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How Do I Ask Someone Out On A Date

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How Do I Ask Someone Out On A Date?

Mike really likes Denise and has been wanting to ask her out for a long time. He first noticed Denise at his local gym two months ago and was attracted to her from the start. Mike has been wanting to ask Denise out on a date, but just doesn’t know how to. He’d really like to get to know Denise if he could.

Mike’s situation is like a lot of people who are interested in asking out someone special, but just don’t know how. Here are some tips to help you ask someone out on a date:

1) Get past your fear of being rejected by someone you may ask out on a date. If you fear that you may be rejected by someone you ask on a date, then you’ll never make it to first base! You’ve got to start somewhere. So, go ahead ask the person you’re interested in on a date. Do it now! If you get an answer of yes for the date, that’s great! If they say no by rejecting your request for a date, move on to your next potential date. Just because someone rejects you for a date, does not mean that the next person will! So pick your head up, and you’ll get that date with someone special that deserves you!

2) When you ask for a first date, try to avoid setting up your first date on a Friday or Saturday. These two nights are usually reserved for more serious dating. In other words, if you’re just starting out don’t start on a Friday or Saturday night until you get more serious about the person you’re dating. You might want to consider going out on a Wednesday or Thursday. These days seem to be more flexible for people during the week. Try to avoid dates on Monday’s if possible. Most people don’t care for Monday’s!

3) After approaching someone for a date, be specific when asking that person out for a date. For example, you could ask the person the following question: I’m interested in seeing a play at our local theater on either a Wednesday or Thursday would you be interested in attending? This question is able to provide the opportunity for your prospective date to have options on deciding if they want to go on the date with you and if so, they can choose the day they want to go on the date and other options such as meeting you at the theater, etc...

4) Consider when asking out someone for a date that you give them a sufficient amount of time for the date to take place. You may want to schedule the date a week in advance. However, you can always go with your gut feeling at the time if you think your prospective date will want to set that date sooner!

5) The best way to ask a person out is in person. You have the opportunity to see the person you’re wanting to date face to face and observe their body language and facial expressions.

Using some or all of these tips to assist you in asking for a date may help you from having no dates to having dates. Mike decided to ask Denise out by using these tips and they’ve been a couple every since their first date! They found they have a lot in common and enjoy each other’s company. Mike was glad he finally found the nerve by using these tips to ask Denise out on a date. Denise was glad he did too!
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BONUS : How Girls Can Tell He’s Interested

Around 85 per cent of couples who just had their first dates remarked that before they were even introduced they were already sending signs of attention and interest to each other. These are couples that did not come from first dates, rather, tried to communicate first and see if they click. It usually begins when either one of them making contact with the eyes, a hint of interest floating in the air.

The big question is: How does a girl find out if a guy is showing interest in her? Basically, that question is also answered by a set of questions. Is the guy responding when there is an attempt for conversation? Does he return back the smiles? Is he showing any flirtatious signs? Enough imagining the past girl, there are tell tale signs to look for to know if a guy has really the hots for a girl. A guy is interested in a girl if:

He gazes at the girl’s eyes longer and more intently than he would when talking to others. The trick is to make eye contact for a short time, then he looks back again and this time longer, lastly, he turns his head to the girl’s direction but not looking at her directly. From the side of his eyes, he’s actually checking if the girl is still looking back or waiting for him to gaze at her again.

He is showing more engaged actions when just trying to show or reach for something; he leans forward when he talks to girl or just when listening for her to say something. He touches the girl’s hand when stressing a point while talking. Even imitates the girls actions and gestures while making a conversation and perhaps to lessen edginess he amuses himself with touching his earring, blending his coffee, playing with a part of his clothing, fixing the hair, etc. He makes sure he looks his best when the girl approaches

He uses flattering comments and mixes humor to everything he says just to see the girl’s smile with a beam whenever he talks to the girl, well, appreciates even the girl’s silly jokes.

He asks detailed questions, as these exhibits curiosity specifically with the girl. Even when he’s not present, his friends often pay attention to the girl’s moves and whatever she says. This is a sign that the guy has already talked about the girl too many times with his friends, arousing their interest in the girl too. Shows himself off by helping others with carrying extra bags for other persons. Take note: this is done when he knows that the girl can see him.

It is kind of hard to read all the signs, so here’s a summary for girls who do not have all the time to be keen with the signs:

1. Lifting of Eyebrows. A guy’s eyebrows rise and fall quickly upon seeing an interesting girl for the first time. (Hey girl, lift a brow if you’re interested too.)

2. Slight jaw drop. It may not be a nice sight, but the mouth slightly opens during first acquaintance.

3. Seeks attention. Guys have the tendency to be over acting just to stand out and get the girl’s attention.

4. The nose. Take a closer look girl; notice that as his face beams, the nostrils get big.

5. Strikes a pose. After gaining composure he budges into the typical machismo guy position with parted legs, one hand on the side and probably the other in a pocket.

6. He becomes self-conscious. This will be touching his forehead, pinching an ear, or rubbing the chin.

7. Fashion conscious. It starts with smoothing the shirt or pants along with the collar and the belt. On more formal occasions, it will be fixing the tie.

8. Secret friend. He would use the starting statement “one of my buddies want to know if you…” Oh, he’s just trying to play secret admirer dear.

9. Aside from the raised brows during first meeting, a guy exaggerates arching both eyebrows while saying something.

10. Lastly, the killer sock fiddling. Not familiar? Believe or not 99.9 per cent of psychological studies confirmed that if a guy adjusts his socks in front of a girl, he is so interested with her.

Please note that the effectiveness of these acts differ from person to person. That is because each individual may come from communities with a more traditional or contemporary views. Final word, just enjoy and see if someday, real love may be derived from first signs.

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