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First Date Kiss

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First Date Kiss

Without a doubt, a first date kiss is an important time for a woman. Most women love kissing and if they can find the perfect kiss, that is even better. Some women do not kiss on the first date, which is perfectly fine. However, if you do not mind kissing on the first date, you dream of something great and memorable!

French Kiss

The French kiss is sensual and exciting. Such a kiss can make your love and desire catch fire. French kissing has as much powerful effect as striking a match on the prairie covered with straw, in the summer heat, when the sunset sets the sky ablaze.

French kiss definition: an explosive surge in a fire occurring when 2 pairs of lips are suddenly mixed with a combustible desire.

How to be sensual and the best in the most intimate kiss...

路 Get a sensual mouth. Brush and floss your teeth. Drink water. A fresh and healthy kiss is the most erotic French kiss.
路 Clean hair and body. Shave, after-shave. Shower and shampoo.
路 Look at your partner innocently or dominantly
路 Get closer and kiss softly
路 Begin gently licking your lover on the lips
路 Feel the responding satin tongue roaming your mouth
路 Visit your partner's mouth, slowly.
路 Time after time, get deeper and more intimate.
路 The best French kiss takes time.
路 Push your tongue into your partner's mouth, or let you lead
路 Don't give your mouth all of a sudden.
路 Don't take over your partner's mouth immediately. Let the fire spread slowly.
路 Show resistance, to get more desire.
路 Close your eyes and let you blown away in the wind of passion
路 Bite your partner's lip with your teeth. Gently.
路 Look at your partner lovingly.

How to fan the flames...

路 When you stop to breathe in, let your breath caresses your partner's face in a murmur like the embers caressed by the wind
路 Close down the kiss shortly to provoke frustration and get an immediate back-draft
路 Play with your hands. Press your bust, your body against your lover's
路 Sensual sounds. Intimate moans. Press your body closer.
路 Arouse desire. Increase your breathe, and share your excitement.
路 Passionate French kiss. Take and give everything immediately, and spread like a sensual explosion.
路 Let your hands wander away, run your fingers through your lover's hair, caress shoulder, back, breast..
路 Feel the skin on the forearm, the inside is more sensitive 路 Go under the shirt without being invited, travel on the back and front, and get as intimate as you can.
路 Press your body against your lover's and let the fire break out inside...

A first date kiss should be something simple yet special. When a woman steps out on that first date, typically in the back of her mind, she is wondering if a kiss will end the date. There is nothing wrong with a first date kiss although it should not be something over the top. Generally, a woman does not mind a soft, gentle kiss to end the night. Even for the woman who does not generally kiss on the first date, if the kiss is something soft, gentle, and simple, she does not mind.

Please do visit at Online dating service for further information on dating.
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BONUS : First Date Success - It聮s All In The Preparation

Dating can be stressful but first dates can be particularly painful and nerve wrecking. Follow my simple tips to getting ready for a date and before you know it you聮ll be breezing through first dates with you聮re only concern being what to wear on your second date.

1. Don聮t stress!

First of all, try not to stress yourself out. Tell yourself, it聮s only a date and if it doesn聮t work out, so what?

2. Easy on the wedding plans

You may laugh but don聮t start planning your wedding! We聮ve all been there; dreaming that this could be the one, that you聮ll fall in love after a whirlwind romance and get married聟 and all before you聮ve ordered your starter! Obviously, it聮s good to be positive but just take each day as it comes in the early stages otherwise you could be heading for disappointment.

3. Listen to music

Listen to some music whilst you聮re getting ready; whatever gets you in the mood for a night out and relaxes you.

4. Soak in a bath

If you have time, take a long soak in the bath with a small glass of wine to relax you. I emphasise the word 聯small聰; you don聮t want to turn up drunk or smelling of alcohol.

5. Subtle make-up

Girls, try to keep your make-up subtle. The majority of men don聮t like to see make-up caked on and if you do happen to snuggle up to your date, he won聮t be too impressed if you leave make-up on his collar. As a basic rule, if you聮re going for smoky eyes, keep your lips natural with a lick of gloss and if you聮re opting for the red Monroe pout then keep your eyes natural.

6. Hair to go

You don聮t want a high maintenance hair style that has you running to the toilet every two minutes to check it聮s in place so stick to what you know suits you and what you feel comfortable with. Also, easy on the hair products in case your date decides to run his fingers through your hair and gets them stuck!

7. What to wear?

Don聮t wear anything too revealing on a first date as it could give out the wrong impression. Remember you can still look sexy without revealing all your goods; less is more!

Decide what you聮re going to wear in advance so you聮re not in a last minute panic with a bedroom floor covered in reject outfits. The main thing is to feel comfortable in what you聮re wearing so you look relaxed; fidgeting with straps and pulling down your hemline every few minutes doesn聮t look good.

Your choice of outfit will obviously depend on where you are going; if it聮s fancy restaurant then you can glam it up but if it聮s a lunchtime date or the cinema then dress it down accordingly.

8. Killer heels or comfy flats?

As for shoes, heels look great but only if you can walk in them so only wear shoes that you are comfortable in. Also, don聮t wear new shoes in case you get blisters on the night. Again, your choice of shoes will depend on where you are going so dress for the venue.

9. Fresh breath

Don聮t forget to clean your teeth and rinse with a mouthwash. It may sound obvious but so many people forget. Also, keep a packet of mints or chewing gum in your bag in case you need to freshen up later.

10. Aroma, aroma!

Once you聮re ready, don聮t forget to squirt a bit of your favourite perfume behind the ears and on your wrist (these are the strongest pulse points). Don聮t go overboard, the key is to have an aroma about you, not to overpower him with your scent.

11. Arrange transport

Book a taxi or arrange for someone to give you a lift so you get to your meeting place in plenty of time. I wouldn聮t advise accepting any offer to pick you up or take you home until you聮ve got to know him.

12. Keep the conversation flowing

Give some thought to what you聮re going to talk about. Obviously, you can聮t plan it word for word but think about things you want to find out about him and questions you could ask to keep the conversation flowing. If you know a good joke, it聮s always good to throw that in at some point in the evening to lighten the mood.

13. A kiss goodnight 聳 no more!

Don聮t feel pressured into going back to his place or inviting him into yours and certainly don聮t feel pressured into having sex! I think it聮s best to end the evening with a goodnight kiss so you both leave each other wanting more and more importantly eager to arrange that second date. If you can聮t trust yourself to resist his charm go unshaven in the nether regions so that way you won聮t be tempted to go any further than a kiss!

14. Watch your drink

Don聮t drink excessively! It聮s easy to drink faster and more than you would normally because of your nerves but try and pace yourself and if you do feel yourself getting more than tipsy, drink some water.

Also, if you don聮t know your date well take your drink with you when you go to the toilets; with so many drinks being spiked in bars these days it聮s better to be safe than sorry.

15. Tell a friend

Tell a friend or family member where you聮re going and who with and let them know when you聮ve arrived home safe.

16. Have fun

Finally, don聮t forget to enjoy yourself and have fun!

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