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How To Be More Assertive And Outgoing

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How To Be More Assertive And Outgoing

It’s hard to become more assertive, especially if you are an shy person. For those who don’t have the outgoing personality that comes natural to some people, you will find that being more assertive can be an challenge, however, if you take te time you’ll be able to find the right times to show your more aggressive side and you’ll be able to become more assertive naturally. For those who wish to become more assertive you need to find something that you really like and then reach out for it. You need to become more outgoing when it comes to your relationships, your friendships, and your career.

When it comes to having an serious relationship you may want to talk to your girlfriend or friend about taking the friendship further. You can take some measures that will seem to protect your feelings. If you don’t want to talk directly, you will find a lot of pressure gone when you write them an note or an email. You’ll feel more confident talking to them about the relationship when the conversation goes one way. You’re being outgoing by trying to go for something that you really want, but you are also being assertive because you are stating your feelings without being asked for them. You will find that this will help you to become more assertive when it comes to getting into relationships and you’ll be more outgoing when in the relationships.

When it comes to your friendships you may find security in the friendship. When you feel secured you’ll become more assertive. For those who feel like they have nothing to lose, they are more likely to go for things, they are more likely to express themselves when they feel secure with the person. There I no reason why you shouldn’t be assertive and outgoing if you feel secured in the friendship or relationship to be yourself.

The career is very different. You may never feel secured in your career. You will have to find a reason for you to become more assertive, like it is part of a plan. This is because for you to be secured in your career you have to become more assertive and outgoing for management and the upper bosses to notice you. If you work at a company that hardly even knows your name then you should try to be more assertive and outgoing just so that you can get recognized as a member of the company. You may even want to talk to your supervisor or department head so that you can find tips on how to work your way up in the company and how you encourage yourself to become assertive and more outgoing.

You really shouldn’t be shy when it comes to meeting new people. You will find that when it comes to new people you may end up making a lot of new friendships. The best part of meeting new people is that you can be whoever you want to be, and that includes being yourself. You don’t have to worry about meeting new expectations of others. You will make a lot of new friends because you’ll be so confident and outgoing since you’ll be comfort being yourself.

You also shouldn’t be shy when it comes to new experiences. If you allow your mind to be open to new experiences you may be able to make an huge difference to your life. You may be able to find something that will make you happy or have an positive outlook on your life. When you are open to new experiences you will be able to enlighten your life and become assertive and outgoing.
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BONUS : How To Be More Assertive And Say No

There are lot of kids that have had to grow up doing whatever their friends pressured them to do because they were not assertive enough to say no. They end up getting themselves in a lot of trouble because they are unable to say no. When it comes to teaching your child to become assertive and say no, you have to show that you are not being judgmental, but that you just care about how they are raised. If you talk to your child you will be able to get assertiveness to grow inside them so that they know better than to not say no. They will end up being well-adjusted and mature young adults, but it’s not just kids and teens that have issues with saying no. There are a lot more times in life when you are going to need to say no, but you may feel like you can’t.

The first type of situation where you may feel like you aren’t assertive enough to say no is at work. The problem is that if you say no you may find others to have issues with your unwillingness. Some employees are required to convert to the regular office standards and seem less than willing to negotiate. Honestly, if you can be true to your job you will be able to keep your job, impress the boss, and still be able to feel free to say no. Sometimes you’ll feel pressured to take on more work, even if you have plans or cannot take on the extra work, but if you tell your boss the circumstances you’ll be more likely to be noticed for your assertiveness, however, you have to set your priorities. You should always put your family first. You will find the assertiveness inside you to say no because you know what needs to be done for the sake of your family, your career, and stability. You will become assertive because you will understand what you need to do to make things work and sometimes it means to say no to the big bosses.

The second type of situation that you may feel pressured is when you are in an relationship. You may feel that you can’t say no to someone, but that is not the type of relationship that you should have. There are always times in life when you feel the need to say no. There are going to be topics in which you’ll feel the need to put your foot down and tell them that their wishes are out of control. You may end finding your assertiveness after giving the other partner so much that it is physically exhausting, however, you may also find that you will be able to share the partnership from the start equally. Love means that there is an give and an take. Not just one person is doing all the giving and that is where you will want to find the assertiveness. You will want to become more assertive for the fact that the other will never respect you. You will want to have the mutual respect and if you feel like you honestly cannot say no to them then you will want to have and talk about the relationship. This is the only way that you may be able to gain some respect in the relationship and also become more assertive so that the relationship is equal.

The last type of situation where you may feel pressured is much like when you were an teen. You’ll find that others will try to persuade you to do things that you shouldn’t do. You, again, can find some real trouble by associating with these people, but fear alone will not give you the nerve to say no. You have to become comfortable with who you are before you can tell others how you feel about things and take a stand against the crowd.

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