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Money Making Tips

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Money Making Tips

Affiliate marketing is all about getting paid for
selling products you don't own and not going to
jail for it. Someone else goes through all of the
trouble to develop software programs, service, or
digital content products. They'll do all the work
then you collect the money!

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing arrangement
between the product developer, known as the affiliate
merchant, and the affiliate marketer who is anyone
that's willing to promote the sale of product by
advertising the product using any type of legal
means available.

The relationship will allow the affiliate merchant
to grow their revenue by paying only for the
advertising that results in a sale. The affiliate
marketer will profit by making a percentage on a
sale that he does not have to manage after the

Getting paid
Getting paid all depends upon how the affiliate
program is set up. Some merchants will run their
own affiliate program. They'll have special types
of software that assigns each affiliate marketer
a special link that's used in promoting the product.
The software will track sales of every marketer
and the merchant will pay the commission on a
periodic basis using either PayPal or another
method of payment.

Selecting products or services
Your income is directly tied to how well your
selected product or service sells, and the size of
the commission you earn, which makes it very
important that you choose carefully when it comes
to choosing the affiliate merchant you'll be
partnering with.

Choose programs that you aren't embarrassed to
promote and programs that you'll feel comfortable
recommending to your family and friends if they
were to ask you about it.

You'll do much better if you promote products
that you fully understand and are already familiar
with. This way, you'll be able to write better
ads without having to strain yourself coming up
with the right things to say.

You should only promote products and services for
companies who have gone through the trouble to
provide you with training programs and sales aids
such as banners and other marketing materials that
you can either use directly or model the one you
own after.

Be on the lookout for programs with commission
rates no less than 50%. You should give preference
to programs that pay commission on multiple levels,
which means you'll also have to earn commissions
on sales made by people who buy the products
through your link then go on and become affiliates
themselves later on.

(word count 414)

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BONUS : Other Notable Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

It isn’t hard to set up a good website and start and affiliate marketing career. It isn’t hard at all to find affiliate marketing opportunities on the internet. However, it is a very simple thing to make deadly mistakes that will insure your failure to thrive at affiliate marketing.

One of the most notable affiliate marketing mistakes is to think that all you have to do is find the ones that pay the most, sign up, drive traffic to that site through your affiliate link and you’re all set right? Not exactly.

It’s great to choose an affiliate program that pays a high percentage, but that’s not most important thing to consider. It’s much more important to find a quality affiliate program that meets certain criteria. Here are three mistakes you don’t have to make:

1. You want to make sure the product is a proven seller. You don’t want to waste your time and money driving traffic to a site that doesn’t convert. Find one with a good conversion rate.

2. Make sure the site you become an affiliate for protects its affiliates, and has your best interest at heart. Look for one that provides banners, e-mails, and other tools you can use to promote the site. Also, make sure that there is only one payment option. As an affiliate marketer, you need to be sure that you will get credit for your referral. If there is more than one payment method, you can get shortchanged.

3. Do not choose an affiliate program that promotes an e-mail course. Nothing is worse than becoming an affiliate to a site that’s first goal is to capture e-mail addresses, and then tries to make the sale second. As an affiliate marketer, you need to capture e-mail addresses, then to convert that prospect into a sale. Stick with affiliate programs that aren’t focused on capturing leads because it’s simply not in your best interest. Build your own list, not someone else’s.


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