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How Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better...

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How Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better...

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The amount of physical activity that you expend during the day is a key ingredient to helping you sleep restfully at night.

The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are able to relax fully at night and fall asleep easily.

With regular exercise your sleep quality is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep becomes smoother and more regular.

Keeping up your physical activity during the day may also be help you deal with...


Article Body:
The amount of physical activity that you expend during the day is a key ingredient to helping you sleep restfully at night.

The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are able to relax fully at night and fall asleep easily.

With regular exercise your sleep quality is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep becomes smoother and more regular.

Keeping up your physical activity during the day may also be help you deal with the stress and worry in your life.

Studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel both emotionally and physically by changes in our brain chemistry that occur from regular exercise.

Try to increase your physical daily activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you are not restless at night.

Our bodies require a certain amount of physical activity in order to function in a healthy manner.

It is important to note that you should not be exercising three to four hours before bed.

The ideal time for you to exercise is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

Attempt to exercise at least three to four times a week for a continuous period of 20 to 30 minutes. This can include something as simple as walking or something as strenuous as running.

The goal is to increase your heart rate and strengthen your lung capacity. Adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will improve your overall health and benefit you emotionally. This is can help promote a natural remedy for your sleeplessness.

Besides walking and running there are many physical activities that you can add to your life to increase your activity level. Aerobic exercises seem to work best to battle sleeplessness.

Your goal is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood. There are many types of aerobic activities to choose from. These include running, biking, using a treadmill, jumping rope, and dancing.

Some non-aerobic activities may be beneficial to you as you attempt to solve your insomnia problem. The following activities are relaxing and have other healing properties:

- Yoga has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, particularly the brain. Yoga uses breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase blood circulation to the brain centre, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. Regular practice of yoga will relax you as well as relieve stress and tension.

- Tai Chi is a form of breathing and movement that was developed by ancient Chinese monks. The movements involved in Tai Chi are precise and slow, which is ideal if you have joint pain or are unable to participate in high impact aerobic exercises. Studies have shown that Tai Chi may help people with insomnia by promoting relaxation.

If you find that you have no time to exercise on a regular basis try sneaking extra moments of activity into your daily schedule. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.

Try parking your car around the corner and walking that extra block to your appointment. There are many small ways that you can incorporate some added activity into your life. Your goal is to have a healthy, well balanced life...

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BONUS : Title:
How Much Sleep Do We Really Need

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Sleep plays a vital role in our daily regimen, as during this dormant period, it recharges and revitalizes our weary body organs and tissues. The amount of sleep an individual requires varies from person to person, to achieve this healthy balance, and to feel well rested upon awakening.

Researchers maintain a constant seven to eight hours of daily sleep throughout the year. However, researchers in America tend to take a different view. They assert that because most of us can extend our daily sleep, we must need to do so. This would mean that people who seem content with seven and a half hours of sleep a day during the week but enjoy nine hours at the weekend are, unknowingly, chronically deprived, and actually need nine hours every day. Evidence for this is said to come from the many people who are sleepy in the daytime.


Article Body:
Sleep plays a vital role in our daily regimen, as during this dormant period, it recharges and revitalizes our weary body organs and tissues. The amount of sleep an individual requires varies from person to person, to achieve this healthy balance, and to feel well rested upon awakening.

Researchers maintain a constant seven to eight hours of daily sleep throughout the year. However, researchers in America tend to take a different view. They assert that because most of us can extend our daily sleep, we must need to do so. This would mean that people who seem content with seven and a half hours of sleep a day during the week but enjoy nine hours at the weekend are, unknowingly, chronically deprived, and actually need nine hours every day. Evidence for this is said to come from the many people who are sleepy in the daytime.

When we drift off to sleep, we either fall into a deep, restful sleep, or into a shallow, light sleep. It becomes obvious that if you experience a deep sleeping for few hours, it will be better than sleeping for long hours while experiencing a shallow sleeping as you will find yourself very tired, and your body is exhausted when you wake up.

Napoleon Bonaparte, who was not a good sleeper, had advocated “six hours sleep for a man, seven for a woman and eight for a fool”

Many studies make it clear that the amount of sleep each person needs varies and depends on many factors, including age. Infants generally require about 16 hours a day, while teenagers need about 9 hours on average. For most adults, 7 to 8 hours a night appears to be the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as 5 hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day. Women in the first 3 months of pregnancy often need several more hours of sleep than usual. The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he or she has been deprived of sleep in previous days. Getting too little sleep creates a "sleep debt," which is much like being overdrawn at a bank. Eventually, your body will demand that the debt be repaid.


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