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Your Must Know Guide To Writing Thank You Notes

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Your Must Know Guide To Writing Thank You Notes

After the pomp and circumstance is over and you have opened the last wedding gift it soon comes time to face the daunting task of writing your thank you notes. If you are anything like me the thought of sitting down to a stack of cards makes me find every excuse in the book not to do them. The key to writing your thank you notes is preparation and organization. In fact with the right preparation writing thank you notes can be simply painless. The following are some suggestions on how to make writing thank you notes a more pleasant task.

To stay on top of the situation order your thank you cards when ordering your invitations. Not only do you stay with the theme but you also ensure that the cards will be there when it comes time to writing them. If you plan on being a little creative by adding pictures to your thank you cards discuss this with your photographer at your first meeting. Talk with your photographer on photo suggestions and the card options that are available to you. Make sure to order plenty of cards.

The second most important detail is to be organized. Make sure to keep track and document every present that is sent or given to you. Have a bridesmaid write in detail what you receive at your bridal shower. Request a very descriptive and specific list. Keep all stationary supplies necessary for writing your note cards together and place it somewhere easily accessible for when you are ready to write.

To make things more personal handwrite each note. Handwritten notes are individualized and show your guest how important they are and how much you appreciate the gift they have given you because you have taken the time to tell them. You can add in the note something about the gift and how you plan on using it. If they gave you money mention how you plan on spending the money.

Addressing thank you notes can be a little delicate. Refer to your close friends and family by their first name. For those individuals that you don’t know well Mr. and Mrs. is more appropriate. The same holds true for the closing of your note. Sign both (first) names on the informal notes and include your first and last name on the more formal notes. Find a writing utensil that you are most comfortable with and that writes nicely. A fine point Sharpie or a ball point pen work well.

The key to successful completion of your thank you notes is planning. Since these notes must go out within three months after the wedding it is essential that careful planning occurs ahead of time. All your notes do not have to be written a once. Pace yourself and spread them out. Pick a favorite spot in your house, get comfortable, and start writing. You will be amazed at how fast your stack of cards and your list begin to decrease. Before you know it you are done.
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BONUS : 3 Ways You Can Profit From Giving Your Writing Away

I recently made an important discovery that I just couldn't wait to share. You can make money by giving your writing away. Yes, it really is true.

This isn't some "get rich overnight" scheme or some trick to get you to lay out a bunch of money for a "turn key business". You have to do the work yourself and it will take some time to set everything in place -- but anyone with an elementary grasp of the English language can make this work!

Giving your writing away to web sites, blogs, ezines, and newsletters can really make you some serious cash on the internet and I'm not joking. I have been writing professionally for two decades and I never thought I'd make more by writing for free but I am.

In fact, I make more money giving my writing away than I did selling my articles and columns. That's right. The truth is that I'm making more money writing part-time for free than I did in any of my full-time paid writing jobs and that includes advances and royalties from the publication of three novels.

There are three ways I profit from giving my writing away. They aren't secrets and you can use them profitably as well:

- Traffic for my web sites and blogs (I've seen traffic triple within a week from some articles)

- Reputation building for me and my online enterprises which helps attract clients, customers, and visitors

- Profit for my advertisers and for me through sales of my own products as well as affiliate income

It really is not a difficult or complicated business model and one any competent writer, or anyone with the ability to string a decent sentence together, could replicate or modify to suit their purpose. I am a writer not a business person, but I know this is working for me and that it could work for you, too.

And let me share one last terrific benefit of this writing business -- you can write whatever you want. You aren't dependent on some editor's whim or assignment. You don't need to worry about tightly focusing your work to fit within a publication's editorial guidelines. You are in total control -- you write to suit yourself in terms of topic, approach, and tone. And you'll make more money doing that then you ever did when you tried to write for someone else. I promise!

Now go out there and give your writing away!

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