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Dealing With Dating Anxiety

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Dealing With Dating Anxiety

Life is stressful as it is and adding relationships to the mix can play a very negative role on your anxiety levels, especially if you already have a habit of developing panic-stricken attacks when it comes to love and dating.

Over the last 10 years there have been progress in various therapies to help relieve the burden of anxiety. It is best that you try to avoid taking drugs to cope your dating anxiety.

Below are 4 'non-drug' dating anxiety prevention tips:

1. Instead of hiding your nervousness, admit it to yourself and your date. Often times what leads to a major anxiety attack spawns from trying to keep your initial nervousness covered up. If your 'special someone' comes into the room to see you then do not pretend your anxiety isn't there. Simply say "I am sorry if I appear nervous, but I am very nervous right now". Your date will appreciate the honestly and by telling him/her you'll feel a lot better.

2. If you had an anxious episode during a date then afterwards do not beat yourself up worrying how you acted. It's best just to give yourself affirmations in a positive manner that helps you build confidence and do better the next time around by taking control.

3. In order to calm down each time you have an anxiety attack, simply walk away and breath. If you happen to be with your new girlfriend or boyfriend then by following my previous tip on being honest with them about your nervousness, and also let them know that you need a minute alone, walk outside, and breath slowly until you regain composure. Before you know it, this simple technique will calm you down every time.

4. Pray... The power of prayer is amazing. Ask God for courage and strength to help you overcome your anxiety.
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BONUS : Dealing With Online Dating Rejection!

An unfortunate part of the dating process has always been and will always be rejection. Simply put, not every person that you come across will be the type that you would like to pursue something more with; either they’re not your type physically, or else other key differences in personality begin to show as the friendship progresses. The same can be said about other people and their opinions of you, as well. At some point, the time comes to accept your differences and agree to move in different directions.

In a traditional social setting, this rejection can often be a harsh and humiliating affair. Often it is based solely on physical attraction or lack thereof, and often it given with more venom than the other person perhaps intends. Said unfriendliness is often understandable, however; during a given night in a bar or nightclub, a physically attractive person will receive the lion’s share of the attention from the crowd, desired or otherwise. Nonetheless, it can be a crushing affair to work your way over to a person in a social setting and instigate conversation only to be loudly and unceremoniously shot down.

In an online setting, this blow is often softened a bit by virtue of the different methods of interaction. Because of the nature of online dating, both parties are free to pursue any sort of interaction at their own pace. Instead of feeling pressured to act by time, alcohol, and the people surrounding them, a person who is desirous of speaking further with another can do so at a much more relaxed, leisurely pace. Furthermore, it takes a while before either party can be said to have invested significant time into the relationship, or for that matter before the conversation can even be classified as a relationship.

For these reasons, an online rejection is often easier to bear than a verbal one. If you express interest in another person and they opt not to continue contact, you’ve lost very little of your time and effort, and you know that there exists a multitude of other people that you may have better luck with. In some cases, it takes a while before personality differences begin to show themselves, and you may have been talking to another person for some measure of time before they tell you that they’d just as soon desist. Even then, however, the impersonality of email or telephone conversations lessens the impact of this, and you are able to take solace in the knowledge that the differences between you two would have ultimately proven detrimental to a lasting relationship.

Along these lines, you may on occasion find yourself having to play the role of the rejecter. In cases such as these, the same points mentioned above are applicable. It is never an easy thing to tell somebody that you would just as soon not speak with them any longer, but the comparative anonymity of the internet gives you the option of letting them down far more softly than you would be able to otherwise. Again, neither party is overly-invested in the relationship at first, and thus any rejection is easier to bear and to give.

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