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Five Big Myths About Women Debunked

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Five Big Myths About Women — Debunked

1. Women don't like or enjoy sex as much as you do.

Is there anyone who still believes this? Read an issue of Cosmopolitan or watch an episode of Sex and the City, and you'll know what's up. When you're fighting hard for that tiny little bang (which is supposed to be your orgasm) while your girl has just gone off for the third time in a row, it makes you wonder who really enjoys sex more, right?

Whenever you go out, keep this in mind: The girl you're talking to wants to have sex every bit as much as you do. It's just that she needs more time to relax and lose her inhibitions, because society is likely to label a more sexually active girl a “whore.” Just provide the circumstances in which she can feel comfortable in your company, and the rest is guaranteed.

2. Women don't like porn and aren't turned on by visual triggers.

There's an urban legend that women don't like to watch porn — well, my friend, it's time to blow that one out of the water. The fact is they DO like to watch porn — it's just that they won't admit it. According to my girlfriends and countless other women I've asked, upon seeing a new man, a woman always looks at his ass first — and even librarian types will sneak a second or third glance.

Although women tend to be more attuned to their other senses — sounds and smells — than men, visual triggers are just as important to them. Your girlfriend will occasionally watch a porn flick when she's horny, although she won't spend an hour every day searching for sex on Google.

3. Women like badass machos who are rough and don't show any emotion.

It's a common misconception in our society that men should be as badass as Chuck Norris and never cry or show any emotion. If you think this is the key to getting laid, then I hate to be the one to break it to you, but being badass won't make you a man.

A man is confident and knows how to lead a woman and how to make decisions. But a man should also be passionate and capable of showing emotion toward a woman.

Would you prefer a teddy bear to a real, live girl? Just as you like it when your girlfriend gives you a kiss or caresses your face, she also likes to feel the same kindness from you.

4. Women need a lot of freedom, and they hate to be controlled.

Don't be afraid to show emotion and tenderness when you're with a girl — but please be careful not to become a wimp and lose control. A woman likes to be controlled by a strong man to a certain degree, and to keep her, you must be prepared to give her your own special brand of “tough love.”

A girl likes to feel secure and likes to have a guy who is able to protect her. But how can she feel secure that you can provide for her properly if you let her take control? Taking control might feel nice to her the first time she does it. But after a while, she finds it increasingly boring and tiresome.

A woman does need freedom, but at the same time, she likes to be taken care of. Thus, a man who knows how walk that thin line between giving her enough space and making all her decisions for her will be very attractive to a woman.

5. You need to become a player and develop serious game to attract women.

To attract women, you don't need any fancy techniques or skills. What you DO need is to learn how to take care of yourself and dress properly, to develop certain social skills, to live your life with passion (note that passion doesn't have to mean bungee jumping; you can be passionate about everyday things too) and to loosen up and be yourself around women.

If you're starting from ZERO, there's a learning curve you'll have to go through. Most important, you need to approach and talk to many women before you can actually come out of your shell and be your true self. Interacting with many women is also key to finding your Manliness, which you may have been pressured to hide by society and/or your upbringing. Your shortlist for success is:

a. Take care of yourself.

b. Go out and socialize.

c. Be passionate about your life, and feel good in your skin.

d. Let go of societal pressure to have a girlfriend, and you'll see that she comes to you when you least expect her.

Want to learn more about these topics? I've written an e-book called “All About Women” that takes you by the hand and guides you through everything you need to know: how women think, how to be the Man, where and how to approach women without fear, how to make your dates more effective and how to move easily from your first conversation to sex. If you liked this article, make sure to check out my book!
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BONUS : Five Tips For Your First Date

LetÂ’s face itÂ…first dates are tough and the majority will end before they even really start. Here is a list the five most important things both men and women should keep in mind. A first date is simply two people getting together to find out more about each otherÂ…its an interview where you determine if the other person will be a good fit for you. Many of these things may seem like common sense but you will be surprised with the things some people are capable of.

Top Five Things for Men

1. Listen to your date. Listening to your date is not the same thing as waiting for her to pause so that you can begin speaking).
2. Be chivalrousÂ…yes that means youÂ’ll have to open the car door for them.
3. DonÂ’t get drunk. If youÂ’re not sure you can, just stay away from alcohol all together.
4. Always be on time.
5. Play it safe and stay away from the religious and/or political topicsÂ…this can lead to disaster.

Top Five Things for Women

1. Say thank you if he does something nice and/or unusual.
2. If youÂ’re not interested and rather be friends, just say it. The guy may not want to hear it but trust me, itÂ’s better (and easier) now than later on.
3. DonÂ’t get drunk (see #3 for men).
4. Laugh at his jokes even if they are awfull.
5. Make lots of eye contact and smile.

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