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How To Obtain The Benefits Of A Free Online Dating Service

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How To Obtain The Benefits Of A Free Online Dating Service

The newest trend for getting in touch with singles for dating and friendship purposes is through a free online dating service. A method of meeting people proven safe, easy, convenient, and successful!

According to a recent article written February 14, 2005, outlining research conducted by the University of Bath in Bath, England, old-fashioned romance can successfully be found over the Web using free online dating services.

Latest Research Results on Online Dating

Dr. Jeff Gavin conducted the study along with fellow doctors Adrian Scott, also of the University of Bath, and Jill Duffield, of the University of the West of England. Together they surveyed 229 people between the ages of 18 and 65, all of whom used online dating sites.

Their findings? 94% of all persons who met their online dating counterpart once also met them a second time, and went on to establish relationships that lasted at least 7 months.

Survey results also showed that couples who remained in contact through the dating web site via the chat room, instead of simply e-mailing one another, bonded closer together and understood one another better than those who did not.

Making Free Online Dating Services Work for You

Simply put, joining a free online dating site can successfully put you in touch with the man or woman of your dreams. And the best part is, these type sites offer you totally free online dating. No strings attached!

Also noted in the same study, a full 24% of all persons who dated through the online dating site, established close relationships still going strong after one year. That is nearly one out of every four relationships. A high percentage by anyone’s calculations.

Make your free online dating site work for you! Sites such as Link offer a safe method to meet other persons with similar interests. Each member’s profile is available for viewing, helping you discover possible candidates for long term friendship, or even romance.

Voice and video recordings can be added to profiles, greatly enhancing the experience. Guidelines for using the totally free online dating site’s various features are also available, as well as helpful dating tips for safety purposes and increased success.

Put your best foot forward, but be honest in representing yourself. Avoid cheap dialog and mind games that will rob you of the opportunity to meet sincere members who are truly looking for that special someone.

By joining a free online dating, service you open the doors to possibilities; for romance and friendship, increasing your chance of finding Mr. or Ms. Right. It’s free…so what have you got to loose?
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BONUS : How To Overcome Online Dating Problems

It is exciting to meet someone you met at an online dating service. However, you must practice cautionary measures so as to avoid having problems when you meet him or her.

The following are some guidelines to have a hitch- and worry-free dating.

1. When meeting, do make up arrangements first. Since you barely know the person, do not let him or her meet you from your home.

2. Meet in public places. If it is okay with your date, you could ask another pair or some friends to go with you. If he or she is genuine in his or her interests, this shouldn’t be a problem.

3. If you are having a lunch or dinner in a café or restaurant, you should shoulder half of the bill. By paying half of the bill, you are free from obligations that you have to meet the person again.

4. If you have your own mode of transportation, like a car, you should use it. Do not rely on a date’s car so that you won’t feel that you have to ride with him or her if the date turns awry.

5. Try to avoid alcoholic drinks while having the date.

6. If you are planning to meet your date the second time around, arrange for one and evaluate if he or she deserves to know your personal home address. Never give your address when meeting the person the first time.

7. Do not go to secluded and dimly-lit areas at night. Try staying in crowded places as possible.

8. Try listening to your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, then it would be better that you assess it. If something is really troubling you or is not right, maybe it would be best that you thank your date and leave as soon as possible.

9. Tell a friend your date’s contact details and plans for the date. It might be wise for him or her to check you from time to time. You could also ask some friends to meet you and check up after your date with the person.

11. Remember: Do not ever give your personal contact information to a person you barely know. He or she should understand if you are not giving him or her your personal contact information, at least on your first date.

12. Be alert at all times.

Like traditional dating, online dating has some risks, including safety concerns. To avoid having problems in your online dating, just remember the tips above.

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