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Keeping Affiliates Motivated

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Keeping Affiliates Motivated

Running affiliates programs is easier than ever with
the software and help available now. However, keeping
your affiliates motivated and selling isn't quite
as easy to do. If the success of your business rests
upon how your affiliates perform, you make want to
provide them with the right tools to get the job
done successfully.

If you are already running an affiliate program for
your products, you should know that a large number of
people who sign up for your program never to be
heard from again. You can however, reduce the number
of non productive affiliates by remaining in touch
with them constantly.

Remind them of their usernames and passwords, and
tell them where to log in to check their stats or
get creative. Always keep them informed of new
product lines or changes in policy or procedures.

The key to motivation is making sure that you stay
in touch. Always pay attention to who your top
sellers are, and make sure that you contact them
on a regular basis. Pay attention to who your worst
producers are, and make sure you stay in touch
with them constantly as well.

The main reason most affiliates don't perform that
well is because they don't possess any leadership
or guidance. This can easily be changed by writing
a marketing course, which you can even offer for
sale to non affiliates, although you should make
it available to your affiliates at no charge.

Keep your creatives and sales copy up to date. You
should also provide new material for your affiliates
to use on a regular basis. Providing them with
nothing but a text link and one banner just
doesn't generate much excitement at all.

Provide your affiliates with sales letters, reviews,
ads, banners of different shapes and sizes, and
anything else that comes to mind. Be sure that your
affiliates know the material is there for them to
use. Always listen to your affiliates, and get
the proper feedback on your material.

You should also hold virtual meetings. Set up chat
rooms where your affiliates can attend virtual
meetings on a weekly basis. Be sure to answer any
questions, have motivated speakers, and aything
else you can think of to make the meetings more

Given your affiliates the credit they deserve is
also very important. Each month, you should give
credit to the best performers in your affiliate
newsletter. Give small bonuses to those that
perform well, and you can even set up a payment
structure that rewards higher commissions and bigger
volumes of sales.

Always make sure you do everything you can to
help your affiliates succeed and make money in
your program. If they are making money - you are
succeeding and making money as well. In reality -
their success is your success.

(word count 466)

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BONUS : Keyword Research That Works

On the internet, keywords are terms or words that
relate to particular topics. Keyword research will
involve various aspects, such as finding sales
oriented keywords or driving maximum qualified
users to increase their online sales.

Keyword research is the first step towards a
successful search engine optimization campaign.
You have to be very careful when selecting keywords,
as it can be very tricky to select targeted keywords
for a website.

The selection of keywords should always be based on
various aspects such as product names, services,
brands, or general terms. Often times, people forget
about targeting geographical terms when they have
global presence.

When doing keyword research, it's highly recommended
to do a very thorough market research analysis to
find the best keywords used by search engines to
find products and services online - and find out
what keywords are targeted by competitors who are
doing well in marketing on the internet.

The first step in finding the best keywords is to
make a list of the products, topics, and services
that you offer. You can also make good use of your
website logs to know which keywords have brought
you the traffic in the past.

Be sure to select keywords that clearly define your
business and products to drive traffic from the
search engines. There are some websites which get
high levels of traffic through general keywords
although they might not end up being sales.

Today, users of search engines are aware of how
they work, for searching products and services on
the net. Users always look for the better products,
locations, etc. Therefore, you should cover all
terms for each - products, locatins, etc.

There are numerous tools available which will help
you identify keywords that are suitable for search
engines. The challenge here, is to determine which
keyword is the best to generate traffic.

(word count 307)


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