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5 Massive Reasons To Date Online

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5 Massive Reasons To Date Online!

“Divorced, Split up, Single?
Five Massive Reasons Why
You Should Be Dating Online!”

Announcing five massive reasons why single men should use online dating!

How to meet more women than you could possible have time to date.

Let’s look at the reasons…

Massive Reason #1. Convenience!

From the comfort and privacy of your own home you can relax with a cup of tea or coffee, and scroll through an assortment of potential women to meet and date!

You can even have a beer or a glass of wine while doing it…

Instead of late nights in smoky bars and going home disappointed…and wake up smelling and feeling like an ashtray.

Unhealthy, smoky bars are boring and drunks don’t interest me. Then there’s the loud thumping music where you have to shout at each other to be heard.

Where at home and in your own time, you can go online and pick a suitable profile to email and organize to meet.

I love doing this.

So for pure convenience and ease, online dating is the number one place for meeting women!

Online dating is a major breakthrough for single men.

You can meet women you wouldn’t otherwise ever have the opportunity to meet!

Therefore it creates an even playing field for men who otherwise don’t enjoy trying to ‘pull’ women in bars.

By learning some basic skills and getting experience, any man can succeed online.

Massive Reason #2. Not Having To Face Rejection by Approaching Women Cold!

This is a major bonus for guys who are recently divorced, split up and have lost their confidence and experience with meeting women.

It is the best way to ease back into the dating scene…

You don’t have to boldly approach a woman in public and get her number for a date.

You do it online via email, with no nervousness to deal with at all.

And if you contact a profile and she ignores your email, so what?

You just move on to another until you find one to meet, easy!

Therefore you are not confronted with your fear of being rejected in public, with online dating.

And if you do get ignored or knocked back, no one knows but you and it doesn’t MATTER.

There are plenty more to choose from…

And by the time you meet, you’ve already chatted via email and on the phone so there is no need to be nervous when you meet her for coffee.

Massive Reason #3. Confidence Building!

You gain confidence by meeting women online and having success with seduction.

This is a massive benefit.

When I divorced after nine years I was nervous approaching women and
had little success.

Once I had been online dating for six months I was back on my feet with women.

I now have the belief and confidence to approach and meet women everywhere.

I also have more skill at handling cold women and rejection when it happens.

Because I’ve learnt that it’s impossible to succeed 100% of the time.

Every No means you are closer to a Yes.

So if you are not getting rejected, you aren’t in the game!

You HAVE to be in the game!

The confidence you get meeting and seducing women online will lead you to meeting the perfect lady for you. Whether that is online or offline. It’s getting the experience that is important.

As Tony Robbins would say, ‘Repetition is the mother of skill.’ :-)

Massive Reason #4. The Infinite Amount of Suitable Women!

It truly is an infinite amount of women available online to meet.

By having such a large pool of single women to contact, there is no need to ever be short of at least one date a week.

It’s just a case of being organized and only contacting local women to make the most of your time.

There will be anything from two to thirty two different sites in your region to join and check out profiles.

There is also many NEW women joining everyday…this will continue forever!

So it’s a must for single men to get good at online dating.

You can never run out of women to contact. Even if you exhaust one service you can try another. By the time you’ve gone through all suitable profiles to meet on the other service, the original one will have new stock! :-)

Online dating is also very affordable!

Massive Reason #5. Ease of Finding Suitable Partners!

By creating your own criteria and sticking to it, you can find someone suitable so much quicker than offline.

That is of course if they are honest in their profile…

(Which sometimes they aren’t.) :-)

This saves you a lot of time and money by having criteria.

For example, I don’t date women with children.

Which is hard in my age group.

But dating women with kids will never work out for me, so I just have to stick with my criteria.

I also don’t date smokers anymore…

So the more experience and confidence you get. The more definitive your criteria get.

By narrowing my criteria I have meet some great ladies a lot quicker than if I had dated just anyone who would go out with me.

Also when you approach someone in a bar you know nothing about them.

Online you get to know a reasonable amount before you make contact.

This really does increase your odds of meeting suitable partners.

I love online dating…I much prefer it to bars as an alternative.

It’s paved the way for me to be comfortable when I am single. Because I know there is a LOT of suitable women online and I’ll be back dating a nice lady sometime soon….

All the best to you…
Mick Jones
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BONUS : 5 Reasons Not To Read Online Dating Advice

What a strange title for an article, I write online dating advice so why would I encourage people not to read it?

Clearly I believe there is some good dating advice on the internet or I wouldn't waste my time writing dating advice and tips but I want people to think about what they are reading and who the author is before they take anything they read as gospel.

Here are 5 things to carefully consider before you take the advice of dating "experts".

1. Everything written is an opinion from someone with a given history. Just google "article writing+fee" and see how many people in countries like India offer to write articles for website owners for a fee. India is simply one example but life there is somewhat different on the dating scene and their knowledge may well come from watching re-runs of Baywatch and Dallas. Check who is writing the website content, do their articles all sound as though they are written by the same person, are they writing from a personal perspective and if so what is their dating history?

2. The words "expert" and "guru" are over-used and I rarely read advice from anyone calling themselves either. What qualifies someone as an expert at dating? If they have been constantly dating for 30 years then they either have commitment issues or are very bad at dating. Just take Dr Phil, would I read his advice on how to have a long and happy marriage? Absolutely but would I read his advice on dating in your 40's in 2008? What does he really know about the current dating scene, he isn't dating.

3. Dating advice that includes comments like "I can make you attractive to men/women even if you are fat and ugly". Would you go into a clothes shop and accept advice from a shop assistant that called you fat and ugly? I doubt it, so why would you accept being insulted simply because it's online. False promises of making you attractive to the opposite sex rely on your lack of confidence in order to get you to buy their book or video or whatever they are selling. Take advice from people that respect who you are and aren't desperately trying to sell you something.

4. Beware of the bitter and twisted. Blogging is a platform for many types of people but that includes those that simply want to rant about their bad experiences. There are many dating blogs that simply catalogue a serious of disastrous dates, call men names and generalise about the opposite sex, particularly written by women in their 40's but I have yet to read one that stops and asks herself if perhaps she is the problem. Avoid these blogs, they usually have no real constructive advice to offer.

5. The ones that state "I am the same as you so my advice is best for you". Don't just read advice from people of the same age, gender and situation, much can be learned from reading the thoughts of the opposite sex and older people that have been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. If you are recently divorced then don't read advice by someone who is also recently divorced and trying to date again, find a writer that has been divorced, began dating again and is now in a long term relationship they have the experience you want to hear about.

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