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3 Day Diet Reviews Which One Works Best

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3 Day Diet Reviews Which One Works Best

These 3 day diet reviews are intended to help you find the best program to lose weight the fastest. These diets have been around for years, and there’s not usually a huge difference between one diet and the other, but that doesn’t mean they all work exactly the same.

The general purpose of these diets is to lose weight as quickly as possible over a short period of time. You could think of them as sprints rather than the usual marathon of long term dieting. Like sprints, they can’t and shouldn’t be maintained for the long term, something to keep in mind when reading these 3 day diet reviews.

These diets are all low calorie, and some of them are very low calorie. They tend to be low carbohydrate, whether they intend to be or not, simply by virtue of the low calories. As a rule, the more starchy foods allowed, the lower the calories are going to be.

The main differences in the diets we’re looking at in these 3 day diet reviews is the kinds of foods you’re allowed. They all tend to restrict carbohydrates because this causes you to lose water weight quickly. Combined with the rest of the diet, this leads to rapid weight loss.

The Mayo Clinic Diet

This is by far the most popular of the diets we’ll be looking at in these 3 day diet reviews, and is also known as the grapefruit diet, because every meal is preceded by eating half of a large grapefruit.

The overall diet tends to focus on eating meat and vegetables with fruit in the form of the grapefruit. For the most part, portion size isn’t limited, but you can’t have bread or dairy. The grapefruit causes you to eat less, so you’re able to eat to satisfaction without feeling like you’re not eating.

If you’re a big fan of breads and sweets, you’re going to find that this diet is the most effective but probably the most difficult of the diets to do. Nevertheless, it is very good for its intended purpose.

Cleveland Clinic Diet

This diet is the most calorie restrictive of the three diets in these 3 day diet reviews, but it also has the biggest variety of food. You get to eat bread, peanut butter and cheese, as well as ice cream, but the amounts you get to eat are very small.

If you’re a taste oriented person rather than someone who is more concerned with having a full belly, this is probably going to be the best of the diets we’re looking at in these 3 day diet reviews for you. Because of the extremely low calories, it is very important you don’t exceed the three days limit.

Tuna and Water Diet

The most extreme of the diets looked at in these 3 day diet reviews, this is exactly what it sounds like. For three days, you eat as much water packed tuna as you like, along with drinking as much water as you can handle.

The upside of this diet is that it is the fastest way to lose weight. The downsides, though, are numerous. Most people won’t be able to handle eating this limited variety even for three days, and you cannot, under any circumstances, do this for more than three days without risking health consequences.

Hopefully, these 3 day diet reviews will help you pick the diet that is best for your personality and your goals. This kin d of diet isn’t for everyone, and it’s important you pick a method that will work for you.
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BONUS : 3 Day Diets Lose 5 Pounds In Just 3 Days

3 Day Diets are fad diets that promise that you will lose a small amount of weight – usually about 5 pounds – in just three days. Some also promise cleansing, lowered cholesterol, and increased energy. These diets are not scientifically proven, but with the limited time scope of the plans, should not cause any harm. You can actually lose some weight with 3 day diets.

Don’t expect to have long term weight loss with the various 3 day diets. These are strictly restricted calorie plans wherein you lose water weight. They’re great if you have an upcoming event such as a wedding or reunion to attend. However, they’re not supposed to be used as a permanent lifestyle solution.

One of the 3 day diets is also known as the Cleveland Clinic Diet. It should be noted that the actual Cleveland Clinic in Ohio has disavowed any relationship with the program. This diet has also been called the Mayo Clinic diet (the Mayo Clinic has also disavowed it) and the grapefruit diet.

The reason this is called the Grapefruit Diet is because you eat ½ a grapefruit or 4 oz. of grapefruit juice with each meal. If you eat the grapefruit in its natural state and dig into the rind, you will actually get 6 grams of fiber. It is recommended that people get 25 grams of fiber a day and dieters may want to push that to 30 or 35 grams. Eating this much grapefruit may help you on your way. It should be noted though that grapefruit juice has no fiber.

You should also know that grapefruit has no special fat burning or metabolism enhancing qualities. It’s simply a fruit that is good for you just like apples and oranges. The 3 day diets take advantage of this fact and turn it into a gimmick.

The 3 day diets work in part, because they are very low calorie programs. Breakfast might include an egg, a slice of dry toast, and a banana – a total of 200 calories. Lunch is a cup of cottage cheese and 5 saltine crackers – again under 200 calories. Dinner seems more substantial with 3 oz. of lean turkey, 2 cups of vegetables, a banana, and ½ cup of vanilla ice cream, but you are still eating less than 350 calories. Your 3 servings of grapefruit add another 150 calories. That’s just 900 calories for the day!

Of course you are going to lose weight on 900 calories, even if you just sit around and watch tv all day! This isn’t sustainable across time, but for a quick and dirty solution to losing a few pounds, it can work.

A lifestyle choice it’s not, but 3 day diets can get you into your “skinny jeans” before a big date, let you look like your high school prom picture for your 10 year reunion, or fit into your dream wedding dress. Anything more is just too much to expect from the 3 day diets.

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