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It S Snooze Or Lose Not Snooze And Lose Good Nights Sleep

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It's Snooze or Lose! Not Snooze and Lose | Good Nights Sleep

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Learn how a good nights sleep can be your best bodybuilding/weight loss supplement. Do not let your training program fail because you don’t get adequate sleep.

weight loss, bodybuilding, Good Nights Sleep

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Welcome to the sleepless 21st century. Somewhere in your busy schedule you make time to get to the gym, eat healthy and buy/take your supplements. However as the old saying goes "a chain is only strong as it weakest link" applies to your weight loss and bodybuilding efforts as well. Learn how a good nights sleep can be your best bodybuilding/weight loss supplement.

Do not let your training program fail because you don’t get adequate sleep. What is adequate sleep? This will vary by individual, but most likely you will need eight plus hours to be fully rested. If you are waking up with the help of an alarm (even worse, hitting the snooze button a dozen times), you aren’t getting enough sleep.

There are many general health benefits that can be obtained from simply getting a good night's sleep. A huge one is better cardiovascular health - sleep deprivation has been linked to a hardening of the arteries.

The importance of sleep is much higher for the person trying to gain muscle mass. Your body needs this rest to repair, rebuild and recover the muscle that your workouts have broken down. Sleep plays a vital role in protein synthesis and the release of growth hormone. Insufficient sleep affects growth hormone secretion that is linked to obesity; as the amount of hormone secretion decreases, the chance for weight gain increases. Remember that sleep is your number one bodybuilding supplement....and it's free!

Some supplements you might want to give a try to help improve sleep would be ZMA, GABA, Melatonin, GH enhancers and/or some testosterone boosters. These supplements have shown to help with getting to sleep, and to help establish healthy sleeping patterns. Sleep is vital and many studies have shown that we are simply not getting enough of it.

Do not drink anything right before bedtime. You do not want to consume water so you are not up all night running to the bathroom. You also do not want to consume any caffeine as it will be even harder to fall asleep. Caffeine shouldn’t be consumed at all within 5 hours of bedtime.

Sleep has been proven time and time again to be very important in many aspects of your life. Lack of it can be very hard to make up for later. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise, but studies have shown that most people have sleep as a much lower priority. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. It will lead to a much better day as you are fully recovered and can better concentrate. Life itself overall benefits greatly on proper sleeping habits

Don’t let lack of sleep slow down the results you work so hard for in the gym.

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Jerk Reactions: The Reason We Are Often Jolted Out Of Sleep

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No matter what time we get up in the morning, what our day consisted of, or how late we decided to call it a night, getting a good night's sleep is something we all want and need, but all do differently. Some of us are naturally "restless" sleepers. Despite our exhaustion an efforts, we toss and turn, finding it almost impossible to get comfortable and (perhaps just when we get settled in and comfortable) are awakened by just about any little noise, movement, or glimpse of li...

sleep, dream, sleep help

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No matter what time we get up in the morning, what our day consisted of, or how late we decided to call it a night, getting a good night's sleep is something we all want and need, but all do differently. Some of us are naturally "restless" sleepers. Despite our exhaustion an efforts, we toss and turn, finding it almost impossible to get comfortable and (perhaps just when we get settled in and comfortable) are awakened by just about any little noise, movement, or glimpse of light. Yet, others (of us) are sound sleepers who easily fall asleep, remain virtually undisturbed and "incapacitated" until the next day or until the alarm clock jolts us out of bed (and with lots of effort at that).

However, the one thing that most of us have in common once we've dozed off is that from time to time we all experience a jerking action as our bodies and minds zone into the zone of sleep. And, it frequently leaves us with the feeling that we are falling.

Ever wonder why this happens, and what causes it? If you’re like most of us, we're sure you have.

According to experts, it's all part of a phenomenon known as sleep start. Sleepstart, ironically is an occurrence that even scientists can’t fully explain and don't totally understand. However the most widely accepted scientific speculation and explanation is that the brain misinterprets the relaxation process that muscles experience as you drift into sleep. As a result the brain then notifies, or rather, alerts the muscles, and encourages them to suddenly tense up in an effort to prevent the sensation of "falling".

However, experts assert that regardless of whether these jolts, jolt you out of sleep or not, they are quite common, normal, and nothing to worry about.


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