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How To Banish Dust Mites The Secret Enemy You Sleep With Every Night

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How to Banish Dust MitesÂ…the Secret Enemy You Sleep with Every Night

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You sleep with them every night. They're so tiny you can't see them, but they can make your life miserable and have a serious affect on your overall health and well being. They're dust mites, tiny, prolific organisms that live in your mattress and can cause or aggravate a host of health problems including skin, eye and nose allergies, bronchitis, asthma, headache, depression and fatigue. If you want to know how to get rid of them, read on.

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Dust mites love your mattress because it's the perfect environment for them. It's warm, tends to be moist, and what's more, it's replete with their favorite diet - human skin flakes. The Mayo Clinic estimates that you may be sharing you cozy bed with anywhere from 1 to 10 million of the critters. And though they're microscopic (500 could fit on the head of a pin), they may be causing you big problems.

The reason why these tiny creatures are so virulent is that they are a source of allergens. These allergens come from many sources including the dried body parts of the mites themselves and their fecal matter. The typical dust mite excretes 200 times its boy weight in fecal matter.

One reason this is such a problem is that mites lack a stomach. So digestion occurs outside their bodies. The mites secrete enzymes and deposit the fungus Aspergillus Repens on dust particles. Then the fungus predigests the food for the mites. The dust mite's partially digested food, and fecal matter make up the most major sources of allergens.

The allergens then enter your body at night. As you shift in your sleep, the tiny allergen particles waft into the air and hence into your breathing passage, lungs and ultimately your bloodstream.

Perhaps you think you can clean your mattress or change your sheets and they're gone? Unfortunately this is not the case. Dust mites are tenacious creatures and they're very happy just where they are in your mattress or borrowed into any number of items in your home. Standard vacuuming doesn't work. Traditional household or commercial vacuum cleaners don't have the power to suck out the dust mites and their debris from deep in your mattress. Bleaches and strong soaps won't kill them either. So what will work? Fortunately, there are a few things that the mites hate.

Extreme temperatures, either high or low, are generally fatal to them. However they reproduce quickly and will soon return. They have a life spans of about 30 days and the female lays up to 300 eggs during that period.

Then there's sunlight. Mites hate sunlight because it's a natural form of ultra-violet light, which is harmful to dust mites and their eggs. That's why they like to burrow deep into your mattress where they're safe.

Ultimately, to successfully rid your life of pesky dust mites, you have to apply a rigorous eradication system, and so you really need professional help.

Europeans are much more proactive on the dust mite front (and incidentally have far few allergy clinics that we do here in the US). As a result, they began developing effective mattress cleaning and sanitizing procedures using specialized equipment over 25-years ago. Now, a vastly improved system and procedure is available in the United States.

The most effective system for cleaning and sanitizing mattresses, as well as for use on any porous, allegen collecting surface is from the company Hygienitech, which offers a multi-pronged attack against dust mites, bacteria, mold and fungal spores, common virus and a long list of other contaminants that are found in most homes, as well as multi-bed facilities. Firstly, they go over your mattress with a device comprising a high powered suction device working in conjunction with an electronically regulated germicidal UV-C light. This is ultraviolet light of the C band, a type of highly compressed light which penetrates the surface and functions as a completely green, chemical-free and dry, all natural purification system.

After completing the cleaning and sanitizing process, an all natural, chemical and perfume free citrus spray is misted throughout the area in order to cleanse the air above and surrounding the treated surfaces.

The result is that any mattress, chair, sofa, carpet or drapery is purged of both the dust mites and their debris in a safe and effective manner. It's fast, too. The whole process takes only around 22-minutes minutes for a king-sized mattress. It's recommended you have this procedure done twice a year to keep down the allergens in your home. It makes sense to get rid of your unwanted sleeping partners and create a healthier home for you and your family.

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How To Choose The Right Sleeping Bag For Camping

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How do you make sure that you have selected the best sleeping bag for your camping trip?

What is better:

GOOSE DOWN or the SYNTHETIC sleeping bag?

The last thing you want to happen when you're 20 miles into the woods is to find your sleeping bag is not warm enough.

You will be facing a very long and unrestful night which can ruin your spirits and sap your strength for the next day.

There are several pros and cons to most of the options available in sleeping b...


Article Body:
How do you make sure that you have selected the best sleeping bag for your camping trip?

What is better:

GOOSE DOWN or the SYNTHETIC sleeping bag?

The last thing you want to happen when you're 20 miles into the woods is to find your sleeping bag is not warm enough.

You will be facing a very long and unrestful night which can ruin your spirits and sap your strength for the next day.

There are several pros and cons to most of the options available in sleeping bags.

A Goose down is very warm. It is lightweight to carry and can be easily compressed for travel and quickly regain form when shaken out. It is by far a better choice for backpackers who intend to carry the bag with them for extended trips because of the lighter weight and smaller packing. However, goose down is also more expensive and losses its insulating properties when wet - a consideration if sleeping outdoors or travelling in inclement weather.

Synthetic filled bags are cheaper than goose down and retain their warmth even in wet conditions. They dry faster than down and are a good choice if travelling by boat or sleeping outdoors on the ground. However, synthetic bags are heavier and larger which can be a downside if you are hiking long distances with the bag.

For the average family camper synthetic bags are the least expensive and least affected by wet conditions. If travelling by car to a campground the size and weight of a synthetic bag should not be a problem.


As with the insulating materials, the shape of bag you choose will depend on your specific needs with pros and cons for each type.

Rectangle bags are most similar to bed sleeping and most familiar to the average user. They permit room for movement and you can easily zip two bags together for shared sleeping. However, rectangle bags are the biggest and not the best option for carrying on extended hikes.

Tapered bags are somewhat narrower towards the feet area of the sleeping bag. This shape provides less freedom of movement but more warmth because of the restricted space.

Mummy bags are the smallest and lightest to carry. They are very snug to the body (as the name suggests) with a hood that can be fitted around the head to conserve the greatest amount of body heat. While the average user may find the mummy bag uncomfortable to sleep in because of the restriction they are the best choice for cold weather camping and long hikes because of their warmth and small size.


Sleeping bags will list the coldest temperature they are suitable for sleeping in. Depending on if you are camping in the summer or colder months you will need to choose a bag accordingly. Also take into consideration if you are normally cold or hot when sleeping and make the adjustments.

In most cases it is recommended to choose a warmer bag since you can always open it for venting if it is too warm. The temperature rating is based on using a sleeping pad under the sleeping bag which conserves body heat from the ground.


If you frequently camp out you may want to consider a liner for your bag which will increase its warmth and can be washed separately, saving your sleeping bag from extra wear and tear.

You can also purchase sleeping bag covers. Some of these can substitute for a warm weather sleeping bag and can extend an all season bag into a cold weather bag by increasing the warmth. They can also provide extra protection from wet conditions and are a good choice for protecting goose down sleeping bags.

How comfortable you are when you sleep will drastically affect your enjoyment of a camping or hiking trip. Saving five or ten dollars at the expense of a good nights sleep will not seem like a good idea when you are tired and cold out in the woods, so choose wisely.


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