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When Did You Last Have A Good Sleep

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When Did You Last Have A Good Sleep

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Tempurpedic Mattresses, generically known as Memory Foam, are becoming more popular every day. However, with all the different choices and prices of foam on the market, the consumer should know about the major differences between these products before paying a major amount of money for a bed they will be sleeping on for many years. It adapts to the contours of the body much better than an innerspring mattress. Each person has different preferences due to weight and sleeping habits. The best thing to do is to visit your local bed store and try laying down on a few different models. (When the sales staff have to wake you up, you know you've found the right brand.)

tempurpedic, memory foam

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Tempurpedic Mattresses, generically known as Memory Foam, are becoming more popular every day. However, with all the different choices and prices of foam on the market, the consumer should know about the major differences between these products before paying a major amount of money for a bed they will be sleeping on for many years. It adapts to the contours of the body much better than an innerspring mattress. Each person has different preferences due to weight and sleeping habits. The best thing to do is to visit your local bed store and try laying down on a few different models. (When the sales staff have to wake you up, you know you've found the right brand.)

The importance of a good night's sleep can't be overstated. No-one functions well on lack of sleep. The majority of people in the western world are sleep-deprived, and sleep deprivation is a significant cause of accidents. Remember the Exxon Valdez? That accident took place in the early hours of the morning, and industrial accidents peak on the midnight shift. Students who are sleep-deprived learn poorly. Chronic sleep deprivation affects the appetite centers of the brain, causing overeating and subsequent obesity. Any bed system conducive to a deeper, more restful sleep improves your quality of life.

There are several advantages to memory foam over a conventional mattress: it's hypoallergenic, molds to fit anyone's body, and provides some insulation on cold nights so you need fewer heavy, dusty blankets and comforters. All the pressure points that cause discomfort, and subsequent tossing and turning, are eliminated.

Tempurpedic is the brand name of the pioneer of memory foam, a company in Sweden. It's the top-of-the-line product, but expensive, and there are dozens of cheaper competing brands, some made in America, some in China or other countries. HOWEVER, be warned: not all memory foam products are alike, as with any merchandise, you tend to get what you pay for, both in quality and longevity.

Memory foam is visco-elastic, and it responds to temperature changes much as bubble gum does. Good quality memory foam has a wide range of temperature responsiveness, but some of the cheaper brands can become as hard as wood if you let the bedroom go below 60 degrees. Eventually, as you change position the foam warms up and responds to your body shape, but this can take a few minutes, during which time you will be uncomfortable and may wake up. And cheaper brands may become too soft on hot summer nights, offering no support. Better brands of memory foam, such as Sensus and Temperpedic, specifically state their consistent performance through a wide temperature range.

Another issue is the longevity of the memory foam before it finally breaks down and loses its springiness. Better memory foams offer longer guarantees, 20 years, whereas the cheaper brands offer 10 years.

So, in summary, you don't have to buy the most expensive product, but don't buy the cheapest either. You'll spend many nights regretting your decision. A few hundred dollars extra isn't really a lot when spread out over decades of memory foam mattress use.

As well as differences in quality, there are also differences in memory foam mattress construction. Mattresses can have either 3 or 4 inches of memory foam over a denser supportive core, and more is not always better, because if the top layer of memory foam is too thick, you'll sink in quite far before hitting the supporting layer underneath. Stomach sleepers should buy 2 inch foam, side sleepers and medium sized people should purchase mattresses with 3 inch memory foam, very large people or back sleepers should buy the 4 inch.

The base of the bed can vary as well. Some models feature loose sheets of foam of different firmness levels that can be arranged to the sleeper's personal taste, others are laminated together. Also, man-made (petrochemical foam products) are about 1/3 the cost of natural latex. People who are sensitive to out-gassing of man-made products should consider a natural product.

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When Getting a Good Night's Sleep Remains a Dream

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Getting a good night's sleep has become just a dream for almost all of us. An average person needs eight hours of sleep, but will all the stresses of everyday life, one can be a victim of sleep deprivation and other sleep disorders. This article tackles some of it.

insomnia, stress, lifestyle, recovery

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Getting a good night's sleep is essential for feeling refreshed and alert during the day. When we sleep, our body rests and restores energy levels. However, sleep is an active state that affects both our physical and mental well-being. A good night's sleep is often the best way to help a person cope with stress, solve problems and get a full recovery from illness. But, with all the stresses of everyday life, not everyone can now afford to have the needed eight hours sleep. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep is what an average adult needs to maintain an optimal mental and physical health.

Sleep is prompted by natural cycles of activity in the brain and consists of two basic states: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which consists of Stages 1 through 4. During sleep, the body cycles between non-REM and REM sleep. Typically, people begin the sleep cycle with a period of non-REM sleep followed by a very short period of REM sleep. Dreams generally occur in the REM stage of sleep.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, over 40 million Americans a year will suffer from some sort of sleep disorder. Many of them will go undiagnosed, or turn to over-the-counter sleeping aids for relief. While insomnia is the best-known sleep disorder, over 100 types of sleep disorders actually exist. In order to get a proper diagnosis, itÂ’s important to understand the symptoms and causes of the most common forms of each sleep problems which also include sleep apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), and narcolepsy.

Insomnia is itself often a symptom of other problems. Typical patterns of insomnia include the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, waking up earlier than usual, and daytime fatigue. Most people with insomnia even fall asleep in inappropriate situations, like when they are driving. If this does occur, it may signal that a medical disorder (such as sleep apnea) is the cause of insomnia.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is the primary symptom of sleep apnea. Some people will deny sleepiness but still, they feel fatigued throughout the day. Other symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, snorting, and gasping sounds when one sleeps. More often, it is first noticed by a sleeping partner. Restless sleep is also typical, as are headaches in the morning.

The primary warning sign of Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS is the irresistible urge to move the legs shortly after getting into bed, in the middle of the night after awakening, or even when wide awake during the day. The sensations of discomfort can be quite varied. Kicking or twitching leg movements during sleep, and sometimes while awake, may be warning signs.

Excessive sleepiness during the day, alleviated by naps, is a symptom of narcolepsy. Dreaming during naps and experiencing dream-like hallucinations while asleep are also warning signs. Loss of muscle control called cataplexy that occurs with emotion, such as laughing or anger, and the inability to move during sleep or when one has already awakened (called sleep paralysis) are also symptoms.

To determine if someone has a sleep disorder, first pay attention to a person's sleep habits and lifestyle or daily routine. If a person with sleep disorders is planning to visit a doctor, it is helpful to record sleep habits. Sleep history will help the patient and the doctor find the cause of the sleep problems. A person with a sleeping disorder can address most common sleep problems through lifestyle changes and improved sleep hygiene, but it is important to see a doctor or a sleep specialist for a diagnosis if sleep does not improve.


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