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Dating Tip Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your First Date With Her

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Dating Tip : Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your First Date With Her

So you finally succeeded in getting that first date with your potential honey. What’s next? Well, you will do yourself a world of good to avoid making some common mistakes which can make or break your day, and possibly your ego. In this dating tip guide, I have outlined 5 mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. Ready? Read on.

1. Flashing your cash at her

You may have loads of cash, or you may not have a single dime. Whatever it is, never try to use money to buy your date’s love. This is the number one mistake to avoid on your first date. This is supposed to be a chance for you to find out if your date is compatible with you. You are not going through an arranged marriage, mind you. If it really work out fine, then good for you. But if it doesn’t, then you will look back on all the cash you spent on the expensive dinner, the movie ticket, the roses, the collar for her golden retriever……..

OK, so you might just be lucky enough to get a second date. You figured that you want to do better than the first date, so you bought her diamonds, a new golden retriever, a mansion, an island, and heck, you can fly to the moon and back. Your woman will be so impressed by you. Well, not you exactly, but your fat wallet. But when the money in it disappear, then she will disappear with it too. Then you go back into your shell, and kick yourself for being a sore loser.

2. Talking about another woman in front of her.

There are probably a thousand and one topics that you can discuss with your date, but the one thing which you can ill afford to bring up during a conversation, is the name of another woman. Never mind if you are drooling over Jessica Alba, never mind if it is your ex-girlfriend, never mind even if it is your maid. The bottom-line is this : women just don’t like it when they hear about another woman. Your date would expect you to be thinking only about her, and no-one else.

3. Shagging is on your mind

This mistake is just as disastrous as the first two. Talking about sex on your first date with her is an absolute no-no. Unless you want some spaghetti thrown at you, please do yourself a favour, and stay well clear of the subject of sex. Let’s face it. If a woman really needed some sex, then she wouldn’t even bother to go on a date with you. She would be busy in her bed. Get it?

4. Getting your hands full on her.

On your first date with her, make sure you restrict yourself to just a friendly handshake at the beginning, and maybe guide her by the small of her back while crossing the road. And when sending her back home, a gentle little peck on her cheek would do very nicely. Do not be a maniac, and move your hands all over her. Chances are, she will have the sheriff coming down on you in no time. So please control yourself, and your hands. Be a gentleman, not a moron.

5. You try to be someone you are not.

I can’t stress this enough. On your first date, just be yourself. Do not try to be someone you are not. If you are that sporty person, then so be it. If you are that guy of the casual look, then so be it. Never try to impersonate a Brad Pitt, or a George Clooney. You will only be making a fool of yourself. So don’t try anything funny. Just be your natural self. And also, do not brag to her about anything. Don’t tell her that you are going to fly to the moon, and bring it down for her. Remember, whatever goes around, comes around. And in time to come, you will find that your bragging will come back to haunt you.

There you have it. The top 5 mistakes which you should avoid at all costs on your first date, outlined very neatly for you in this dating tip guide. Ignore them at your own peril. Because if anything goes wrong on your first date, chances are, you will remember this article of mine.

Feel free to visit my blog at , where i share more useful dating tips and advice.
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BONUS : Dating Tips And Seduction

Some guys will never become great with women.


You might think I've lost my mind, but it's true.

A lot of guys just won't get it.

And it's not because they're not smart enough or somehow defective...

In fact, it's a subconscious choice, that they have made unknowingly.

I know what you're thinking.

"How can I make sure I'm not one of those guys?"

Am I right?

Well I'm here to tell you how. You will probably never hear what I'm about to say from other gurus because it's such a very subtle but very powerful fix that most leave it out of the equation.

Meet Matt. Matt's a good guy, likes to be social and has taken a bootcamp with another one of the pickup companies. But Matt still doesn't get the success he really wants; in fact he's not successful at all.

"Vin, why don't you help him!?"

There are a couple reasons why I don't help Matt out. One being he's too set in his ways and is stubborn.

BUT, that's not the real reason. If Matt was only stubborn I'd have an easy time changing his mind about things.

The real reason why I can't help him is the same reason why he isn't successful with women.

I've already said Matt's a good guy, but every time I talk to him I get the feeling like he wants something from me. In fact a lot of our mutual friends have said the same thing to me about him.

We don't like hanging out with Matt and neither do women.

Matt always give this vibe of having an ulterior motive. He talks to you like a friend, which is great, but he naturally gives off a vibe that says to me that he's trying to take knowledge, power and fun from me.

The same thing happens to Matt when he's talking to women. He treats them in a friendly manner and is funny but always gives off this vibe that on another level he has an underlying intention.

Having intentions with women isn't a bad thing. If you express your sensual intentions openly they'll acceptable it, especially if you have tight game. It may even turn them on. IN FACT it will skyrocket your conversion rate if you do it the right way.

But if you hide your intentions you come off as creepy and weird. Women won't trust you or feel safe being around you alone. You could be the best actor in the world but... THEY WILL KNOW.

Being creepy is the "Death" card in the Tarot deck of your love life. It will kill any chance of success you might have.

So now you know what might be going wrong. How do you fix it?

Well to start off you need to begin being fun and unattached to the outcome whenever you can. It's not about giving back money. It could be anything from telling a great story to a group or being a great host to a bunch of your friends. It could also be a compliment (in the right way of course) or a tease that will spike emotions in way that is fun to a woman.

Be out there talking to women not only because you want to pickup, but because women are amazing and fun and interesting and wonderful.

Next you need to start doing is being clear about your intentions. This doesn't mean directly telling a girl "The whole purpose of me talking to you is so that I can get into your pants." That's going to kill your pickup about as fast as being creepy.

There are small subtle changes you can make in your behavior that will affect how your intentions are perceived and if you're congruent with what you're saying. There are so many small fixes that I could write a novel on them.

Do you want to read a novel about fixing your creepy vibe and then taking the months to implement it that it will require? I didn't think so. I wouldn't want to spend the months writing that novel either.

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