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How To Build Self Esteem

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How to Build Self Esteem

Self esteem is something we all have. It can be developed and improved even further as we grow older so there is the chance that we can become better people. But how do we do that? Well by following some simple steps.

The first step is to accept yourself for who you are. We are only human and there are limitations to what we can do. While there are some limitations that can be changed, there are some that can’t. For instance, if you don’t do well in math, you can get help so you can have a better grade in the future. On the other hand, if you want to buy a car and you don’t have the funds right now, well you just have to accept the fact that at this moment, this is not possible.

Aside from knowing your limitations, you have to understand that people have their own limitations as well and you have to accept them for who they are.

The second step is to understand that you have self worth. You are important to your family, to your friends and to society. You may not be running a country or a business but your contribution as an employee, as a breadwinner to the family and a listener when your friends need someone to talk to has value.

If you know your limits and you have a certain purpose in life, it is time to set realistic goals. When you plan what you want to do, make sure that this can be done over a period of time and not overnight. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you have to do this gradually and once you achieve it after several months, you will be happy with what you have achieved.

Each one of us has experienced something different in our lives. This depends on the people we meet and the challenges that we have encountered. With that, you can take mistakes made as lessons for the future and achievements as things that could push you further. Since you don’t want to sit on your laurels, set your own standards and live by them.

The last thing you have to do to build up your self-esteem is simply to learn to love yourself. If you want to do something, go ahead and try it even if there are some people who may discourage you from doing it.

If you did a great job, give yourself a pat on the back and reward yourself because how you see yourself will be seen by other people so if you learn to value who you are, it will be easier for you to be appreciative of others.

We all have self-esteem and we just have to maintain it or try to make it even better. If you need help in building it, try seeing a specialist or buying a recording and then play it at home. Remember that these things are just tools and in the end, what is important is how you see yourself. It is also your life and you are the one who sets the direction.

Not your friends, family or loved ones but it wouldn’t hurt to consult them from time to time because these people also care about you.
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BONUS : How to Build Up Self Esteem

Is your self esteem low? Well there are ways to build it up so you don’t do anything destructive and you can do that by following these tips.

First, take a look at yourself and make an assessment. We are not all perfect. There are things that we are ashamed of and there are things that we regret doing. With that, we have to recognize our insecurities.

Once we are able to recognize our insecurities, it is time to for us to try and make it go away. The best way to do is to talk with our loved ones and friends about it. Listen to their advice and then try to resolve one issue before moving on to the next one.

If we only look at our faults, we are not giving credit to who we really are so we must also identify our strengths and successes. Think about what you are good at and then be proud of it. You could excel in a sport, play a musical instrument or have talent drawing.

For those who don’t think they don’t have any talent but would like to see where they can excel in, you should probably try out a few classes and then continue doing whichever makes you happy.

Another way you can build up your self-esteem is to be happy with what you have. A lot of times, we wish we had more money, live in a bigger house or drive a fancier car. If you are able to appreciate what you have rather than wishing for something you don’t, you will never feel incomplete or unsatisfied with how your life is right now.

Part of building your self esteem is being optimistic. This means having a positive outlook in life and never allowing others to put you down. If you let this upset you, this could bring you down even more. So just filter out the good from the bad because only you can determine what happens in your future.

You build up your self esteem every single day the moment you wake up in the morning. Once you get out of bed, look in the mirror and smile because the expression on your face tells your brain that today is going to be a great day.

If you go to work or school with a problem, don’t let other people see it because they could take advantage of it. With that, you have to learn how to fake it so everyone will think how confident you are.

This will even come in handy when you try something for the first time or want to take a gamble on something. If things don’t work out, at least you can say you tried and if you want to do it again, you can learn from your mistakes and hopefully achieve better results.

How to build up self esteem takes time so don’t expect to make a complete 180 degree of yourself overnight. Aside from focusing on yourself, you also have to be sensitive to the needs of others because you are just one person out of more than 6 billion people in this world and you have to get along with almost everyone you meet. Never try to be someone your not because people will see your true colors.

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