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Low Carb Diet Information What Should You Eat

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Low Carb Diet Information - What Should You Eat

When trying to lose weight, most people try to find low carb diet information. Fans of the low carb approach will tell you that it is possible to lose weight within a short period of time. Music to the ears of those of us who have battled with our weight!

But how successful are low carb diets in the long term? It is hard to quantify this as most people who start a diet tend not to last. There are numerous reasons for this. The fact that you are on a diet is sometimes enough to trigger huge food cravings. I don’t know about you but as soon as I go on a diet, the chocolate cravings hit with a vengeance.

While I think I have tried every sort of diet at some point, the only thing that works for me is to combine exercise with eating more fruit and vegetables. These foods are a dieter's dream. You can fill up on your favorite fruit, so long as it isn’t bananas, without piling on the pounds. Obviously you wouldn’t want to eat just fruit and vegetables. We need a little of all the food groups in our diet in order to maintain our bodies at their best.

So what should people who want to lose weight eat? Well as we said, fruit and vegetables are the super foods for slimmers. These foods are bulky and watery which means that they are low in fat and provide a lot of volume for few calories. But you cannot just eat the same vegetables every day. You need to eat as many different colors as you can find. Fresh, frozen or canned are fine so long as they are not canned in sugar sauces.

Start your meal with a salad and you will probably eat less overall. But you also need to eat carbohydrates, proteins and some fats.

Carbohydrates should include wholegrain cereals and breads as a good source of vital B vitamins. People with diabetes should eat high fiber starchy foods in order to regulate their blood sugar level so plenty of brown rice and pasta. The white stuff belongs in the bin.

It will surprise those looking for low carb diet info to see that we should all include fats in our diets, even us slimmers. But there are good fats and bad fats. Good fats include those found in oily fish and avocadoes. Bad fats i.e. those found in biscuits, cakes, sauces and pre-packaged foods are best avoided.

Eating calcium rich low fat foods is a great idea for those trying to lose weight as the calcium will help to metabolise fat quicker. You also run the risk of osteoporosis in later life if you cut all milk and dairy out of your diet. Try drinking skimmed milk which is higher in calcium than full fat milk.

It goes without saying that low carb diet information will always suggest you cut out the pasta with creamy sauces and sugar coated breakfast cereals.
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BONUS : Low Carb Diet Meals That Wont Leave You Starving

Eating low carb diet meals will help you to lose weight. You will eat more proteins, good fats, fruit and vegetables.

Although you are following a diet low in carbohydrates, you will still need to eat some as they contain vital nutrients and minerals our body needs. To avoid blood sugar spikes that will leave you miserable, spread your carbohydrate intake over the day. Don’t consume it all at one meal.

Speak to your doctor before embarking on any type of diet that excludes or significantly reduces a whole food group. You do not want to lose weight at the cost of your health. Most people will see an increase in good health when they start losing those extra pounds and getting more exercise.

When following a low carbohydrates diet, the best results come from imposing a curfew. No carbs after 5pm. Why? Extra calories that you consume are converted into fat if you do not use this excess energy. As you are likely to be more sedentary in the evenings it makes sense not to eat carbohydrates at this time. Foods such as white bread and pasta can cause bloating and cravings for additional sugar so best avoided.

When you start putting this carb curfew in place you should find that you wake up hungrier in the mornings. This is good news as breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We have all seen the diet research that says you are more likely to snack on additional foods if you skip this first meal. For your breakfast, skip the high sugar cereals. Old fashioned porridge made on water or skimmed milk makes a great breakfast as it releases energy slowly throughout the day as well as being very filling.

If porridge doesn’t do it for you, try having a boiled egg with some wholegrain toast. Or add an avocado into the mix. Although avocados contain fats, they are the good ones that we all should be having more of. If you have time, have a bacon and tomato sandwich. Grill rather than fry the bacon and make sure the bread is granary or wholemeal. No white bread allowed. Obviously you shouldn’t have bacon every morning but the odd day won’t hurt.

For lunch you could have poached eggs or perhaps a tuna salad. You need to eat a variety of colored and types of fruit and vegetables in order to get the nutrients you need. They also help to fill you up.

For dinner when your carbohydrates curfew is in place, fill up on protein and vegetables. For example, you could have a grilled chicken breast and roasted vegetables. Make a vegetarian chili. Experiment and try different things. When eating, eat more slowly, enjoy your food and listen to your body. When we eat too quickly we miss the signals that we are full and thus overeat.

Following these low carb diet meals will help you lose the pounds in no time.

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