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Does Your Parking Lot Look Busy Your Prospects Are Watching

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Does Your Parking Lot Look Busy? Your Prospects Are Watching

Twice a week I go to a great little massage place in the neighborhood, and right next door is a tiny Indian restaurant. The food always smells delicious when I walk by, and the owner excitedly waves at passersby. But there's a reason why I've never gone in and given it a chance...

The restaurant is always empty!

When I walk by, I always think, "Hmm, maybe I'll try that place for takeout one night." But in five years I never have. I always end up going two doors down to the bustling Chinese place or the sushi place with the line out the door - even though I have to usually wait 20 minutes for my food to be ready.

What's even funnier is that the food at those places isn't even great, but I keep thinking I must be missing something since so many other people like it!
The saying is true... no one wants to eat at a restaurant where there are no cards parked outside.

We all go by the feeling of "safety in numbers" and look for what some people call "social proof" that something is good or works before we try it.
This is why it's extremely important to use testimonials on your website, brochures, and marketing materials, and even in your talks and teleseminars.
And it's even MORE important for people like us whose businesses don't have parking lots. It's up to US to show prospects they won't be the first person ever to hire us or buy our products!

Simple idea, yes, but many people forget to use it in their marketing. (Even I forget sometimes, too.) But it's extremely important. Whether conscious or subconscious, seeing testimonials for a product or service makes us feel "safe" when deciding to buy.

But please remember the big difference between a good testimonial and a lame one. Let's look at two examples:

Example 1: "I've really enjoyed being a part of Alexandria Brown's Gold Mastermind program and have found it great value for the money." - E.B.
This one's all right, says nice things, and gives the person's initials. Problem is, there are no actual *results* shared here, and using initials-only leaves doubt about the authenticity of the testimonial.

Example 2: (and a real one, too!): "Since joining Alexandria Brown's Gold & Platinum Mastermind programs last year, I've doubled my revenues and can directly attribute at least $100,000.00 to her ideas and advice. Believe me, you WANT to be a part of this exceptional group of entrepreneurs!" -- Christine Kloser, Founder of "The Conscious Business Circle", Red Lion, Pa.,

Now, let's look at the second one. Much more effective because it's results oriented. That is, it shares actual results the client/customer has gotten. Do whatever you can to include numbers, dollar amounts, and/or percentages -- these will grab your prospect's attention, let them know this is the real deal, and dramatically increase your response.

Also, the more information you provide about your clients and customers, the more believable and effective their testimonials will be. Include full name, occupation or company name, city and state they're from, web address (if applicable), and a PHOTO. (Even a poor photo, if that's all they have. It's important to make them REAL to your reader.)

If you're in a sensitive industry and clients don't want their names revealed, then share as much as you can about them otherwise. For example, "-- female Fox News executive, 38, Studio City, Calif." While it's not as good as giving their names, it's better than nothing.

And remember, one of the best things about using testimonials is it's much more effective for your clients and customers to rave about YOU than for you to rave about yourself. So let them "rave" and have fun with it!

BONUS TIP: Use Testimonials to Address Common Objections

If you really want testimonials to dramatically improve your response, make a list of the common objections your prospects usually have to buying your products or services. And then have at least one testimonial that addresses each. For example, when I first started selling my Boost Business with Your Own online newsletter system, I learned that some folks weren't buying it because they thought they needed a website to get started. So I found a success story from one of my customers who had used the system and never even had a real website. And we created a testimonial that made sure to share that fact.
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BONUS : Don’t Be Afraid Of Your Topic…

Have you ever thought why another college term papers causes your distress? You just saw its confusing title and it seems to make no sense to you. Or you can’t decide what topic to choose from a countless number of options spinning in your mind. Yes, I will agree with you that sometimes the choice and misunderstanding of the topic are the main hindrances in producing a good writing. But we should overcome this barrier. We will see how to get the meaning of the assigned topic and to choose a winning topic. Your paper suggests a complete exposure of the topic. Sometimes you need just to understand it and that is all.

Try reading the topic several times and find key word in it, that is the nucleus of your topic. Relate the key word to a specific academic discipline. As you see, careful thinking over the topic helps you to understand that it is not that difficult. Before the main stage of the writing process you should memorize the title of your topic. While working on your paper repeat it constantly and that way you will not get off the point. In many cases teachers give you an opportunity to select the topic on your own. It is difficult to say what is better: to work on the assigned topic or to hesitate which to choose? It depends. We are sure you will determine which variant suits you best. Our aim is to provide you with information that will facilitate your writing procedure.

As you are choosing the topic take into consideration the following ideas: 1) You will never produce a good paper if you don’t feel enthusiastic about the topic. Your choice should be based on the area of your personal interests, preferences and the subjects that appeal to you. 2) Don’t choose the complicated topic. You will waste a lot of precious time in search of necessary information and even more time to make some sense of it. Besides there is a risk of finding nothing and then all you have to is to order custom term papers. 3) Narrow your topic.

It is impossible to cover a general topic in your paper. Extract more specific and particular issue from a general topic. That way you will have an opportunity to give a deeper and more detailed discussion of the question. 4) Your topic should give opportunities for doing your independent research, in which you will demonstrate your skills and abilities to collect, assemble, generalize and analyze facts and documents. We want to wish you inspiration, concentration and not so much perspiration with your term paper. Remember, when you make a choice it must be the best!

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