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How To Be More Assertive And Say No

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How To Be More Assertive And Say No

There are lot of kids that have had to grow up doing whatever their friends pressured them to do because they were not assertive enough to say no. They end up getting themselves in a lot of trouble because they are unable to say no. When it comes to teaching your child to become assertive and say no, you have to show that you are not being judgmental, but that you just care about how they are raised. If you talk to your child you will be able to get assertiveness to grow inside them so that they know better than to not say no. They will end up being well-adjusted and mature young adults, but it’s not just kids and teens that have issues with saying no. There are a lot more times in life when you are going to need to say no, but you may feel like you can’t.

The first type of situation where you may feel like you aren’t assertive enough to say no is at work. The problem is that if you say no you may find others to have issues with your unwillingness. Some employees are required to convert to the regular office standards and seem less than willing to negotiate. Honestly, if you can be true to your job you will be able to keep your job, impress the boss, and still be able to feel free to say no. Sometimes you’ll feel pressured to take on more work, even if you have plans or cannot take on the extra work, but if you tell your boss the circumstances you’ll be more likely to be noticed for your assertiveness, however, you have to set your priorities. You should always put your family first. You will find the assertiveness inside you to say no because you know what needs to be done for the sake of your family, your career, and stability. You will become assertive because you will understand what you need to do to make things work and sometimes it means to say no to the big bosses.

The second type of situation that you may feel pressured is when you are in an relationship. You may feel that you can’t say no to someone, but that is not the type of relationship that you should have. There are always times in life when you feel the need to say no. There are going to be topics in which you’ll feel the need to put your foot down and tell them that their wishes are out of control. You may end finding your assertiveness after giving the other partner so much that it is physically exhausting, however, you may also find that you will be able to share the partnership from the start equally. Love means that there is an give and an take. Not just one person is doing all the giving and that is where you will want to find the assertiveness. You will want to become more assertive for the fact that the other will never respect you. You will want to have the mutual respect and if you feel like you honestly cannot say no to them then you will want to have and talk about the relationship. This is the only way that you may be able to gain some respect in the relationship and also become more assertive so that the relationship is equal.

The last type of situation where you may feel pressured is much like when you were an teen. You’ll find that others will try to persuade you to do things that you shouldn’t do. You, again, can find some real trouble by associating with these people, but fear alone will not give you the nerve to say no. You have to become comfortable with who you are before you can tell others how you feel about things and take a stand against the crowd.
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BONUS : How To Be More Assertive And Stand Up For Yourself

You have to stand up for yourself anytime that you feel like you are being pushed down. You need to make sure that you have the strength and the ability to make good decisions in life so that you are the person that you want to be in life. Having the assertiveness in life that is needed to stand up for you is not always easy.

There are many times in life that you are not going to feel like you are important. When you do have these feelings happen to you, it is going to be a good idea to try and use the assertiveness that you have learned to stand up for yourself and tell the world that you are important and that you have the self-confidence that you deserve.

You can learn how to stand up for who you are and what you want to be in life by using the skills that you can learn from others and from things that you read about assertiveness. You have to be willing to make changes in your life if something is not working out for you. If you are not sure how to do this, you may want to do some research for this reason. Having some help in this department is not always easy. However with the right attitude, you can make things work for you and be the person that you have always wanted.

Do not let others put you down? When you are feeling low like you are not important, you should use your assertiveness to get what you need out of life. You are going to have to put your thoughts and feeling first and ignore the bad that has been put upon you. There are ways to achieve your goals and get on track. Being persistent and wanting more out of life is important. You can have all of this and so much more as long as you are willing to stand up for who you are in life.

Do not let others walk all over you? There are some times in life when you have to say no. If you are having a hard time saying no to certain people or in some situations, you are going to have to learn how you can do this. You need to be confident in your own rights and feelings and say no when you think it is the only option for you. Do not compromise to things that you do not want to do. Standing up for who you are and the things that you want is very important.

Teaching your children and others to stand up for their rights and feelings is very important as well. You have to show them that having self respect and confidence is important. They can be their own person and have the things that are most important to them with the right assertive training that you can give to them. Do not let them be intimidated by others and the things in life that can go wrong at any time. Having good self-esteem is one of the most important factors that a person of any age can have for own pride and satisfaction.

Remember the next time that you feel like someone is trying to hold you back in life or put you down, you should do all that you can to stand up for who you are and what you believe in. There is nothing wrong with wanting more and getting what you want in life. Doing what is going to make you happy is one way of using assertiveness training to make your life even better and more pleasing for you.

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