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How To Impress Women The Easy Way

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How To Impress Women The Easy Way!

Most men have their own way on how they can attract women. It only requires some moves to impress her. There are some obvious acts in a man’s behavior that makes a man to impress a woman. Look on how a man behaves in front of woman. There are certain approaches that may be observed in some instances. Men know what they want and they do know how to hide those real motives for that girl.

The intention when a man wants to impress a woman can be associated to the feeling that he wants to look good in front of the girl he really likes. The impression that a person wants to build up on himself is always good traits on his personality. The best behavior of a man can be seen in these situations where his bad side is set aside to establish himself as the perfect choice for that girl.

When a person is trying to impress a target woman, he tends to be the best that he can be. He may tell only “cool” things that can capture the heart of a woman. Sometimes he may act a little nervous and anxious in moments when he is with the girl. Men are good in getting the interests of the woman, especially on the things they want to hear and have. These can be misleading sometimes. Women can get a little tricky on what they say and tell.

Others seem to back-pedal on some comments, where the girl do not believe or do not like what he said. Some changes their perspective even if they know that it is right and true. They tend to be a little careful on their statements especially when the topic is about them. It can be too risky if the person tries to make some teasing or making comments about the girl. These acts can be a little over the edge at times, because they are too obvious and many women see it like more of an old-fashioned style.

Here are some tips where a man can impress the girl of his dreams:

1. A man should ask questions about the girl. He may share his dreams and failures to get the attention of the girl. The man may realize that the girl is sharing her experiences as well. There could be some point that the girl is open to answer questions relating to the person’s own interests. This is an indication that she may fall into the person’s way of conversation.

2. A man should show some interest to the stories that the woman tells. Listening to her is very important to get her attention. This means that the man is willing to understand and sacrifice for the girl. This is good way to impress a woman. Avoid talking too much about adventures and achievements. Most women do not want themselves to sit all night listening.

3. A man should always be presentable. Most women are notorious when it comes to fashion and accessories. If a man wants to impress this woman, he must put some style and be attractive enough to get the attention of others. Know the fact that girls will treat a man like their own accessory. If a man knows how to be good-looking and how to smell good, the girl has just gotten what she wants on a man.

4. A man should always be a gentle man. He must behave well every time he is with the girl. A man should always practice chivalrous behavior. A man must be attentive on what must be the proper way to treat a woman. He should always take care of the girl and do not forget table manners when a man is dating a woman.

5. Do not forget to have eye contact with the girl. Adding a friendly smile can capture her attention. Be sure that there is no malice that will initiate a wrong impression in her part.

6. He should exhibit a strong personality by showing that there is confidence to the intentions he wants to express. Being jealous to other men can lessen the self-esteem.

A man can impress a woman by not being predictable, a man should always be true to himself and be honest to the girl he likes. It is always a plus for many women if a man they meet stand by his own principles in a very humble way.
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BONUS : How To Impress Your Date With Confidence

Dating can be stressful and nerve wracking. You might feel like you are under a microscope and all your failures and faults are exposed in the open. But you can make things easier on yourself by boosting your confidence. You'll be much more attractive to any date when you exude self confidence plus you'll be able to enjoy yourself more and get much more out of the dating experience.

Since the whole point of dating is getting to know someone better, most people are nervous about making a good impression. Self doubts can creep in - are you smart enough? Attractive enough? Successful enough? That coupled with the threat of rejection is enough to make anyone's confidence go south.

So how can you increase your confidence for your next date?

First off, don't blow the date all out of proportion. It is just a date - one afternoon or evening. The rest of your life does not depend on it, although of course, you could be meeting your future spouse! Whether you are just looking for a fun night out or desperately trying to find Mr or Mrs right, it is best to just focus on the date itself. Take it for what it is and don't put a lot of pressure on the event. Enjoy the person you are on the date with and the meal, movie or whatever - don't have any great expectations other than a fun date.

Go into the date thinking of yourself as a person that has a lot of confidence. We've all seen them, the person that sweeps into the room and turns heads even when they might not be the most attractive or best dressed. If you picture yourself as confident then you will act this way - even when you don't really feel it.

You've heard it before but the best way to have confidence on a date is to be yourself. Don't try to impress your date by acting like someone you are not because you will not have the confidence to pull it off. If you hit it off with your date, you'll be glad you weren't pretending to be someone else as it will only be exposed later and could really much things up for you. Plus it just takes too much effort to pretend to be someone else and you won't be able to enjoy yourself as much. And anyway, why wouldn't your date like you for who you are?

If you feel insecure about yourself, focus on the other person. Become interested in their hobbies, likes dislikes and really think about what they have to say. When you put them in the spotlight it takes the spotlight off of you, plus you get to learn a lot about them. Ask questions and really hear the answers then ask more questions about the answers. Of course, you want to do this in a conversational way and not make your date feel like you are grilling them! While you don't want to talk just about yourself the whole time you also don't want to make it seem like you are avoiding answering their questions. When you do talk about yourself highlight your positive points.

Another way to take some of the pressure out of a date is to do something different instead of sitting at dinner and feeling insecure about coming up with 3 hours of conversation with someone you don't know. Find a common interest, perhaps hiking or bird watching and make that date to do that. This way you can talk about your experiences related to t his interest and it will take a lot of the pressure off as well as boost your self confidence as you will be talking about something you know a lot about!

The main thing when dating is to remember that you are a valuable and special person. Don't feel inferior to anyone and be confident - this will help win you many friends and, maybe even that someone special!

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