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Clearly Seeing Self And Identity In Society

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Clearly Seeing Self and Identity in Society

It is these very thoughts, feelings and emotions that dictates the path and decisions we choose in life. Free yourself from emotional drudgery and allow yourself to sit in the driver’s seat. Emotional competency is much closer then you may think.

We must see clearly through each problem we face in order to discover self-identity and self in society. The way we react is generally inspired by the emotions. Despite that, people will always trigger our emotions, causing us distress along the way; we must gain strength of mind to take control of our reactions. Instead of letting people in society get us down, we must learn to make better choices.

You have the choice to choose your friends, job, and the way you handle interruptive situations. If you choose associations that causes you stress, thus you have made a bad choice that will cause many emotional challenges to develop along the way. Good association builds character and strength of mind.

If you decide to work at a job were as your employees or employers causes you distress, don’t feel depressed when you find yourself angry often. It is how you react however, that will lead to good results. Sometimes you must show meek character in order to subdue others and assist them with working in union with you. If this is not possible, then it is time to seek a better job. If you lack skills to get a better job, then it is time to reconsider education.

The way we handle things can determine our fate. If we are quick to react in anger, likely you will develop a violent nature that will lead to serious complications in the future. We must learn to control this anger despite those others will trigger our emotions.

By taking charge of your emotions, you can move mountains and sit down people that trigger your emotions. For example, if someone pushes the wrong button per se, the button that makes you angered, thus if you respond with a meek attitude, keeping it positive, most times that person will walk away feeling bad. Keep in mind however, that there are many people in society that could care less about hurting another person’s feelings. Many people have pushed aside humane qualities that make them unique. They roam the world with a mind full of clutter and rarely will they become acquainted with the self-identity.

Instead of reacting negatively to this type of pattern, we must realize that these people are ignorant. We do not want to become ignorant and childish like them, instead we want to push ahead toward self-developing our characters and skills. We can grow into our being successfully by not allowing influences of any sort dictate our direction.

Most people are influentially created from others in society and in the leadership world. Political leaders, religion, teachers, and many in society often create their state of mind and identity. This is why we have so many problems today. Instead of allowing these influences to reflect on us, and create who we are, we must take charge now and dictate our own self-growth.

We all have innate abilities to cultivate our personality and identity. Yet, we must learn to listen to the signals that brush before us. Many people ignore these signals because we as people have been seriously dehumanized, demoralized and desensitized in society and life. We must re-establish our identity by re-humanizing, re-moralizing and re-sensitizing our character. Only then can we advance toward a brighter future by identifying self, as self and not what someone else created.
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BONUS : Competency of Self Identity in Society
Self and Society

When an entity develops emotional and mental competency it makes him stronger since he moves closer to his identity. Competency is an entity’s ability to manage particular events and stress on an emotional level. Emotions dictate how we react in stressful situations under stress. This competency is based on our strength of mind and determines the results from our past experiences. Current feelings and thoughts also has something to do with how we will react emotionally or how we make decisions. It is vital to evaluate one’s own emotional responses in order to work toward mental-emotional competency. Developing a higher level of emotional skill one will be able to make decisions and to handle most events he encounters.

Competency of mental-emotional has components we all must expand, which includes self-awareness. Self-awareness enables us to recognize our own emotions and the effects. What this means is that the entity is capable of recognizing the way in which he reacts to environmental changes. Self-awareness is the measure of how an entity’s emotions agree with the individual’s job performance.

Self-awareness cultivates self-control. Usually, when a person develops a higher grade of competency they are aware of their own feelings. This helps them to understand better, why meticulous feelings come to mind. One can relate better to the implications of their own emotions.
This is the stepping-stones of achieving emotional social consciousness.

We have several ways in which we can work toward developing a higher grade of self-awareness. Once a person has developed this higher plane, the entity is on the voyage of developing emotional skill.

We must learn to pay closer attention to the corporeal signs that come up when a stressful situation emerges. The physical symptoms may involve sweaty palms, elevated blood pressure and rapid successions of breathing. When one is aware of the physical symptoms, the entity can learn how to control or how to acclimatize to them.

Self-identity of self in society and other areas of life involve reaching for a higher plane of emotional self-awareness. This helps one to keep records of your individual behaviors that are awaken when coming face-to-face with a stressful situation in society.

A stressful situation may crop up daily. Some folks find it taxing to communicate successfully with their employer or people in society. On this note, one must learn to jot down his reactions and his physical symptoms during communication by taking notice when the feelings or responses develop. Next, the entity must assess his personal reactions and move to discover how the person can act in response better in the situation.

Taking control of your emotions and feelings is important. Most people fail to take responsibility of their actions. Many people commonly use the same excuse, “this is how I am, and I can’t change now.” This is not an answer to resolve poor reactions; instead, it is just an excuse. In order for a person to attain his dreams and goals, he must be willing to take responsibility for all areas of his life.

Emotions can without difficulty dictate how an entity reacts in a significant moment. Thus, one must grow and make changes so that he can manage stressful situations that make that person feel uncomfortable. There are limitless possibilities in life when an individual is in control. One can accomplish this by expanding his emotional skills, which is essentially the first step to achieve his goals. Keep in mind that writing a journal allows you to express your personal thoughts, feelings and emotions. Writing your feelings and thoughts is one of the most effective ways to identify self.

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