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Juice Recipes For Weight Loss Do They Work

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Juice Recipes For Weight Loss Do They Work

Can you use juice recipes for weight loss? Yes in the short term but you would not want to rely on juices for the rest of your life.

If you need to lose a few pounds in a hurry going on a juice fast may be the answer. You can lose as much as three or four pounds in the first couple of days. Be aware though that a lot of the weight you are losing is excess water and therefore it is not sustainable. Weight loss gradually drops off to about one pound a day.

Going on a juice diet is very similar to going on a detox plan. Instead of eating lots of raw fruit and vegetables, you are going to be drinking their juices. The idea is that you still get lots of vitamins and minerals whilst losing weight. But recent studies have shown that as sugar is concentrated in fruit and to a lesser extent vegetable juices, you would actually be better eating the whole fruit or vegetable.

Different juice recipes for weight loss include cucumber juice, tomato juice, carrot juice, and apple and celery juice. Some people add protein powder to the juice in order to make it more filling.

Over the long term you do not want to rely solely on juices. Your teeth will suffer due to the acid and sugar in the juices not to mention your intake of the vitamins and nutrients you need for good health will be compromised.

You should aim to improve your overall eating habits. By all means try a juice diet for a couple of days to kick-start your weight loss. But developing a healthy lifestyle involves more than buying a juicer. You need to become more active to get those pounds shifted. Start with an exercise you enjoy and then vary the routine to prevent boredom settling in. Some exercises are better at fat burning than others so it makes sense to try different activities.

Instead of juices, you could choose to have soup several times a week. You can’t have packet or tinned soup though as these can contain hidden fats and sugars not to mention salt. By soups we mean the homemade variety. Soups are made with vegetables and pulses, both key ingredients in a healthy lifestyle. Don’t be tempted to add salt to your soup. Use herbs to flavour it instead. If the recipe calls for milk or cream, use skimmed milk or low fat yogurt instead. And needless to say, you need to forget about eating bread with this soup!

Drink plenty of water to keep your system hydrated. This is especially important when you suddenly increase the amount of fiber in your diet as otherwise you can end up constipated. You should be aiming for at least 8 glasses a day. Drinking lots of water will also help you to eat less thus reducing calorie intake.

Juice Recipes for weight loss do work but are not a long term solution.
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BONUS : Ketosis Diet Low Carb Programs Activate Metabolism

Do you want to go on a Ketosis diet? Several popular diet plans are based on this principle. Adkins and South Beach are both diets which restrict carbs. This results in a ketosis diet.

The theory behind a ketosis diet is that your body will burn fat rather than carbohydrates if you deprive it of almost all carbohydrate sources. This means limiting your carb intake to just 20 grams in some cases.

Normally, the carbohydrates in food are converted into glucose. The glucose is then transported through the body and is particularly important in fuelling the brain. However, if there are very little carbs in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. Thus, the body produces ketone bodies—a state known as ketosis.

Low Carb diets take advantage of this state of ketosis. Since cells in the body can use ketones for energy instead of glucose, and since ketones are easier to produce, only a small amount of glucose is created. In other words, ketosis is the more significant process in this case. Diets low in starches and sugars do not directly affect blood sugar levels significantly, meals tend to have little direct effect on insulin levels. These diets tend to discourage insulin production in general.

Additionally, many experts argue that a ketosis diet is more like the diet our bodies have evolved to use. Prior to the advent of agriculture just a few thousand years ago, the human body had millions of years of evolution which selected for a hunter gather lifestyle. Hunter gatherers had very few carbs in their diets. They may have had the original ketosis diet.

Dr. Robert Adkins first published the Adkins Diet Revolution in 1972 which set off the modern round of low carb dieting. At the time, its appeal was limited because so many scientists and doctors condemned it. Over time, though, it gained credibility and when he republished the book as Dr. Adkins New Diet Revolution, it set off a frenzy.

Soon other ketosis diet books appeared. These included the popular South Beach diet, Zone diet, and Protein Power.

While the scientific community still hasn’t acknowledged the value of the ketosis diet, they have started to make recommendations that people reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diets. The medical community has stressed the importance of fiber in diets and recommended that children not drink juice on a regular basis.

While the popularity of ketosis diets has waned since it’s height in 2004, there are still many adherents. That’s because, for many people, low carb diets work when nothing else has before.

There has been much scientific research on low carb diets. There are many studies which show it works and many studies which show that it is dangerous. Because of these competing studies, advocates on both sides can pull up evidence that they are right.

Once you do your due diligence, you will be better able to decide whether to pursue a ketosis diet.

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