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Replacing Hormones For Healthy Aging

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Replacing Hormones for Healthy Aging

Aging can affect all of us by changing our hormone levels. As we age the level of hormone that is formed by, our glands decline. Our glands produce the hormones and release them through the blood streams. As we grow older, hormone production slows. To correct the slowness sometimes hormone replacement is essential. Before you jump the gun however, searching for replacement take note that medical experts discovered that men who seek hormone replacement therapy should consider carefully. The replacement therapy is behind, or part of the cause of prostate cancer. You want to check with your doctor always before taking any non-prescribed supplements, therapy treatments, etc.

Our body produces two major hormones that are very important. We start to lose these necessary elements as aging progresses. Our body relies on estrogen and testosterone to keep our metabolism, sex reproduction functions and so forth healthy.

Testosterone is not only important for the men but women too. Men need a higher-level of testosterone. The hormones are what promote facial hair, larger muscles, and deeper voices. Testosterone is what makes the men seem younger and helps them to perform sexually, since it is their drive. As it lowers in men, they lose their sex drive. On the other hand, too much testosterone in our bodies can induce side effects, such as heart disease and enlarge the prostate glands. For this purpose, you want to consult with your doctor before taking replacement hormone therapy.

Estrogen is the other major hormone that our bodies need to keep up with life in general. Women take estrogen to counteract menopause by taking a supplement direct by their doctor. Taking estrogen can also help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, Alzheimer's. Estrogen therapy reduces our risks, yet side effects can lead to uterus or breast cancer. Some women experience blood clotting while others may not. In addition, some women have endured heart attacks and strokes after taking estrogen therapy units. Like all other supplements or treatments over-the-counter, one must consult with their physician before taking the treatments. Discuss the good and bad points of taking replacement therapies, such as estrogen and testosterone.

Do you have a hard time sleeping at night?
Maybe you’re lacking the Melatonin hormone. The lack of melatonin is known to interrupt sleeping patterns as we age. Our glands produce Melatonin and it slows down, as we grow older. Study shows that while we are sleeping during the hours of 8PM and 5AM, is when this hormone is produced the most. By taking Melatonin supplements, it can help in the reduction of breast cancer and help to reverse aging along with improving our sleep. The side effects may include drowsiness. Melatonin can cause the blood vessels to constrict as well. It depends if your body has sufficient or deficient amounts. Again, talk with your doctor first. Melatonin according to few can cause heart conditions. Melatonin is dangerous to those diagnosed with high blood pressure. Like most things, it is very important to consult your physician before taking this supplement.

Discussing the aspects of healthy aging:
We have various aspects of the body to consider when discussing healthy aging. Our body produces hormones, cell bodies, neurons, and so on. When our bodily functions are interrupted, it affects the body and mind as a whole and determines how fast we will age. Still, you must consider that environment factors, doctors, medications, smoking, using alcohol excessively and so forth plays a part in our aging process. In fact, we have to review normal aging verses abnormal aging when considering healthy aging.
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BONUS : Resist The Force Of Aging

If you’re the type of person who would rather watch TV and eat all day long than giving you’re muscles a little more stretch, better think twice. Here’s the deal: this lifestyle speeds up aging. How? Well, inactivity accelerates aging in two ways: it decreases our muscle strength and gives us extra pounds.

Muscle meltdown

As we age, the quantity and strength of our muscle fibers diminish. Truth to the matter is, we lose two to four pounds of muscles every ten years. Decreased number and strength of muscles causes our muscles to lose flexibility, losing our usual range of motion and optimal strength.

Lack of exercise is to blame. It was found out that not exercising for even just a week weakens our muscles significantly. In fact, if you don’t exercise for a month, you will lose almost 50% of your original muscle strength. Some people may not even notice their atrophied muscles because of the fatty buildup in their body. Blame that too to lack of exercise.

Gaining extra pounds

The simple logic here is that if you are inactive, you gain extra pounds, and extra pounds can age you. But hey, there’s a missing link. How does an increase in weight speed up aging?

Researchers have recently found out that as people become heavier and became more insulin resistant (a common side effect of being fat and heavy), their telomeres (strands of DNA at the end of a chromosome that protect the tip from destruction and classically shorten with age) shrank more than those of people who didn't increase their weight and developed more insulin resistance, an apparent sign that the aging process was speeding up among overweight. Researchers suppose that the stress caused by increased weight and insulin resistance spawn inflammation and free radicals that damage cells. Simply put, a heavier body ages its own DNA.

The Solution

But the good news is, you can recover what you have lost and slice off what you have gained. Research clearly shows that a healthy lifestyle and exercise can help keep your DNA younger.

In studies, regular exercise has been proven to keep you from diabetes, muscle atrophy, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and heart diseases. Regular workout helps prevent hypertension, reduces body fat, raises High Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol), lowers Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol), improves circulation, keeps the bowel healthy, and regulates key hormones.

An anti-aging workout is best for you! This includes consistent cardio, yoga, and weight training.

You can do jogging, cycling, walking, and swimming for thirty minutes a day for about five times a week. Doing these of higher intensity everyday can be helpful in bringing more blood and oxygen to our brain. These activities also guard your heart by lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL, and keeping arteries flexible to improve circulation.

Lifting weights should also be part of your roster of activities. Weightlifting for 20 minutes a day, twice a week can be of great help in having strong bones, and muscles, which of course includes the heart. For beginners, 3-5 pound dumbbells will do.

Doing yoga is one of the best activities to fight stress. It relaxes the body, thereby, keeping stress from burning you out. It also protects the body against free radicals that break down the elasticity of the skin.

More Benefits

Exercise does not only keep you young, it also helps you sleep, firms you up, improves your mood, keeps you slim, and take note of this, charges up your sex life :D

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