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Dating Young Women A Guide For Older Guys

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Dating Young Women – A Guide for Older Guys

Dating young women is a particular challenge for guys. If you are dating women who are under the age of 25 and you are 7 or more years older than she is, you need to read this article on dating young women.

There is a stereotype that women who date older men are gold diggers. But, this applies to very few women. Actually, many young women are just out to have a good time. They are not looking for marriage. If you happen to be attracted to a younger woman, you need to play into this “good time image.”

Younger women are more whimsical, flirty, passionate, and romantic than their older sisters. They’re less ready to settle down and have children. You will get a lot of mileage out of having a youthful outlook. Being recklessly spontaneous, maintaining a high level of energy, and focusing on the emotional connections will go a long way to helping you with dating young women.

To this end, you can’t be emotionally needy when dating young women. For instance, if you were dating a woman near your own age, you would pick up the phone every time she called. You might return her text within 5 minutes. A younger woman doesn’t need this kind of intensity. You can wait to return a text or let a call go to voice mail.

Many men who are dating young women are conscious of the age difference and are insecure about being older. This will actually hasten the break up. Don’t bring up the issue of age unless she does. Also, don’t make cracks about her youth or about “cradle snatching.” Don’t refer to yourself as her “daddy.” When you are unfazed about the age difference, she will be too.

As an older man, you have several advantages over the frat boy guys she is used to dating.

You have more experience. You are interested in things beyond the latest video game release. You make more money and can take her to more upscale places.

You are also more sexually sophisticated. You will know how to satisfy her in bed and be more in tune with her needs.

Men mature more slowly than women, which may be why so many young women look to date older men. They are looking for someone in their same range of emotional development.

Dating young women isn’t just a modern thing either. In every society across all time, there has been a gap in the average age of coupling men and women. While in the United States right now, that gap is a mere 2 years, in many societies that gap ranges from an average of 5 to 15 years.

If you are interested in dating young women be aware that there are challenges posed because of societal expectations and conditioning. However, there are many advantages to dating young women.
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BONUS : Dealing With Dating Anxiety

Life is stressful as it is and adding relationships to the mix can play a very negative role on your anxiety levels, especially if you already have a habit of developing panic-stricken attacks when it comes to love and dating.

Over the last 10 years there have been progress in various therapies to help relieve the burden of anxiety. It is best that you try to avoid taking drugs to cope your dating anxiety.

Below are 4 'non-drug' dating anxiety prevention tips:

1. Instead of hiding your nervousness, admit it to yourself and your date. Often times what leads to a major anxiety attack spawns from trying to keep your initial nervousness covered up. If your 'special someone' comes into the room to see you then do not pretend your anxiety isn't there. Simply say "I am sorry if I appear nervous, but I am very nervous right now". Your date will appreciate the honestly and by telling him/her you'll feel a lot better.

2. If you had an anxious episode during a date then afterwards do not beat yourself up worrying how you acted. It's best just to give yourself affirmations in a positive manner that helps you build confidence and do better the next time around by taking control.

3. In order to calm down each time you have an anxiety attack, simply walk away and breath. If you happen to be with your new girlfriend or boyfriend then by following my previous tip on being honest with them about your nervousness, and also let them know that you need a minute alone, walk outside, and breath slowly until you regain composure. Before you know it, this simple technique will calm you down every time.

4. Pray... The power of prayer is amazing. Ask God for courage and strength to help you overcome your anxiety.

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