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First Impression Advice For That First Date

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First Impression: Advice For That First Date

First dates are tough situations. Oftentimes, they can end up being painfully awkward. So what do you do?

What follows are a list of dating tips to help you and your date get started on the right foot:

- Try not to meet at each other's houses and try to drive yourself. This is so that if you want to end the date early, you won't be trapped. This also helps avoid the impulse to invite your date in or not. Also, having your own car means you don't have to worry about your safety; your date won't know where you live and this avoids a date turning into some bad stalking nightmare.

- Try to keep the date as simple as possible. First dates can bring on jittery nerves. Jittery nerves and complicated plans do not mix. Just make it easy and enjoyable.

- Men, try ending the date first and do it politely, though make sure that you show you're interested. This will make you stand out.

- Women, don't wear anything provocative or too sexy. This sounds like an old cliché but first impressions last. Your date won't know anything about you except for how you look and how you behave. He will take you at face value and giving him the wrong impression on what sort of person you are is not something you want to do.

- Try and wear clothing that makes you confident and that you are comfortable wearing. It will be uncomfortable enough without worrying about that tightness around you waist or the itchy necktie.

- Men, try to be specific about where you are going for the date. This will make the entire affair more comfortable and it prepares your date for what to expect and what to wear. Wearing a cocktail dress to a fast food joint is definitely out!

- Ask your date about himself/herself. A healthy interest in getting to know your date is a good sign to show him/her. This means that you want to learn about him/her and think of your date as an interesting person. Remember, the most interesting conversationalists are those who ask about others. Great topics are work, hobbies and sports. Just keep it light and conversational.

- Try not to overdo the perfume or the cologne. Too strong and the scent can be quite distracting. It's very hard to complete an evening out with your date dazed by the smell.

- Mouthwash is important. Also, brush your teeth and bring a couple of mints if you're eating out.

- And always remember... have fun and be yourself!
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BONUS : First Kiss - Dealing With The Anxiety

Getting close to landing your first kiss? Are you overwhelmed with stress? If the answer is yes, then you must read this article. It will slash your anxiety in half.

1) Eliminate Expectations
Don't expect to set the world on fire with your first kiss. Instead, decide that you just want to give a normal 10 second kiss. Shooting for a realistic goal will lower your stress considerably.

2) Remember that you'll get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th + chance. Once that initial kiss is made, you guys will do it a hundred more times. You'll be so relieved and thrilled to be kissing, that you'll want to do it all the time. So, if you screw up a little on your first kiss, don't sweat it. You'll get another chance to do it better...probably within the hour.

3) It's probably their first kiss, too
Don't expect to be judged on your performance. If they haven't kissed anyone before, either, you can be damn sure that they're also stressing about it. In fact, after you guys pull apart from your first kiss, it's likely they'll be so busy wondering "Am I doing this right", that they won't stop to consider whether you did it right.

4) They want you to kiss them
Go ahead and assume that the person you're dating wants to kiss you. Obviously, they're physically attracted to you. Otherwise, they wouldn't be dating you. It's only natural for them to want you in a more physical way. Of course, they want to kiss you.

5) Think positive thoughts
Psyche yourself up. Think how happy you'll be once you land that first kiss. Think of all the hours of making out that will be going on after you get the first kiss over with. Think how great it's going to feel. Don't delay this ecstasy any longer.

6) Billions of people kiss every day
A kiss is a normal everyday thing for several billion people. Your mom and dad, neighbors, and other people all over the world kiss all the time, so what's the big deal? If they can do it, why can't you? If it's no big deal to dinosaurs like your parents and grandparents, why should you have a problem with it?

7) Visualize it
Try to picture how it's going to go down. When you go to bed at night, close your eyes and try to imagine how you're going to make your approach, how you're going to hold them, etc. The more you visualize this moment, the more comfortable and stress free you'll be when the time comes to do it for real.

8) Practice it in your room...seriously
Physically go through the motions that you visualized in the previous step. Practice walking up to your sweetie, practice what you're going to say (and in what tone of voice), and practice leaning in. You can even practice kissing your hand. Believe it or not, but these techniques actually work. Going through the motions will prepare you for the real thing.

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