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Adult Friendfinder The Good The Bad And The Ugly

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Adult Friendfinder, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

First of all, let's define "friend".

Do we want to find an "old" friend?

Lots of websites specialize in helping you find an "old" existing Friend.

These sites are called "classmates", "reunions", "public records" or names along the lines of trying to find acquaintances from way back, from school, the Service or previous jobs.

Do we want to find "people"?

We can use "publicbackgroundcheck", "usa-people-search", "peoplefinders" types of sites for finding people.

If, however, we are looking for love and are calling it friendship initially then things get really complicated.

For the word "friendship" the Web comes up with 46,100,000 replies.

So we should be more specific about what exactly the "friend" word means.

"a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university" ally: an associate who provides assistance; "he's a good ally in fight"; "they were friends of the workers" acquaintance: a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family" supporter: a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library" a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)"

We can now of course rank friends: good friends, intimate friends, family friends ad infinitum. When we then continue to talk about "friends" and "friendship" we soon start approaching the decision we have to make; do we just want to be penpals or do we want to meet face to face at some point in time.

This brings us to the dangerous word: DATING.

Yes, we have now convinced ourselves that we want to date somebody.

Just on the Web or for real? We can now play games based on the fact that most people trying to find dates on the Web are married.

Does that surprise you? Given the anonymity of the Web it is very likely that if I am fat and ugly I don't want to emphasize this fact when I try to attract a date, so temptation is very great to embellish things a bit and to say in my description that I am "Voluptuous" and "Attractive".

Who knows, in all likelihood I will never meet this person anyway and this is only fantasy. Guess what?

I now start corresponding in earnest on the Web with this person I know nothing about. I tell this person all my deepest secrets, except the fact that I am ugly and fat.

After doing this for a while my "Date" says that we should meet in person, because it seems we are really compatible. YEEKS! What now?

Well, you brought this on yourself and you have these options:

1. Go on a crash diet and get a face lift.
2. Forget about this person and try again with a new date.
3. Hope your Date is fat and ugly too so you should take a chance and meet anyway. (This takes a lot of courage).
4. Hope your Date is pretty or attractive and VERY understanding and will accept you the way you are.

(Fat chance). So, anyway, there you have it, some of the possibilities you have when you want a Friend.

One thing you should pick up from this : you are probably better off if you are honest to your future friend or date; it may prevent depression, bouts of overeating and Internet Withdrawal Symptoms.
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BONUS : Advantages Of Being Truthful To Your Online Date

Think you found someone who might be your next serious partner online? The long nights you spend chatting and sending each other private e-mails everyday can really get one’s heart skip a notch higher. When you finally set a date to meet each other, are you sure you are confident enough? Or will you fret because you told your online date that you are six two instead of five three in height? Then you suddenly realized you should have been less of a liar on your previous conversations.

Honesty is very important in any relationship. Read over the advantages of being truthful to your online date and you’ll agree for sure.

*Get more people to check out your profile
Not even a psychologist would know that what you have in your profile is really who you say you are. Fill out your profile with an honest detailed description of yourself. Sprinkle it with a little humor about your yet- to- improve qualities and you’re guaranteed that someone will message you in a matter of minutes. The key is to turn your flaws into something funny and forgiving.

*Get a good first impression
A good first impression would mean: “you’re sexy just as you told me you are” and not “I thought you would be three inches taller.” When you tell your online date about your physical attributes, you can count on a second date.

*Lying requires a lot of thinking
Lying, compared to saying the truth, requires more brain activities. It would be obvious if you’re lying if it takes you five to ten seconds to answer a simple question such as, “Are you fat?”

*Gain his/ her trust
Friendships built on sincerity are more likely to turn into a serious relationship. Trust is just as important as love and respect. Being truthful to your online date makes its easier for her to trust her heart to you.

*Strengthen your confidence
Being true to your self shows how you respect your identity. Knowing your challenges and improving your personality would get others attracted to you and would like you as you like yourself.

*Be less burdened
Don’t be pressured if an online date doesn’t have the same hobbies that you have. It doesn’t matter if she likes rock music and you like country music. As long as you have a blast going out, lying to get her approval is not necessary.

You can find true love anywhere, even online. Just be wary and safe when meeting strangers. You might not get your lifetime partner here, but meeting someone that would make you smile and laugh is always life’s simple pleasures.

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