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Medical And Surgical Treatments Available For Sleep Apnea Suffers

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Medical and Surgical Treatments Available for Sleep Apnea Suffers

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Learn about the medical and surgical treatment options available to treat sleep apnea.

sleep apnea, sleep apnea medication, sleep apnea surgery, nasal surgery, breathing problems, neuroactive drugs, antidepressants, mirtazapine

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Few drug-based treatments of obstructive sleep apnea are known despite over two decades of research and tests.

Oral administration of the methylxanthine theophylline (chemically similar to caffeine) can reduce the number of episodes of apnea, but can also produce side effects such as palpitations and insomnia. Theophylline is generally ineffective in adults with OSA, but is sometimes used to treat Central Sleep Apnea, and infants and children with apnea.

In earlier years, some neuroactive drugs, particularly a couple of the modern-generation antidepressants including mirtazapine, have been reported to reduce incidences of obstructive sleep apnea. As of 2004, these are not yet frequently prescribed for OSA sufferers.

When other treatments do not completely treat the OSA, drugs are sometimes prescribed to treat a patient's daytime sleepiness or somnolence. These range from stimulants such as amphetamines to modern anti-narcoleptic medicines.

In some cases, weight loss will reduce the number and severity of apnea episodes, but for most patients overweight is an aggravating factor rather than the cause of OSA. In the morbidly obese a major loss of weight, such as occurs after bariatric surgery, can sometimes cure the condition.

Many researchers believe that OSA is a neurological condition, in which nerves that control the tongue and soft palate fail to sufficiently stimulate those muscles, leading to over-relaxation and airway blockage.

A few experiments and trial studies have explored the use of pacemakers and similar devices, programmed to detect breathing effort and deliver gentle electrical stimulation to the muscles of the tongue. This is not a common mode of treatment for OSA patients, but it is an active field of research.

Surgical Intervention
A number of different surgeries are often tried to improve the size or tone of the patient's airway. For decades, tracheostomy was the only effective treatment for sleep apnea. It is used today only in very rare, intractable cases that have withstood other attempts at treatment.

Modern treatments try one or more of several options, tailored to the patient's needs. Often the long term success rate is low, prompting many doctors to favor CPAP as the treatment of choice.

* Nasal surgery, including turbinectomy (removal or reduction of a nasal turbinate), or straightening of the nasal septum, in patients with nasal obstruction or congestion which reduces airway pressure and complicates OSA.

* Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy in an attempt to increase the size of the airway.

* Removal or reduction of parts of the soft palate and some or all of the uvula, such as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty. Variations of this procedure sometimes use radio frequency waves to heat and remove tissue.

* Reduction of the tongue base, either with laser excision or radio frequency ablation.

* Genioglossus Advancement, in which a small portion of the lower jaw which attaches to the tongue is moved forward, to pull the tongue away from the back of the airway.

* Hyoid Suspension, in which the hyoid bone in the neck, another attachment point for tongue muscles, is pulled forward in front of the larynx.

* Maxillomandibular advancement. A more invasive surgery usually only tried in difficult cases where other surgeries have not relieved the patient's OSA, or where an abnormal facial structure is suspected as a root cause.

In MMA, the patient's upper and lower jaw are detached from the skull, moved forward, and reattached with pins and/or plates.

* Pillar procedure, three small inserts are injected into the soft palate to offer support, reducing snoring and sleep apnea.

The type of surgery is necessary for you will depend on the severity of your sleep apnea. Explore all the possibilities with your doctor.

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Melatonin: All-Natural Alternative Sleep Inducer

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This article is about a natural sleep aid called melatonin, its uses, and effects.Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain that helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. This article also provides information why this hormone is a great all-natural alternative to both prescription and over-the-counter sleeping pills.

insomnia, natural sleep aid, sleeping pills, sleep aid

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When you find it hard to fall asleep; wake up too often in the middle of the night; and still feel tired after you wake up in the morning ---- chances are, you are suffering from a sleeping disorder. In many cases, all that a sleepless person needs to do to solve his nite woes is to take a natural sleep aid. This type of sleep aids help induce sleep due to the bio-chemical effects brought about by herbs and other natural ingredients.
Studies suggest that melatonin supplements help induce sleep in people with disrupted circadian rhythms such as those suffering from jet lag or poor vision or those who work the night shift. Those with low melatonin levels, usually the elderly and individuals with schizophrenia, have benefited from the use of melatonin. In fact, a recent review of scientific studies found that melatonin supplements help prevent jet lag, particularly in people who cross five or more time zones.
A few studies suggest that when taken for short periods of time, melatonin is significantly more effective than a placebo in decreasing the amount of time required to fall asleep; in increasing the number of sleeping hours; and for boosting daytime alertness. Another study indicates that melatonin may improve the quality of life in people who suffer from insomnia and some experts suggest that melatonin may be helpful for insomniac children who also suffer from learning disabilities.
There are now a number of products that serve as all-natural alternatives prescription and over-the-counter sleeping pills. Aside from treating insomnia and combat jet lag, melatonin has been shown to be effective for the:
Prevention of pregnancy;
Protection from free-radicals;
Boosting the immune system; and
Preventing cancer.
But what is melatonin in the first place? Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain that helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour time-keeping system that plays a critical role in determining when we fall asleep and when we wake up. Darkness stimulates the production of melatonin while light suppresses its activity. Exposure to excessive light in the evening or too little light during the day can disrupt the body’s normal melatonin cycles. For example, jet lag, shift work, and poor vision can disrupt melatonin cycles. In addition, some experts claim that exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields (common in household appliances) may disrupt normal cycles and production of melatonin.
The proper dosage varies greatly from person to person. Pills are available in a range of doses (commonly from 1mg to 3mg). It is typically suggested to begin with a small dose (around 1milligram) and work way up to larger doses if necessary. Melatonin should only be taken at nighttime. It is usually most effective when taken about thirty minutes prior to going to sleep.
If a person is traveling across multiple time zones and wishes to use melatonin to counteract the effects of jet lag, he or she may want to take a dosage prior to getting on the flight and a higher dosage prior to going to bed. If a person commonly sleeps during the night, melatonin should not normally be taken during the day, and vice versa because melatonin can influence the body's internal clock.
When thinking about using melatonin as a sleep aid there are some issues that everyone should be aware of. First, there has been no long-term research on the safety and effectiveness of melatonin as a sleep inducer. There is also a lack of information regarding melatonin’s interaction with other medications.
Melatonin is only for adult use. It should not be used by children, teenagers, pregnant or lactating women. If a person has diabetes, epilepsy, leukemia or taking a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor, consult a physician before taking them.


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