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Meditation Relaxing The Body And The Mind

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Meditation: Relaxing The Body And The Mind

Meditation is a state of being focused on a certain thought and involves the “quieting of the mind” as you concentrate inwardly, resulting to a more relaxed and calm feeling. This relaxation technique can help a person develop his personality through mental discipline as well as encourage his spiritual well-being by communing with God.

Usually associated with some ancient eastern religions dating back several centuries, meditation has been assimilited in western culture via spiritual practices and medical therapies which focus on different kinds of healing with the help of the mind and inner energy.

According to Dr. Borysenko, author of 'Minding the Body, Mending the Mind', “...through meditation, we learn to access the relaxation response (the physiological response elicited by meditation) and we become more aware of the mind and the way our attitude produces stress.” He believes that through meditation, one can also get in touch with the “inner physician” and allow the body's own inner wisdom to be heard.

In Taoism, the mind of emotions is controlled by the “Fire” energy of the heart. Unrestrained, this Fire energy flares upward and wastefully burns up the energy and smothers the mind. On the other hand, the mind of intent, or will power, is governed by the Water energy of the kidneys. Without direction, the “Water” energy is flushed down the sexual organs which drains its essence and spirit. However, when you are meditating, these flows of Water and Fire energies are reversed. The Water energy is drawn up to the head through the Central and Governing channels, while the Fire energy from the heart is drawn down into the Lower Elixir Field in the abdomen, where the energy is refined and transformed. This process allows the mind of intent, which is Water, to provide a soothing and relaxing effect over the mind of emotion, which is Fire. Hence, meditation relaxation occurs.

In today's world, where there is so much chaos and negativism brought about by man's pursuit of wealth and power, many have fallen victim to stress and anxiety, not to mention a variety of medical conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

Meditation relaxation involves the body and mind. It is beneficial in providing relief to those suffering with anxiety disorders as it allows the person to experience relaxation and release negative energies stored in the body, allowing it to acquire a different form of healing that is not afforded by medications. But this method is a skill which needs to be learned properly. Training in the art of meditation relaxation is necessary to avoid getting distractions.

In Yoga Meditation, the key principles in this process are attention and breathing. These two work together naturally in allowing the relaxation of the physical body, as well as the mind.

There are times when the mind is restless that it could not keep itself from getting distracted and have the tendency to open the eyes or make unnecessary movements during the process. What some practitioners do is to make use of external device or stimulus like music or visual support to get to that state of relaxation. However, to train the mind means not relying on this external technique but directly working in the mind itself.

In order to train the restless mind, one must first acknowledge it as restless and that it will not easily come through. Give the mind something to do, something internal and real, not external or a fantasy. Focus on what is within the body and do not create something that isn't there. That's the beauty of Yoga meditation. So, whether the goal is to combat stress, cure illness or to gain higher spiritual experience, Yoga meditation as well as other relaxation therapies can help you find healing by training your mind to reach into your inner being.

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BONUS : Merkaba meditation is one of the most complex, but rewarding styles of meditation that you can do. This style of meditation is believed to be referenced in the bible, dating back as far as the Old Testament. By trying to connect your current self with the energies of a higher awareness, or your higher self, the goal of Merkaba meditation is to control the spiritual energies around your body to form the shape of a disc, similar to that of a galaxy. It is believed that this disc expands 55 feet outside of the core of your body, centered at the base of your spine, when true balance has been obtained.

The fundamental base of Merkaba meditation is founded on the principle that through careful breathing exercises and body position, you can focus your spiritual energies and touch the Flower of Life or a Star Tetrahedron, depending on the style of Merkaba exercises you are doing. The end result is the same, with the achievement of spiritual balance and connecting with your higher self.

In Merkaba meditation, there are 18 standard breaths used through the meditation. Many individuals will go for days, weeks, or months, only passing through the first four or five breathing exercises. As an integral part of Merkaba meditation is to reach out and find unity and balance between your masculine aspect and your feminine aspect, then learn to control those energies, some individuals may take longer to learn the breaths and exercises that let them gain that awareness. The further into the phases of the Merkaba meditation you master, the more control you have over the energies that surround your physical and spiritual selves. It is through this control that you can reach from the 3rd dimension into the 4th dimension and contact your higher self.

In Merkaba meditation, it is believed that there is a nineteenth breath, which is the unity of the higher self and your current self. This is not taught by instructors, as it is firmly believed that your higher self must guide you in the learning of the final breath of the meditation.

The term Merkaba is founded on the concept of Merkaba meditation. It is broken down into three principle syllables, all of which have its own unique meaning. Mer, or Light, is significant as the Merkaba meditation process is believed to use divine light in order to connect with your higher self. Ka, meaning Spirit, is the first aspect of self. Ba, meaning body, is the focus of your body and the energies that your body represents.

It is believed that Merkaba meditation can take a lifetime or more to master.

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