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Advantages Of Being Truthful To Your Online Date

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Advantages Of Being Truthful To Your Online Date

Think you found someone who might be your next serious partner online? The long nights you spend chatting and sending each other private e-mails everyday can really get one’s heart skip a notch higher. When you finally set a date to meet each other, are you sure you are confident enough? Or will you fret because you told your online date that you are six two instead of five three in height? Then you suddenly realized you should have been less of a liar on your previous conversations.

Honesty is very important in any relationship. Read over the advantages of being truthful to your online date and you’ll agree for sure.

*Get more people to check out your profile
Not even a psychologist would know that what you have in your profile is really who you say you are. Fill out your profile with an honest detailed description of yourself. Sprinkle it with a little humor about your yet- to- improve qualities and you’re guaranteed that someone will message you in a matter of minutes. The key is to turn your flaws into something funny and forgiving.

*Get a good first impression
A good first impression would mean: “you’re sexy just as you told me you are” and not “I thought you would be three inches taller.” When you tell your online date about your physical attributes, you can count on a second date.

*Lying requires a lot of thinking
Lying, compared to saying the truth, requires more brain activities. It would be obvious if you’re lying if it takes you five to ten seconds to answer a simple question such as, “Are you fat?”

*Gain his/ her trust
Friendships built on sincerity are more likely to turn into a serious relationship. Trust is just as important as love and respect. Being truthful to your online date makes its easier for her to trust her heart to you.

*Strengthen your confidence
Being true to your self shows how you respect your identity. Knowing your challenges and improving your personality would get others attracted to you and would like you as you like yourself.

*Be less burdened
Don’t be pressured if an online date doesn’t have the same hobbies that you have. It doesn’t matter if she likes rock music and you like country music. As long as you have a blast going out, lying to get her approval is not necessary.

You can find true love anywhere, even online. Just be wary and safe when meeting strangers. You might not get your lifetime partner here, but meeting someone that would make you smile and laugh is always life’s simple pleasures.
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BONUS : Advantages Of Online Dating

With the advantages of online dating becoming more obvious all the time, it’s no wonder the industry itself is continually growing. Gone are the days of smoke filled bars and clubs trying to get to know someone. Online dating gives you the opportunity to view a single’s profile before you have even contacted them.

Getting to know someone from the comfort of your own home is an affordable luxury with online dating. There is no guesswork involved either of whether the other person is single, because they are all single. And they are all there to find a compatible partner.

Arrive home from work, login, and check your inbox. There’s no need to wait until Friday night, or Saturday night to start dating. There are no unsociable hours online, it’s a twenty four hour lifestyle.

With no need to dress up as no one can see what an online dater is wearing, there is no need to spend hours getting ready. Comfort is the only concern when dating online.

Every detail of a prospective date is there in black and white. The things they love in life, their desires, and what they want out of life. An insight into someone’s personality is instantly recognisable.

Once someone has found an interesting looking profile, an e-mail or instant message is all it takes to get some possible conversation going. If the recipient likes the look of the senders profile then an online relationship is ready to bloom.

After getting to know someone the first date can be at that new coffee bar that’s in need of a test. A nice quiet date to continue the connection someone has made online. Or maybe an excuse is needed to try out the new restaurant in town.

Evenings out with friends can be spent enjoying yourself again. There’s no need to spend the night trying to find someone to start a relationship with. You will have a new air of confidence about you. And when all your friends find out the “how’s” and “where’s”, they will soon be enjoying the advantages of online dating as well.

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