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How To Ask Out A Shy Woman

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How To Ask Out A Shy Woman

Dating could be one of the most celebrated events in an individual’s life. It is that point in time where a man and a woman get to be acquainted with each other and discover each other’s weaknesses and strengths.

In fact, some studies revealed that dating, which eventually leads into a relationship, makes people feel better and in good health than those who preferred to be single. That is why almost 90% of the adult population in the U.S. is already married, with the remaining 10% planning to marry someday.

However, even if most of the people would rather engage into dating and wish to marry someday, this does not necessarily mean that dating could be very easy. The truth is dating could be very tricky especially for those who do not know the right strategy in asking women out.

Consequently, most men contend that they are having a hard time asking shy women out. This is because shy women are afraid of the consequences that might happen during their date. The problem with most shy people is that they have higher expectations on finding the right person; hence, they fear that the person is not yet the one and that the date might just turn into a disaster.

Moreover, socialization for every shy woman could be a disaster for her. Mere shaking of hands or simply facing their date is already difficult for them.

So for those who want to ask shy women out, it is important to remember about the common characteristics that these kinds of personality exhibit. Here is a list of some tips that you should remember:

1. Try to know the reasons for her shyness

If you personally know the person, it would be better to do some research from her friends or other acquaintance the possible reason for her shyness. In this way, you will be able to plan the appropriate actions in order to deal with her properly.

There are some women who are just shy because they do not know the other person too well, but once they get long with each other, her shyness eventually fades.

2. Single steps journey are much preferred

The problem with most shy women is that it is difficult to let them open up and loosen a bit. This is sometimes associated with the fact that shy women are afraid of meeting people whom they do not know very well.

Hence, one good way to solve this problem is to try to get close to the person first. However, it does not necessarily mean that once you are acquainted with her, it would be easier for her to open up instantly. The point here is that time will tell when the shy person will open up and reveal something about her life. So the best way is to continue making her feel comfortable and impress her by being reliable and somebody she can trust with.

3. Listen well

Most shy women are initiated to feel at ease when they know that the person they are talking with are listening to whatever they have to say attentively. Hence, it is important to listen to all of her sentiments, her inhibitions, her experiences and make her feel that whatever she has to say, you can understand.

The point here is that people love to talk about themselves, so when a shy woman has already started talking, the best way to get her attention is to listen to her first.

4. Get the conversation going by empathizing with her

It would be better if you can show your empathy by telling her with your own experiences, fear, and inhibitions. In this way, shy women will be able to relate to you, hence, they would be more at ease.

5. Try to be subtle all the time

If you think that you can never initiate her to open up, do not be pushy and pressure her to do something she does not feel like doing. It will only make the matters worse.

All of these are boiled down to the fact that dealing with shy women is never easy, but it is not that complicated at all. The only important thing to consider is to take the person’s personality all the time. Try to consider her feelings and sentiments.

By the time that she knows you are someone she can talk with and be with without having to fear of anything, chances are, both of you are on your way to a wonderful and hopefully lasting relationship.
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BONUS : How To Ask The Waitress Out

If a person is attracted to a waitress and would like to ask her if she would like to go out on a date, be sure that the manager is not around. It is all up to the person on how he will approach the waitress. There are instances where the waitress can be busy on her work. Those persons that would want to date a waitress can find it hard to convince the girl because of the hectic schedule that a waitress has.

Asking the waitress out for a date can give the person a hard time. She may want to come but she might not have the time for dates. Here are some ways that can lessen the pressure in asking out the waitress out for a date:

1. A person can get the telephone number of the waitress. Ask for her home telephone number or get the restaurant’s number. The option of calling her first, than inviting her personally can be a good alternative in asking her out. Before leaving the restaurant be sure to ask her on what time she will be at home, this will give the person the idea on what is the perfect time to call the waitress.

2. The person may try to call the number given by the waitress. He must be sure that the waitress would be at her house before calling her. Stay calm and be composed. She might be a little tensed too if she will notice that the person calling her feels some pressure. Ask her on the telephone if she would like to go out with him for a date. If she reject the invitation, do not feel bad there could be other reasons why she could not come on the date.

3. Ask her again if she would be available on a different time. He should have a plan set, once the waitress have agreed to come on a different schedule. The person should tell the waitress what his plans are for the date. He should inform her on what time she will be picked up and ask her on how much time she will be lending on the date so that he may have the idea on how he will maximize his time on the date.

4. If phone tactics does not work, it is more advisable that the person should have the courage to invite the waitress personally. It is a better approach to ask the waitress face to face. It is recommended that the person introduces himself first. He may tell the waitress that he is a regular customer on the restaurant she is serving. The waitress should have an idea on the person asking her out.

5. He should approach the waitress with confidence. He must be sure of himself that he looks presentable and gorgeous when he asks the girl for a date with him. A nice and decent approach with a proper attire would just be enough to convince her. He could make the waitress be impressed on the way he approached her and that might make her say “Yes” on the invitation.

6. If the schedule of the date is already set, he need to make sure that he calls her back to confirm if she will come for the date. If everything is already clear between both of them, the man should come on time for the date.

7. The man should observe chivalrous behavior while dating. Be a gentleman and observe good behavior towards a girl on a date. Even without prompting, the person should be aware of the needs of her date. He should take the initiative to open the doors for her and slide the chair before she sits.

8. A man should also take the chance to know her better. He can ask questions about anything that he would like to know. Girls love to tell stories about themselves. He should take the time to listen and assess if the waitress’ personality is compatible with his. He can try to evaluate the personality of the waitress if he would invite her again. If there is chemistry between the two, they may just end up being lovers after their second date.

Ask a waitress out for dinner is not hard as long as she is free with her schedule. There is nothing wrong in trying to convince a girl out on a date. A waitress, just like any other girl, would like to be treated fairly. It is only right that they should be given the right treatment and attention.

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