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Extreme Obese Women Serious Health Dangers

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Extreme Obese Women Serious Health Dangers

Extreme obese women are putting their health and their lives at risk by remaining heavy. While obesity affects both sexes and can ruin the health of men and women, extreme obese women face some special health challenges that men don’t have to worry about.

One condition that only extreme obese women will face because it’s related to their reproductive system is PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can occur in any woman, overweight or not, but it’s much more common among overweight and obese women.

It can even occur in young girls who are just entering puberty, but generally doesn’t unless they’re overweight. When it occurs very young, serious reproductive problems can result.

PCOS is a condition that can go hand in hand with insulin resistance. When a person is overweight and/or eating a diet rich in simple carbs that are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, insulin resistance can occur pretty easily.

This is when the body’s insulin production is no longer enough to remove the blood sugar from the blood stream. The body has become insulin resistant because of the large amounts that have been released by necessity over a period of time.

While a person can be insulin resistant and not have PCOS, if a person develops the condition it’s generally because they’re insulin resistant and essentially pre-diabetic. PCOS causes small cysts to grow on the ovaries. While the cysts themselves aren’t harmful, they cause hormone imbalances that lead to other problems.

A hallmark of PCOS is elevated testosterone levels. This male hormone in too high levels in females like extreme obese women can cause things like facial hair growth, excessive hair growth in places like the face, stomach and back, and problems with the reproductive cycle.

When too much testosterone is present in a woman’s body, menstrual periods can be delayed, irregular and either very light or very heavy. In some cases, periods can stop altogether. PCOS can affect the reproductive cycle so much that it can be difficult or impossible for a woman to get pregnant.

PCOS causes weight gain, and can make it very difficult for extreme obese women or any women to lose weight. Acne flare-ups are often a sign of PCOS too, because high levels of testosterone are linked with acne break outs.

Another symptom of PCOS is depression. While being obese can also contribute to depression, the hormone changes and fluctuations caused by PCOS can directly contribute to feelings of sadness and depression, too.

While doctors say that PCOS can’t be prevented, eating healthy, getting regular exercise and not smoking are the recommended treatments for the condition. So it stands to reason that if you practice these things already, even if you’re pre-disposed to developing the condition you may never suffer symptoms of the disease.

PCOS can strike any girl, even teenagers, but those who eat poor diets, don’t exercise, and smoke are at a greater risk. For extreme obese women, it’s almost not a matter of whether or not they’ll get PCOS, but when.
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BONUS : Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat For Women

The fastest way to lose belly fat for women is to modify your diet and do the combination of cardio and strength training exercises that make you lose weight all over. That’s because fat gets stored in the tummy first and the stomach is the last place it comes off. Women who are otherwise fit all over may feel a little self conscious in a bikini. So, the fastest way to lose belly fat is to realize that you’ve got to get into perfect shape.

There is no one specific exercise that will make you lose your stomach if you are 20 pounds overweight. Sit ups and crunches will help strengthen the muscles in the area, but do nothing to burn the fat. And, belly fat is, at its core, fat. The only way to lose fat is to eat fewer calories than you burn.

So, one element in the fastest way to lose belly fat is to come up with a healthy eating plan. This is an eating plan for life, not some fad diet. When you yo yo in weight, you actually compound the stomach fat problem because you lose weight in other areas but you put it back on in the stomach area first. So, making a change in your diet on a permanent basis is key.
You’re developing a lifestyle, not going on a temporary diet.

Your diet needs to be concerned not only with the total number of calories but the kinds of calories. You need to take in at least 1 gram of protein per day for every pound you weigh. You also need some fat in your diet. A diet of 30:20:50 in the ratio protein: fat: carbohydrates makes a lot of sense for an overweight woman who wants the fastest way to lose belly fat. Fish oils are the best kind of fat for this purpose.

Next up is your training program. The fastest way to lose belly fat is by doing both weight training and cardio exercises. A study of overweight women showed that women who alternated between cardio and strength training every other day lost significantly more fat in their stomachs than women who relied on aerobics alone.

The best way to do aerobic exercise is high intensity interval training. This is where you do a two minute burst of activity at the most intense level you are capable of doing followed by three minutes of moderate activity. Repeat the cycle.

You will also want to track your progress. Not only will you be encouraged to see your belly fat decreasing, but if you stall or go up, you will be able to correct the problem quickly. It is a good idea to take your body fat measurements every two weeks.

The fastest way to lose belly fat is to develop good lifestyle habits. Once you lose the weight, your belly fat will come off.

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