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Managing And Recruiting Affiliates

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Managing And Recruiting Affiliates

Once affiliates begin to sign up, even if you are
automatically approving them, its in your best
interest to audit your network on a regular basis.
Now, the FTC is making marketers responsible for
the actions of their affiliates. If your affiliates
get out of control, it could cost you a lot of money.

You'll have hundreds of affiliates sign up for your
program. Hobbyists, spammers, webmasters and even
marketers. It's very important that you review
each one on a regular basis to ensure the way they
are promoting you is acceptable to your company and
above all - its legal.

Below, you'll find some tips when screening:
1. All affiliates must have an active web
site. If not, they may be spammers.
2. The affiliate site content must relate
to your products or services.
3. The site should have appropriate levels
of content.
4. Misuse of content. Be very clear with
your affiliates and what content they can use from
your website.

Affiliate fraud
Fraud with affiliates has been increasing over the
last several years, which is another great reason
to screen your affiliates on a regular basis. With
fraud, there are two main types:

Malware - Some affiliates out there have developed
software that is installed on a machine, normally as
part of a free download. When someone clicks on the
affiliate link, the true affiliate ID is replaced
with the fraud.

Fake purchase - If you have a product of high value
that returns large commissions for affiliates, you
may notice some bad parties signing up, then using
stolen or fake credit card information to purchase
products via their links.

Communicating with affiliates
Good affiliates are normally busy, as they can
easily forget about your services and products.
As time goes by, your offers can wind up less in
less visited areas or accidentally deleted.

It's extremely important to stay in contact with
your affiliates, even more so with the high performers.
Do not wait for them to contact you, as if you
do, it normally means they are reporting a problem.
By taking the time to contact them, you are showing
that you are interested in the partnership.

You don't need a new product as an excuse to
contact your power affiliates. Even if it's just
a quick note to ask if they need anything. You
can also use the opportunity for feedback on your
program as well.

Managing a successful affiliate program is not an
easy task you can fully automate, as you'll have
to get involved. Happy affiliates are more
productive, and the more money they make - the
more money your company makes as well.

(word count 442)

Retour Au Sommaire
BONUS : Money Making Tips

Affiliate marketing is all about getting paid for
selling products you don't own and not going to
jail for it. Someone else goes through all of the
trouble to develop software programs, service, or
digital content products. They'll do all the work
then you collect the money!

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing arrangement
between the product developer, known as the affiliate
merchant, and the affiliate marketer who is anyone
that's willing to promote the sale of product by
advertising the product using any type of legal
means available.

The relationship will allow the affiliate merchant
to grow their revenue by paying only for the
advertising that results in a sale. The affiliate
marketer will profit by making a percentage on a
sale that he does not have to manage after the

Getting paid
Getting paid all depends upon how the affiliate
program is set up. Some merchants will run their
own affiliate program. They'll have special types
of software that assigns each affiliate marketer
a special link that's used in promoting the product.
The software will track sales of every marketer
and the merchant will pay the commission on a
periodic basis using either PayPal or another
method of payment.

Selecting products or services
Your income is directly tied to how well your
selected product or service sells, and the size of
the commission you earn, which makes it very
important that you choose carefully when it comes
to choosing the affiliate merchant you'll be
partnering with.

Choose programs that you aren't embarrassed to
promote and programs that you'll feel comfortable
recommending to your family and friends if they
were to ask you about it.

You'll do much better if you promote products
that you fully understand and are already familiar
with. This way, you'll be able to write better
ads without having to strain yourself coming up
with the right things to say.

You should only promote products and services for
companies who have gone through the trouble to
provide you with training programs and sales aids
such as banners and other marketing materials that
you can either use directly or model the one you
own after.

Be on the lookout for programs with commission
rates no less than 50%. You should give preference
to programs that pay commission on multiple levels,
which means you'll also have to earn commissions
on sales made by people who buy the products
through your link then go on and become affiliates
themselves later on.

(word count 414)


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