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Transitioning Your Baby To Sleep

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Transitioning Your Baby To Sleep

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New parents have many responsibilities. Close to the top of the list is to develop and nurture good sleep patterns and sleeping habits for their new baby.

baby sleep tips, baby tips, parenting tips

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New parents have many responsibilities. Close to the top of the list is to develop and nurture good sleep patterns and sleeping habits for their new baby. Newborns need to transition from sleeping with the mother to sleeping alone, but getting your baby to learn to sleep on his own takes some time. However, there are many benefits for both the baby and the parents when this takes place. There are a seemingly endless supply of tips and helpful hints to assist parents with this tricky task. Research and try as many as it takes to find out what works best for your baby and you. Trust your intuition and never give up until you have found that magic combination. The reward of your baby and you both getting a good night of sleep on a consistent basis is worth the effort.

Most of the advice you will find to help with your baby’s sleep deals with establishing schedules, habits and associations for your baby just before and during bedtime. Associating bedtime with sleeping is the goal. The sooner you can achieve that association, the more likely the baby will go to sleep without a struggle. Establishing the differences between daytime and nighttime is something that most advisors seem to ignore. Creating the understanding in your baby the change from being awake during daytime and falling asleep at night is a very valuable step. Here are some methods you can try.

Many times your baby has been very active throughout the day and is too stimulated to relax and fall to sleep. Employ one of those sling-type baby carriers that hold your baby close to your body while allowing you to be free to go about your regular activities around the house. Your baby will love being in close contact with you. This will provide ample time for your baby to calm down slowly from that hyped feeling of stimulation and excitement.

Many times the routine of transitioning between thirty minutes or an hour before bedtime is performed by the mother. This may be working against you. Try this with the father. Just before moving the baby into the bed, have Dad hold and cradle the baby close. His voice is generally much deeper than Mom’s is and often the baby can be more soothed by it. This change in routine can be learned as a triggering mechanism for the baby – “Dad is holding me, it must be almost time for sleep.”

Whether you find it in a listing of baby tips or discover it on your own, one of the methods of transitioning into bedtime is to simply take the baby for a car ride. While this idea may seem to be a perfect “quick fix,” I would advise against it. In the beginning, it may seem like a good deal. After all who wouldn’t trade a little inconvenience for a night of peace and quite and sleep? However, as your baby becomes accustomed to that nightly driving ritual, dependence may develop and it will not take long to become much more than just an inconvenience.

The idea is to begin slowly with these transition techniques. Once you and your baby have found the magic formula and have built an almost automatic routine, then just as slowly transition away from them and into a much more simple bedtime pattern. The goal here is to teach your baby to sleep on its own.

Good Night and enjoy your baby and your rest!

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Treating Sleep Apnea

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Stopping breathing or shortness of breath causes sleep apnea. It is a very risky syndrome and if you feel you are suffering from this disorder you should immediately seek medical attention. It can be dangerous to not get proper attention for sleep apnea. If the problem persists and you are not getting any treatment, it could result in serious health hazards like heart attack, stroke, an irregular heart beat, impotency, high blood pressure and other heart related diseases.



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Stopping breathing or shortness of breath causes sleep apnea. It is a very risky syndrome and if you feel you are suffering from this disorder you should immediately seek medical attention. It can be dangerous to not get proper attention for sleep apnea. If the problem persists and you are not getting any treatment, it could result in serious health hazards like heart attack, stroke, an irregular heart beat, impotency, high blood pressure and other heart related diseases.

When a person is suffering from sleep apnea, the upper airways become obstructed. They can be blocked by tissues, large tonsils, or a large tongue. The most common factor behind sleep apnea is the structure of jaw and airway.

Common symptoms of sleep apnea are extreme daytime sleepiness and recurring periods of interrupted breathing. There may be other symptoms of sleep apnea like loud snoring, headaches, being overweight, having high blood pressure and suffering from irritability or a change in personality.

Sleep apnea is dangerous, and it can be fatal in many cases. You should not ignore sleep apnea and get treatment immediately. Weight loss, surgery, dental appliances, and breathing assistance devices are various ways you can treat sleep apnea. The use of a breath assistance device is the most popular and most effective treatment of sleep apnea. These breathing assistance devices help in increasing the air pressure in the airways, which prevents the airways from collapsing. You have to wear this device in the form of a mask that has a small air blower connected through a pipe to the nose, and you must wear this mask when you go to sleep. There is also another type of device which will be useful for those whose tongue is the main source of obstruction. This device is a suction cup that is used to assist the teeth and tongue from closing the airway.

There are different types of surgeries available as treatment for sleep apnea. With surgery, the uvula, the dangling flesh at the back of your mouth, is eliminated and soft palate and pharynx are made tighter. There are also nasal surgeries which are used to improve sleep apnea. There are several jaw surgeries that can treat sleep apnea as they can help in reducing airway blockages.

It is definitely advisable that you seek professional treatment if you are suffering from sleep apnea. There are also several ways in which you can help yourself. If you are overweight, work towards losing some weight. Quitting smoking can help reduce instances of sleep apnea. You should eliminate all alcohol if possible since alcohol worsens sleep apnea. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle you can make living with “sleep apnea” easier.


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