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First Date Ideas

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First Date Ideas

When thinking of ideas for a a first date I like to try new things. Rather than cater to what either one of us enjoys I try to find something completely new. This is my way of starting off the relationship with a bang and some excitement. Dinner and a movie has been done to death and so have trips to bars and clubs. Give a few of these ideas a shot and you will be pleasantly surprised.

I haven’t tried this out for a first date idea yet but it seems like it would really be great (provided neither of you are afraid of heights). It’s exhilarating and standing together at the door of a plane about to jump out at several thousand feet has a romantic appeal that not many other things can match. Call your local municipal airport to see if they have any skydiving instructors.

Hookah Cafes
If you’re not one of the enlightened who enjoys middle eastern food and hookah then you should definitely give it a try. It might not be a good option for the health conscious but for the rest of us it makes an excellent first date. Hookah cafes are usually bustling places with a laid back and cozy atmosphere and is a great place to smoke a hookah, enjoy some coffee and have a nice conversation. This works especially well for college students as there are usually many cafes nearby.

Art Conventions/Galleries
One of my favorite places to have a first date is at the monthly art walk they have here through the downtown area. Artists and vendors get together and line the streets. Musicians play their music for you as you walk around and take in the artwork. It works wonders for anyone who can appreciate art.

Live Comedy
Another astounding option for first dates are local comedy clubs. There are a handful of really excellent ones in my area featuring both professional and amateur local comedy acts. This is a great way to break the ice; with some laughs.

Wine Tasting/Tours
If you live somewhere close to vineyards taking a tour or going to a wine tasting make excellent first dates (as long as you’re 21+). A few good wines and good conversation tucked away on a vineyard seems peaceful to me and has worked wonders for me in the past.

Scuba Diving
If you are fortunate enough to live near the beach snorkeling or scuba diving make great date activities. Follow a romp in the ocean with a nice seaside dinner and you have the makings of romance.

Poetry Readings/Book Signings
Poetry readings make great first dates and if you’re the adventurous type you can even whip up a peace to read your date at the reading. Talk about a way to score some points! Book signings are also great even if you’re not really into books. You can enjoy coffee and conversation with your date and often enjoy a dramatic reading from the author.
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BONUS : First Date Kiss

Without a doubt, a first date kiss is an important time for a woman. Most women love kissing and if they can find the perfect kiss, that is even better. Some women do not kiss on the first date, which is perfectly fine. However, if you do not mind kissing on the first date, you dream of something great and memorable!

French Kiss

The French kiss is sensual and exciting. Such a kiss can make your love and desire catch fire. French kissing has as much powerful effect as striking a match on the prairie covered with straw, in the summer heat, when the sunset sets the sky ablaze.

French kiss definition: an explosive surge in a fire occurring when 2 pairs of lips are suddenly mixed with a combustible desire.

How to be sensual and the best in the most intimate kiss...

· Get a sensual mouth. Brush and floss your teeth. Drink water. A fresh and healthy kiss is the most erotic French kiss.
· Clean hair and body. Shave, after-shave. Shower and shampoo.
· Look at your partner innocently or dominantly
· Get closer and kiss softly
· Begin gently licking your lover on the lips
· Feel the responding satin tongue roaming your mouth
· Visit your partner's mouth, slowly.
· Time after time, get deeper and more intimate.
· The best French kiss takes time.
· Push your tongue into your partner's mouth, or let you lead
· Don't give your mouth all of a sudden.
· Don't take over your partner's mouth immediately. Let the fire spread slowly.
· Show resistance, to get more desire.
· Close your eyes and let you blown away in the wind of passion
· Bite your partner's lip with your teeth. Gently.
· Look at your partner lovingly.

How to fan the flames...

· When you stop to breathe in, let your breath caresses your partner's face in a murmur like the embers caressed by the wind
· Close down the kiss shortly to provoke frustration and get an immediate back-draft
· Play with your hands. Press your bust, your body against your lover's
· Sensual sounds. Intimate moans. Press your body closer.
· Arouse desire. Increase your breathe, and share your excitement.
· Passionate French kiss. Take and give everything immediately, and spread like a sensual explosion.
· Let your hands wander away, run your fingers through your lover's hair, caress shoulder, back, breast..
· Feel the skin on the forearm, the inside is more sensitive · Go under the shirt without being invited, travel on the back and front, and get as intimate as you can.
· Press your body against your lover's and let the fire break out inside...

A first date kiss should be something simple yet special. When a woman steps out on that first date, typically in the back of her mind, she is wondering if a kiss will end the date. There is nothing wrong with a first date kiss although it should not be something over the top. Generally, a woman does not mind a soft, gentle kiss to end the night. Even for the woman who does not generally kiss on the first date, if the kiss is something soft, gentle, and simple, she does not mind.

Please do visit at Online dating service for further information on dating.

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