding supreme self-confidence and style in every step, form part of their overall bearing and behavior. Like Bond, you can also take the following tips, to make your presence “felt” as a man that spells charisma and exudes “control”.

1. Say Cheese, often!
Laughing only during a joke session or a funny movie is not what a woman looks for in you. Look yourself in the mirror and try to put on your best smile and see how that simple act changes the way people treat you. A genuine smile brings about a sense of comfort, all-is-well-with-me kind of feeling on your face and ensures that there is something deep down inside which makes you happy. This sheer realization rubs off on your date and she obviously would love to spend more time with a happy and secure man!

2. Give pauses when you speak
Never speak in such a hurry as if you have to catch a flight the next minute. Intersperse your sentences with adequate uhms and ahs. Give reasonable pauses in between – you will not appear foolish, rather intelligent and thoughtful, as if you mark and mean every word you say. Take a breather, before any word or point, where you wish to lay stress on. More than the content of your soliloquy, the style sometimes carry more weight.

3. A clumsy walk is extremely disgusting
Your personality takes a new meaning by the way you carry yourself physically. The gait, the strides all make up your overall deportment. Walking with your body slumping forward, shifty eyes when you talk make you look lazy, insecure, nervous and too laid back. Remember the army command, stomach in, chest out, chin up. Of course I don’t want to make you look like a stiff dummy toy soldier, by when you walk with your spine erect and chin up, quickly and with definitive steps, stand or sit down without leaning too much forward - it all boils down to making you look confident and smart. A man who knows where is he is going.

4. Make up your mind what to do with your hands
What you do with your hands and body movements are important signals which you give out to the world. Do not move in jerky, shaky movements. Loosen your limbs and try to move in circular motions. Learn to relax as you move your hands and body, as if you were painting or acting out a poem. Surely do not pose as a dancer, but be as fluid and relaxed as is possible, without appearing effeminate.

5. Stand tall, stand erect
Most men do not look very confident and sure of themselves when they are merely standing. Fiddling with their mobiles, fidgeting with their nails, crossing their arms all throw up images of a nervous, indecisive and closed personality. Find out your own style, that you are most comfortable with yet appears charming. Amazing yet true, the men who pose on front covers of fashion magazines, do speak of an extremely confident and macho persona. Why not take a few lessons from these photographs? It is crucial to look calm, collected and in control, even when you are standing.

This article may be re-published with appropriate attribution to the author including name and website © Copyright.
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BONUS : How To Spot An Online Dating Scammer

There are many scare stories in the media about people who got conned and ended up sending cash to people they met online. If you’re new to online dating, though, it may be hard to believe that there are people out there who make a living out of abusing the system and scamming people out of money. Luckily, it’s actually quite easy to stay safe and avoid being scammed. Here is some useful information to refer to ensure a safe online dating experience.

Too good to be true?

As a general rule, if somebody’s profile looks too good to be true, chances are it is.
If you spend any time at all on dating sites, you will have seen them – women who look like underwear models who describe themselves as “God fearing, caring, loving and submissive”. Their hobbies usually involves activities such as cooking and cleaning. The men describe themselves as “honest” and “gentle” and their pictures look just as posed. Their descriptions are usually full of lists of adjectives, obviously taken from a dictionary or a thesaurus, coupled with declarations of wanting to find true love.
You may get messages from people like this, often using overly-affectionate terms straight away and declaring their undying love to you. Usually their level of English would be quite poor. Such messages sound like a dream, but sadly a “relationship” like that is more likely to turn into your worst nightmare. Be very wary. Underwear models and well-off businessmen/male models are not likely to act in this way both online and off!

Never send money

Not all scammers are as obvious as the ones detailed above. Unfortunately, with people becoming wiser, scammers have had to change the way they work. Nowadays, some of the pictures scammers use can look like perfectly normal people.
The telltale sign is usually their actions. A scammer wants your money and sooner or later will try to get it off you by means of a sob story. Usual stories are of women trapped in hotels and needing to pay the bill before they are allowed to leave, stories about owing money to shifty businessmen and stories about wanting to come and meet you in your own country but not having any money.
In all cases, it’s highly advisable to never send money to anyone you’ve just met online and be highly suspicious of sending money even a few months down the line.

Report and ask for advice

Any reputable dating site will have a moderating team in place who are there to keep the site safe. It is in their interest to keep scammers off the site. If someone has approached you and you are not certain whether he/she is a scammer, contact the site moderators and ask. They will not report your question to the other user, but have access to all of that user’s messages, so will be able to tell if the person has been “working” other people at the same time as you. They will also have more experience at dealing with scammers so would be able to spot them quicker.

Be Cautious, be reasonable

Sometimes when you have been chatting to the person you think is your perfect match, it’s easy to ignore the warning signs and refuse to believe this person is trying to con you out of money. This is why you should take extra care and listen to the advice of someone impartial. It’s better to learn the bad news before you part with your money and not after.

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