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How To Rebuild Your Self Esteem After A Tragic Event

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How to Rebuild Your Self Esteem After a Tragic Event

We lose a part of ourselves when something tragic happens. This could be the loss of a loved one, a painful divorce or losing your job. You may feel that there is no point in living but if you are able to rebuild your self-esteem, you can continue living your life.

After a period of time, you start rebuilding your self esteem by first learning to let go. Along the way, the event which struck you the most will haunt you and it is okay to cry and feel angry. Once you have released this out of your system, it is time to open your eyes and accept the fact that it has happened.

When you are ready, try doing things that make you feel good. Perhaps get a new haircut, go on a long vacation, take a new class or start a business. You need a new environment so reach out to the world. By doing this on your own or with friends, you will be able to begin enjoying life again instead of imprisoning yourself in your own home.

If what happened was a messy divorce, just think that you now have all the time in the world to do things that your spouse did not allow you to do before. If someone close died, remember them for who they are and cherish whoever is still living. Should you lose your job like many are experiencing right now, look for work or try out classes because there are certain fields that are not affected that much by the financial crisis.

In order to achieve that, you must remember that you have something locked inside which is very powerful and that is the belief in yourself. Yes you made some mistakes but if you learn to forgive yourself, you will soon have a change in attitude and a different outlook in life.

People who have known you in the past will surely take notice of it and some who were not close to you before will be more than willing to approach and want to know more about you.

But this will not work until you are able to understand what you feel hurt and what you need to be happy again. One of the things that enrich self-esteem is the fact that you learn to love yourself so you have to find it because this is what will guide you to a goal and at least achievement.

There is a saying that goes, “ what hurts you will only make you stronger” and this statement is true because although one chapter in your life has closed, the next one is about to open. Sometimes we need to fall down real hard before we can get up ahead but this too shall pass.

You may be bruised or see a scar but you are still living and breathing so stop wasting your time sulking when there is so much to do in life. What happened yesterday is over and a new day is here. This is a chance for you to live again so seize the day!

Remember, you never lost your self-esteem. It was there the whole time and you just need to stand up, dust off the dirt and get the feeling again.
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BONUS : How the Inner Critic Affects Your Self Confidence

It is strange how many of us fail to listen to that tiny voice inside ourselves. There is no biological and scientific explanations to this ever present voice but you see, we all hear them. For some the voice is the all-commanding mentor. It is sad though that for some, this little voice has become their inner critic, or worse has for a long time muted.

It is an innate murmuring voice that we hear. If we would all remember, this tiny voice has been with us throughout our lives, guiding us to make the proper decisions. But during the course of life, when we have become too jaded and have forgotten the beliefs we once had, this voice becomes silent that we no can no longer remember how good it feels to listen to its guidance.

It was intended to help us but our negative thoughts turn that voice into an inner critic.

This inner critic is the nagging voice that tells you how deficient you are, how ugly you are, how weak and useless you are and how people dislike you for who and what you are. It will convince you to believe in all these lies until your self confidence is sapped and your sense of self becomes devoid.

You may try not to listen to this inner critic initially. Yet once you believe in its miserable denials of who you are, you are sure to have it win you over. You will then be convinced of the validity of its claims and so, you will resort to succumb to mediocre and somber life.

This inner critic lives in all of us as much as the inner voice of goodness does. Theirs is a battle to conquer your being. To deliver you back from the course of goodness and happiness or to the other end.

This inner critic will provide proofs of how stupid it would be take chances with faith. It will create proofs of how unable and incapacitated you are against shining. It will make you believe in time that you truly are worthless and insignificant. It would store memories of such failures to be recovered when you falter with "unbelief". This inner critic will eat you up until it overpowers your sense of self. You will eventually be ruled with fears and anxiety over your amplified lacks.

Of course you are worth everything. You are so endowed with talents, skills and personality that would make you fit for the world. So face it with all things you have. Your inner critic may tell you otherwise because it would not want you harm. After all, it is there to make everything safe.

The thing though is that we don't always have to be safe with everything. Life is a great, great weave of risks, only we have to accept it as it is. The inner critic has the noble intention of keeping you protected. In the early years of life, it may have materialized as the voice that told you not to go over the flames for it would burn you.

The inner critic analyzes your talents, your threshold, your abilities and traits. On a well balanced position, it would contribute greatly to your healthy disposition. But we somehow fail to recognize how helpful this inner voice.

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