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Dating Sites A Good Option To Come Out Of Monotonous Life

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Dating Sites: A Good Option To Come Out Of Monotonous Life

Hi all, my name is Katie. Though I was quite successful in my professional life, my personal life was a complete mess. May be it’s my bad luck or what I don’t know, but i haven’t been very privileged when it comes to boy friends. It’s as if they don’t find me interesting enough to date even though am quite good looking and well off.

I was on the verge of giving up my hunt for a steady relationship when I came to know about online dating from a colleague. She often pointed me that I should stop taking life too seriously and should try to lighten up life. As per her opinion, these days dating sites are the most happening place where you can meet nice people.

After getting a rough idea about the dating sites from my friend, a natural curiosity to try it out was there. So last weekend I tried to look for a couple of dating sites, my idea was to find one that would catch my fancy. Basically what I was looking for an online dating site is that it should be free of cost to join, should allow me the liberty to customize my profile, should have the blog and chat facilities, and should have a huge database of interesting profiles to choose from. After much searching, finally I found the dating site that fitted to all my criteria and its none other than

So this weekend I plan to join as a member in Kisscafe dating site. I am really looking forward to begin my dating sites experience and you never know there might be someone just perfect for me. So wish me luck!
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BONUS : Dating Sites And Dating Tips

There are certain tips that should be borne in mind when using a dating site, because although you may be the best person on offer on the site, it will come to nothing unless you can get yourself noticed.

First of all you need to write a good profile, one that will catch people’s attention. Women for example should avoid the pitfall of mentioning sex; it will lead to the wrong kind of responses. Men should write about themselves and not just what they are interested in e.g. football.

Please try to remember what you are trying to gain out of dating; a long term relationship. Therefore be prepared to put some effort into your profile, a little work at the outset will make it so much easier to attract the right sort of person for you. Try to identify your traits, are you a naturally happy person, are you outgoing or shy? Try to give your prospective date some real information about your character. If you have a particular hobby or something you enjoy doing, for example – cooking, let them know about it.

People often ask if they should include a photo with their profile. I would advise that it is best that you should include both a full length photo and a close up one. But please remember to make that recent ones! Don’t be tempted into including a 10 year old photo because you will get caught out! It is a fact however that dating profiles that include photos attract more responses than those without; I guess people like to see what they are getting!

So, once you have got a date, what should you do and what are the no no’s?

Men – tips for you…

Listen to what the woman is saying and take an interest; ask her questions on what she is talking about. Try to ask questions that encourage conversation rather than just a yes or no answer. For example, you could ask what was it about a book that made them like it rather than ‘did you like the book?’

Never talk about your previous relationships; it’s not something she wants to hear about!

Always tell the truth on a date, if you don’t it will catch up with you somewhere down the line!

Don’t go overboard on the Dutch courage! A couple of drinks to be sociable are ok but don’t get drunk – you won’t make a good impression. You make think your telling the funniest jokes and talking perfectly normally but believe me, you aren’t! I know because my wife tells me so!

On to the tips for the ladies!

Try and compliment the man –he will love you for it. Praise him for what he is good at and don’t criticize him over his bad points.

Try to be positive when talking with him; don’t discuss your previous relationships in detail.

Be confident. Men are attracted to confident women. There subconsciously feel that a confident woman has the ability to attract men more easily than a not so confident woman, so the fact you are with him will flatter him!

Keep eye contact for that little bit longer than normal. This is a sure fire sign for the man that you are interested in him, but subtle.

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