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Hormones And All That Good Stuff In Healthy Aging

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Hormones and All that Good Stuff in Healthy Aging

Stomach weight is associated with making the arteries age. Your arteries supply blood through out your whole system and if these become blocked it can cause many problems for you. Obesity can lead to a heart attack, memory loss, the skin will wrinkle and strokes can occur too, which is all caused from the blocked arteries. Your diet plays an important role in helping to keep these arteries clear. You need to include a certain amount of goods fats in you diet if nothing else eating nuts for a snack.

Keeping the mind busy and enjoying activity helps the brain and it will help prevent depression, anxiety and stress. Everyone seems to get these three things as we age because we slow down and donÂ’t get out enough. It is very important to be with people and get that exercise to keep your mind from thinking and worrying so much.

Watch your diet keeping it in control and enjoy many activities. YouÂ’ll feel and look better as you age. We can consider all these aspects, yet to find a clear vision of what healthy aging means to you, we have to consider hormones.

The glands produce several hormones, including the Human Growth Hormone. (HgH) Science shows the body produces enough but it doesnÂ’t release all of it as we age. The low levels of human growth hormone cause wrinkling of skin, reduction of energy and sexual performance. Gray hair is incurred from hormonal deficiencies. The hormone will also cause increases of body fats, and puts you at the risk of heart disease. You will lose muscle mass from deficient HgH, which can lead to shrinking of bodily organs.

Studies were conducted that shown results from 26 men. These men were between the ages 61 and early 80s. The studies shown that the supplement of Human Growth Hormone slowed the aging process 10-20 years total. After giving HgH, these men showed improvements, which enhanced muscle strength. The skin tone was enhanced as well as the memory. The overall of aging has not been stopped but important signs of maturity are improved.

Vitamin A is known to help the eyes but in recent studies, it was discovered that it is also helps release the human growth hormone. Just remember when buying supplements in a health food store the labels are not always accurate.

When taking any hormone replacement supplements make sure that you consult with your doctor, only he or she knows what is best for you. Since supplements, Vitamins, or replacement therapies may include side effects, you want your doctors advice first before administering these remedies.

Women rely on estrogen to maintain healthy bones. Women need these hormones to reduce the risks of shrinking in bone density. Women will often experience symptoms that form into osteoporosis when estrogen is deficient. Estrogen will often slow as a woman ages, and usually after menopause the womanÂ’s lipid levels drop.

This can cause high cholesterol also, since LDL increases. In addition, lipid levels when increased can lead to blocked arteries, or coronary blood vessel/artery disease. After a woman goes through menopause she, starts to age for the reason that the ovaries begin to slow the production of progesterone and estrogen. These major hormones control menstrual cycles, which stop at this point.

Men rely on testosterone to maintain their youth. This hormone controls a maleÂ’s sex drive, facial hair growth and so on. We all have our hormones that perform many actions, yet in some instances we need replacement, especially as we grow old. Sometimes replacing the hormones will slow the aging process, thus promoting healthy aging.
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BONUS : Household Ingredients for Aging Skin

Oatmeal: When cooked with water under low heat, an oatmeal mask dramatically softens the appearance of the skin, smoothing it and evening its tone. The flakes aid in the exfoliation of dead skin cells and provide the skin with nutrients and vitamins that restore its glow.

Avocado: Avocados contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, offering the skin deep moisturizing action. The application of mashed avocados on the skin reduces the appearance of fine lines as the skin gains elasticity from the moisture supplied by the fruit. Also loaded with vitamins, avocados are a wonderful multivitamin with many of the essential nutrients necessary for healthy skin function.

Tomatoes: Mashed tomatoes are known to supply significant nourishment to the skin while balancing its pH. The acids present in the fruit aid in the exfoliation of dead skin cells, while the moisture increases the skin's elasticity and ability to stretch.

Bee Pollen: A powerful antioxidant, bee pollen is known to fight free radicals while supplying the body with important nutrients. For best results, ingest without dissolving in water.

Jojoba oil: A strong moisturizer, jojoba oil penetrates deep into the skin to nourish the skin cells with needed moisture. It enhances cell elasticity and flexibility, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Green Tea: Applied directly to the skin, green tea is known to neutralize free radicals with its antioxidant effects. Containing trace amounts of caffeine, green tea also helps the skin look and feel more firm as it restores its shine and glow.

Strawberries and Blueberries: Mashed up, these delicious fruits have incredible antioxidant capabilities. They contain acids that help slough away dead cells on the surface of the skin, which neutralizes free radicals and offers an exfoliating abrasive.


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