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Getting One S Phone Number Ain T That Hard

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Getting One’s Phone Number Ain’t That Hard

Most men have difficulties in asking someone’s phone number for a date but how can you really get your date’s phone number without scaring them away?

Different men have different approaches. Shyness makes it difficult for some to muster up the courage to get the phone number of the person they are interested in. Sometimes, men have the tendency to be too aggressive that it drives women away. The best way to get her phone number is by asking her casually in a way that she can still feel that your interested. Saying the right words at the right time may convince the person to give you her number. For example, when you have just met this person and you are about to say your goodbyes you can say casually: "I enjoyed talking to you and I'd love to be able to phone you sometime."

Some women might be uncomfortable with this scenario that they ask for your number instead. Don’t take this against you. It doesn’t mean that she is not interested in you. Maybe she has to work and thinks it’s better for her to call you so that at least you won’t be greeted by an answering machine every time you call. Wait for that call for about three days and if the call does not happen then don’t expect for her to call you.

Getting someone’s phone number is quite hard, so try to keep your conversation interesting so he/she would be interested. Men would want to get there phone number right away. They usually end up empty handed. Sometimes it’s good not to ask her directly for her number. You can try saying that you had a great time and that you’d love to see her again. You can wait a little until she gives you the number, but if she doesn’t and if you feel that she had a great time also, you can go right ahead and ask her the number.

Women love confidence. And men have to understand that confidence isn't just about getting her number. It's how you handle the situation if she doesn't give you her number. Politely ask why she didn't in that way she would feel guilty and might just give you her magical phone number.

Sometimes women would say, "Why don't you just give me your number?" This is usually there way of saying that they’re not interested. You can change that by trying to talk to her and making sure that she feels that your intentions are pure. Do not be desperate in getting her number. Women hate that. Desperate men sometimes, they lead to stalking. Try to be as casual as possible in getting her phone number. If she doesn’t give you the number, move on.

Another way to get her phone number is to first move up to her and start having a conversation. After 3-4 minutes, say that you have to go back to your friends and turn to leave. Then turn to her again and say, “Hey! Do you have an email?” And if she says yes give her a pen and paper and when she’s writing it down say, “Can you write your phone number too?”

Getting someone’s phone number is quite hard. You just need to gather up your confidence and ask her casually. Don’t make a big deal out of it if she turns you down. Remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea.
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BONUS : Getting Ready: For Men

It’s the big night (or afternoon, or morning), and you’re excited to get going. Hold on tiger, let’s stop for a moment.

First things first, you need to get ready for the other couple. This isn’t the time to go for a run, throw on a t-shirt and just go over to someone’s house for a night of erotic pleasure.

No, no, no. There’s a better way and don’t worry, it’s not going to take longer than a half an hour.

Cleaning Up

Although most of this information should be common sense, we’re going to go over it anyways. Your excitement might have clouded over some of the finer points of personal grooming.

Take a shower or a bath. A shower is fine.

You would be surprised at how many men think that being sweaty is sexy—uh, no. Your wife or significant other might think it is okay, but if you’re planning on being with anyone else, it’s best to err on the side of sanitary.

Take a nice scented soap and clean every area of your body. Work your way down from your hair to your toes. This way, you’ve hit everything and the water washed off all the soap completely.

Nothing is less sexy than a mouth full of soap.

Focus on areas that get dirty—hands, feet, underarms, and your private region. If anything might be licked, it needs to be exquisitely clean.

And if you have any areas that are rough, just throw a little unscented lotion there. Rough hands on smooth skin equal icky feeling.

The Question Of Shaving

When it comes to shaving, you want to check with the other couple to see if there are any preferences. Of course, if you already have a full beard, this isn’t the time to hack it off. But if you have some stubble, see if that’s okay or even welcomed.

If in doubt, go as smooth as you can on your face.

And as for any other shaving that you might question, some women may find it attractive for a man to trim their body hair. Again, this is up to you in the end, but if you know that there is a preference, it’s best to take care of that.

What To Wear

Many women or other men may not mind you showing up in casual clothing, but for the first few times, you may want to go for something a little dressier. Find a nice dress shirt or polo shirt and pair it with clean dress pants and nice shoes.

You’ll be amazed how much attention you’ll get for dressing it up.

Although you’re kind of on a date with an obvious ending, you don’t want to do anything that might change the outcome. And for beginners, you may want to show that you are respectful of another’s tastes as well.

And these rules can change. Down the road, you can go more casual or dress it up in a different way (cops and robbers, anyone?).

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