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How The Inner Critic Affects Your Self Confidence

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How the Inner Critic Affects Your Self Confidence

It is strange how many of us fail to listen to that tiny voice inside ourselves. There is no biological and scientific explanations to this ever present voice but you see, we all hear them. For some the voice is the all-commanding mentor. It is sad though that for some, this little voice has become their inner critic, or worse has for a long time muted.

It is an innate murmuring voice that we hear. If we would all remember, this tiny voice has been with us throughout our lives, guiding us to make the proper decisions. But during the course of life, when we have become too jaded and have forgotten the beliefs we once had, this voice becomes silent that we no can no longer remember how good it feels to listen to its guidance.

It was intended to help us but our negative thoughts turn that voice into an inner critic.

This inner critic is the nagging voice that tells you how deficient you are, how ugly you are, how weak and useless you are and how people dislike you for who and what you are. It will convince you to believe in all these lies until your self confidence is sapped and your sense of self becomes devoid.

You may try not to listen to this inner critic initially. Yet once you believe in its miserable denials of who you are, you are sure to have it win you over. You will then be convinced of the validity of its claims and so, you will resort to succumb to mediocre and somber life.

This inner critic lives in all of us as much as the inner voice of goodness does. Theirs is a battle to conquer your being. To deliver you back from the course of goodness and happiness or to the other end.

This inner critic will provide proofs of how stupid it would be take chances with faith. It will create proofs of how unable and incapacitated you are against shining. It will make you believe in time that you truly are worthless and insignificant. It would store memories of such failures to be recovered when you falter with "unbelief". This inner critic will eat you up until it overpowers your sense of self. You will eventually be ruled with fears and anxiety over your amplified lacks.

Of course you are worth everything. You are so endowed with talents, skills and personality that would make you fit for the world. So face it with all things you have. Your inner critic may tell you otherwise because it would not want you harm. After all, it is there to make everything safe.

The thing though is that we don't always have to be safe with everything. Life is a great, great weave of risks, only we have to accept it as it is. The inner critic has the noble intention of keeping you protected. In the early years of life, it may have materialized as the voice that told you not to go over the flames for it would burn you.

The inner critic analyzes your talents, your threshold, your abilities and traits. On a well balanced position, it would contribute greatly to your healthy disposition. But we somehow fail to recognize how helpful this inner voice.
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BONUS : How To Be An Assertive Woman

Women will occasionally find themselves in heated arguments. Sometimes, people’s views and opinions will come in conflict and create drama. Every now and then these conversations can lead to more difficult situations. Knowing how to be assertive in a nice way can prevent an argument from blowing up and may even help one win an argument.

Learning how to be an assertive woman consists of two things: one is the tendency towards a positive attitude, and the other is audacity. Assertiveness means that you possess a kind of boldness; the boldness to let your views and opinions be heard.

At the root of audacity is the confidence that your views and opinions are true. Having confidence in your beliefs causes you to have the boldness to disclose or pass on to others what you have to say. And, conversely, you will have the courage to defend and stand up for your views against people who may disagree of feel differently than you do.

An assertive woman’s assertiveness is also joined by a positive outlook. She speaks with an attitude that is positive despite a subject that may be about things that are negative. The reason for this is because a person who has a negative attitude runs the risk of loosing his or her composure and possibly saying things that could either be regretted later, or not support the argument’s merits. Be sure to think carefully about the words you use and don’t just ramble on. More words is not a sign of assertiveness. It will not help you win the person you are speaking with and may be considered rude.

An assertive person is not one who tries to find the balance between passivity and aggressiveness; but is a different idea all together. It simply means that when you are in an argument, that you will not be bullied to compromise your beliefs or values. It means that you will stand your ground. It is conveying every thought and every word with grace and elegance in order to expose the truth that you hold. This means there is no need to belittle or insult, but, because you have the power of truth on your side, grace, elegance, and poise are yours to wield.

Be sure you have thought through your facts. Be able to back up the things you want to say. Know in advance, if possible, the counter arguments that might come and be prepared to answer them. Look at it is from the point of view of the other person. Step into their shoes and try to understand why they are taking the position that they are. This can allow you to see flaws in the other person’s argument, or, possibly, cause you to change your own opinion if that is what the truth dictates.

Learning how to be an assertive woman is the skill of learning to convey the truth. The truth brings with it confidence. Assertive confidence has nothing to do with changing the mind of your opponent, but has everything to do with ensuring that your opinions, beliefs, and feelings are heard. This is assertiveness.


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