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How To Build Self Esteem In Children

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How to Build Self Esteem in Children

Every parent wants their children to succeed in life and the only way to do that is build their self-esteem.

But what is self-esteem? Simply put this is how an individual sees themselves. It is something we inherit and not born with. Children don’t know what that is and this is the reason why parents have to help them find it.

To do that, we have to make our children feel good by expressing them to positive statements. A classic example is to say “good job” for something they did. If you say that frequently, this will be stored in their minds and will surely want to hear more of that in the future.

Since self-esteem is not only about making them feel good about themselves, you will also have to teach them how to express positive statements as well. If they are having difficulty in a task, they should be taught now to give up and say to themselves, “ I can do it if I continue trying.”

Another way they can learn to do that is to buy audio tapes that talk about positive self statements which are designed to help develop their self-esteem.

Our kids are not perfect. As they grow up, they will make a few mistakes and we have to reprimand them for their actions. Instead of saying something negative like “ why did you do such a lousy job?”, you can rephrase it in a way that is more appealing to their senses. A good example will be to say “ don’t you think there is a better way to do it?” Such a statement will make them think and then let them try to do it again.

In order for our kids to know right from wrong, we also have to impart to them decision making. Your child must be taught first to analyze the problem and then think for a bit before making a decision.

The best way to do that is to ask the child certain questions so they can learn how to look at a problem. It will also be helpful if you brainstorm with them for possible solutions especially if they have no idea what to do.

You should only allow your child to use the solution of their choice after becoming fully aware of the consequences. Naturally, the right solution will solve the problem and make the child feel good about themselves.

Part of building your child’s self esteem is allowing them to make choices. Let them choose what hobbies or interests they want to pursue and not something you want because instead of doing it for themselves, they are just doing it to make you happy.

Lastly, let your children realize their strengths and weaknesses. If they are good in certain things, let them excel in it. As for things that are not their forte, let them try to improve on it because it is possible that this can change with some time and practice.

Building the self esteem of your child is not easy and this is one of the duties that every parent must fulfill while they are growing up. If you did a good job, they will be successful in life and you can tell them how proud you are of what they have accomplished.
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BONUS : How to Build Self Esteem

Self esteem is something we all have. It can be developed and improved even further as we grow older so there is the chance that we can become better people. But how do we do that? Well by following some simple steps.

The first step is to accept yourself for who you are. We are only human and there are limitations to what we can do. While there are some limitations that can be changed, there are some that can’t. For instance, if you don’t do well in math, you can get help so you can have a better grade in the future. On the other hand, if you want to buy a car and you don’t have the funds right now, well you just have to accept the fact that at this moment, this is not possible.

Aside from knowing your limitations, you have to understand that people have their own limitations as well and you have to accept them for who they are.

The second step is to understand that you have self worth. You are important to your family, to your friends and to society. You may not be running a country or a business but your contribution as an employee, as a breadwinner to the family and a listener when your friends need someone to talk to has value.

If you know your limits and you have a certain purpose in life, it is time to set realistic goals. When you plan what you want to do, make sure that this can be done over a period of time and not overnight. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you have to do this gradually and once you achieve it after several months, you will be happy with what you have achieved.

Each one of us has experienced something different in our lives. This depends on the people we meet and the challenges that we have encountered. With that, you can take mistakes made as lessons for the future and achievements as things that could push you further. Since you don’t want to sit on your laurels, set your own standards and live by them.

The last thing you have to do to build up your self-esteem is simply to learn to love yourself. If you want to do something, go ahead and try it even if there are some people who may discourage you from doing it.

If you did a great job, give yourself a pat on the back and reward yourself because how you see yourself will be seen by other people so if you learn to value who you are, it will be easier for you to be appreciative of others.

We all have self-esteem and we just have to maintain it or try to make it even better. If you need help in building it, try seeing a specialist or buying a recording and then play it at home. Remember that these things are just tools and in the end, what is important is how you see yourself. It is also your life and you are the one who sets the direction.

Not your friends, family or loved ones but it wouldn’t hurt to consult them from time to time because these people also care about you.

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