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Causes Of Low Self Esteem

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Why Other People are the Causes of Low Self Esteem

Newborn babies have no self esteem problems. They have no concept of failure or falling short of expectations. In a very real sense, our interactions with other people are the root causes of low self esteem. Since you cannot avoid interacting with people, you have to learn how to identify these causes and stop them from affecting you.

Low Self Esteem From The People You Know

Parents lay the foundation for self image. Children understand that parents expect certain things of them, and if they fail these expectations, it can decrease their sense of self worth. It is important for parents to realize the limits to which they can push their offspring to excellence. You cannot change your past, and you cannot blame your parents for wanting you to succeed, but what you can change is the way you look at it. Acknowledge the love, learn to set aside the disappointment, and move on.

Your partner also has certain expectations regarding your relationship, so it is important that these expectations are verbalized. Constant dialogue is important as there can be no greater blow to self image that being though of as falling short of an ideal that you do not even know about. The same principle can be applied to relationships with friends and relatives. Be sure that you can clarify your role and understand what they expect of you.

Work relationships are at once both easier and harder on self image. On one hand, your job description makes the expectations of the people in the workplace crystal clear. On the other hand, this clarity also makes in easier to point out your shortcomings. What is important in this situation is to realize that a job is an opportunity for growth. If you do no have the required skills yet, identify them so you can acquire them and meet your goals.

Low Self Esteem From The People You Don’t Know

The opinions of total strangers affect all of us to a certain degree. These perceptions may reach your in many different ways. You may overhear comments of people as you walk down the street. You may read comments about you written in blogs or articles. You may identify with certain groups that are discussed in the media, such as on TV or in magazine articles.

Judgments from people who do not know you can sometimes be more devastating than from those close to you. You may feel unfairly judged or belittled. Worse, you may even partially agree to these negative pronouncements. This can push your self image even lower. What is important is to identify the feeling and examine its cause. If you cannot dispute a negative observation yourself, look for positive affirmation. People who know you can help you set these things into perspective. Many resources both online and in print can prove these judgments wrong. You may want to avoid magazines or TV shows that make frequent erroneous pronouncements.

As you can see, our perception of failing other people’s expectations is the seed from which poor self image sprouts. These causes of low self esteem are ubiquitous and unavoidable so you must learn to guard against them if you want to grow. Learning to deal with other people in a positive way is the one sure path to confidence and a good self image.
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BONUS : Clearly Seeing Self and Identity in Society

It is these very thoughts, feelings and emotions that dictates the path and decisions we choose in life. Free yourself from emotional drudgery and allow yourself to sit in the driver’s seat. Emotional competency is much closer then you may think.

We must see clearly through each problem we face in order to discover self-identity and self in society. The way we react is generally inspired by the emotions. Despite that, people will always trigger our emotions, causing us distress along the way; we must gain strength of mind to take control of our reactions. Instead of letting people in society get us down, we must learn to make better choices.

You have the choice to choose your friends, job, and the way you handle interruptive situations. If you choose associations that causes you stress, thus you have made a bad choice that will cause many emotional challenges to develop along the way. Good association builds character and strength of mind.

If you decide to work at a job were as your employees or employers causes you distress, don’t feel depressed when you find yourself angry often. It is how you react however, that will lead to good results. Sometimes you must show meek character in order to subdue others and assist them with working in union with you. If this is not possible, then it is time to seek a better job. If you lack skills to get a better job, then it is time to reconsider education.

The way we handle things can determine our fate. If we are quick to react in anger, likely you will develop a violent nature that will lead to serious complications in the future. We must learn to control this anger despite those others will trigger our emotions.

By taking charge of your emotions, you can move mountains and sit down people that trigger your emotions. For example, if someone pushes the wrong button per se, the button that makes you angered, thus if you respond with a meek attitude, keeping it positive, most times that person will walk away feeling bad. Keep in mind however, that there are many people in society that could care less about hurting another person’s feelings. Many people have pushed aside humane qualities that make them unique. They roam the world with a mind full of clutter and rarely will they become acquainted with the self-identity.

Instead of reacting negatively to this type of pattern, we must realize that these people are ignorant. We do not want to become ignorant and childish like them, instead we want to push ahead toward self-developing our characters and skills. We can grow into our being successfully by not allowing influences of any sort dictate our direction.

Most people are influentially created from others in society and in the leadership world. Political leaders, religion, teachers, and many in society often create their state of mind and identity. This is why we have so many problems today. Instead of allowing these influences to reflect on us, and create who we are, we must take charge now and dictate our own self-growth.

We all have innate abilities to cultivate our personality and identity. Yet, we must learn to listen to the signals that brush before us. Many people ignore these signals because we as people have been seriously dehumanized, demoralized and desensitized in society and life. We must re-establish our identity by re-humanizing, re-moralizing and re-sensitizing our character. Only then can we advance toward a brighter future by identifying self, as self and not what someone else created.

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